Why do women wear tight leggings ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Wtf dude, did you even read what I wrote before? In my first message? If not, I will copy it here:

    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. He only reads and comprehends what he wants to, at this point it's useless as you'll be arguing for the rest of your life at this rate.
    IR254 likes this.
  3. This reply was for @IR254...i don't know why you are always against my beliefs..read the post for whom i have written that.
  4. Your concept of some men is false.
  5. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    How? Elaborate further!
  6. True, I didn't see that and thought it was for me. I never said I was against all your beliefs, you literally asked why women wear leggings and I told you why before it turned into this shit show.
    sev94 likes this.
  7. I am talking about what happens in my place where i live. Every men hear are hungry wolves and even these so called real women know that. Rapes happen here more often. Then also, these girls try to expose themselves. Not only these men but any self controlled boy will loose their control when they see everything transparent. And majority of women here are like that and this is creating a big problem in the life of rebooters like me, maybe for non-addicts, it might be normal. I am not saying that women must not have their freedom of clothes, but what kind of clothes are this man..bra-less tops and tight leggings...i don't think this is a fashion trend. And how can these girls be comfortable when these many men stare at them just becoz they are wearing some stupid clothes. This was the thing i was explaining to @Sarah Walker, but i think she meant something else becoz of my bad english.
  8. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Just false. That claim is ridicouless.

    Yes, that probably is true. However, that is YOUR problem. YOU are addicted, not the women. An alcoholic, who you sees bars on every corner, is responsable for not drinking, not the bar owner or the other customers. Stop blaming others.

    You say, women should have freedom, but then say basicially the complete opposite. Feel free to feel whatever you want about leggings. You might love them, you might hate them. I don't care, that's your business. But don't you dare to force your opinion on women, who do not share your believes. And as you said yourself, the amount of women, who don't share your opinion are quite a few.

    That's non of your business, if people like being looked at. Some do, some don't. I'm not saying you have to understand it, but you have to tolerate it.
    sev94, Numb and Deleted Account like this.
  9. Forcing my opinion on women. What? Ok..wear whatever you want ..the thing addicts like me know very well that nobody wants our progress in this world and we know how to deal with it. And yes, same goes to you, its only me talking politely here but not getting the same response from you all and making me to believe what you all believe. It's ok though, i didn't expect much.
  10. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I don't understand what you're saying.

    Huh? Where was I unpolite? Yes, I don't share your opinion and I said that and told you exactly why. But that's not unpolite.
  11. If apparently men and boys there are so heavily influenced by what a woman wears they can't 'control themselves', and it's spurring a supposed 'rape culture' as you say, I think your country or city has a bigger issue than what they're wearing...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2018
    Rancid Tove, Jennica and IR254 like this.
  12. In my mind i know its a fashion and that i have no right to ogle or think sexual thoughts. Would appreciate any methods from guys who are very good at controlling their thoughts on this.
    In the past i have ashamedly ogled and looked up P when i got home to mimic what ive seen earlier. Feels unpleasant to admit that. It's part of the reason i'm here to try to change my mind and behaviour. So, good advice would be welcome.
    Deleted Account, Phadreous and IR254 like this.
  13. I'm EXACTLY the same. One time, I went to my barbers & there is a hot woman working there.. She was wearing these healed trainer things, I don't know what to call them... but they kinda looked sexy... Next minute once I got home I'm searching for girls wearing them LOL it's crazy.

    I've done it several other times with all different other types of clothing too...

    But now I am trying to put much more emphasis on their face rather than their bodies. Obviously I will glance, but I will leave it as a glance - for now it's working at least, and I feel I am connecting much better with people because of this too. Maybe they get a "surprise" that somebody is actually giving them so much eye contact for a change but the conversations with them definitely seem more energetic - as if they really want to chat with me instead of thinking I'm just some perv. :)
  14. Yes but for most of human history worn by men :) same with knee high boots ..
    I am not saying you are doing this intentionally...but I was just thinking.. why am I reading this threat.. is it because it's my number 1 turn on and I am psubbing?
    noonoon likes this.
  15. yeah I have this problem too. and I think trying to mimic or transfer or fetishize a piece of material let to some other problems..
    I play a game with myself, I try to 'score' how many women i can avoid looking at. I tell myself that when I look down, I am being submissive and showing how it is controlling me and when i avoid it I am becoming more confident and more in control of my actions...
    Try first with ones you know are easy - but eventually it feels like you 'won' when you don't look.
    ClearAsMud(Al) likes this.
  16. Yeah I have no problem with that though, cause if a man wants to even wear tights or whatever he wants go for it! I don't judge and if that's what he wants to wear there's no problem with me. :)
    Rancid Tove likes this.
  17. I think men can con and should control themselves. However, I think it is highly unrealistic to say that some (not all) women intentionally dress in a manner to attract sexual attention - they may not want more than to be admired, but they are intentionally trying to evoke attention.
    I always hear women just dress x way for themselves- and I think that simply isn't true ( i think women are also highly competitive this way and dress to out-dress each other with expensive handbags, for example which men don't care about)
    ClearAsMud(Al) and noonoon like this.
  18. There were practical reasons for these types of clothing, (high boots and leggings) when men wore them, and there may be reasons now - which may be reasons men and women wear them... and look attractive - a woman in a riding outfit can look elegant, attractive and alluring... but I was just thinking this for example - girls school uniforms have been highly sexualized and I think that's a shame.. but is it, at least for practical reasons, would it be a good idea for young girls to wear something else- it is shame they would have to - and that goes back to the core of the sexualization that was part of an ill thought out 'social revolution' in the mid 20th century but at what point do we have to be practical.

    For example Sarah Walker I assume you are a woman, if you went to a middle east country would you change how you dressed and for example wore a headscarf? I hope so, because otherwise your life would be in danger. I am not saying that's right but that's reality.

  19. That right there is the definition of a beta cuck. You are fighting your own nature to attempt to superficially please others inconsequentially, and you are scared of hurting her feelings. Do better than that man. As long as you make no unwanted physical contact or ogle, you are fine.

    Instead of avoiding looking at women, look at them as much as you want, but convey respect whilst doing so. Don't ogle the tits, but make eye contact, and convey to her that you respect her, and that you aren't an immature boy who needs blinders to control his actions. Nothing wrong with admiring.
    ClearAsMud(Al) and SaltedPeter like this.
  20. i think you misinterpret what I am saying. I am talking about 'oogling' - when you have no intention of approaching or ever meeting a woman, and may not even want to. It has nothing to do with pleasing others, it has to do with learning self control and getting rid of unconscious habits to better focus the mind. If you are constantly scanning around looking for women your mind is not focused. Period.
    This is completely different - approaching a woman whom I find attractive or just Platonic interaction with them, and yes as with all people eye contact and basic self respect/ confidence.