Porn but no masturbation

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Peyton1995, Mar 9, 2018.

  1. Peyton1995

    Peyton1995 Fapstronaut

    Thoughts on watching less extreme porn or looking at pictures but not masturbating? I’m just starting out trying to break the addiction and I feel like quitting cold turkey is too difficult. Any advice on slowly easing out of it or should I still try to give it up completely?
  2. My advice, I would give up at least both porn and masturbation. You can choose not to give up orgasm (like me since I'm married). But I think it would be a necessity to at least get rid of porn and masturbation rather than just only getting rid of masturbation. It's kind of just playing with fire, ya know what I mean? Just my two cents.
  3. I agree with StraightEdge3616, it's a dangerous slope to be playing on, IMO one of the best ways to ease out of it is to pick up a new habit. My habit has been meditation and reading. Boring I know compared to P but it's been working really well this streak. Have you ever set up preventive measures such as blockers or deleting what you may have now? Or take a cold showers when urges may arise? I've stopped cold turkey and I'm not going to lie it's been really difficult because the days seems to drag on what feels like forever. It's your choice on what you want to do, my mentality if it's going to hurt I may as well rip the band aid off all at once and quit entirely.
  4. Depends on what you are trying to do. Like, I practice qigong, so porn is still a No-Go. Arousal still excites the original qi, which becomes spent and cannot be replaced. This lowers your vitality and shortens your life-span.

    Most Fapstronauts recognize that porn still generates the dopamine that you are addicted to. So, I would say if you are trying to boot a masturbation addiction at all, it would be smart to ditch porn.
  5. I've tried the same. Sometimes I would endure for a week or more just watching and not fapping, but at the end, sooner or later, it would happen. I've learned my leason and now I know that if I watch it, sooner or later, I'll be tempted to fap.
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 likes this.
  6. You're right. Sometimes I would do the same, I mean, just watching but not fapping and I would feel good for a certain amount of time. I guess it's the dopamine reaction. However, at the end you know what happens hehe...
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 likes this.
  7. Peyton1995

    Peyton1995 Fapstronaut

    That’s why I was asking. I’m concerned about the immediate lack of dopamine. I didn’t know if it would be better to slowly decrease it over time as opposed to completely getting rid of it all at once.
  8. When I first started I tried abstaining from masturbation only, but still look at porn. I could actually abstain from M while looking at hours of porn. And that was the problem, I wan't Ming so there was no stop to the porn binges. I found too, that I felt little different from when I used to fap. You're just not getting anything out of the experiment. As far as your brain and body is concerned, you're still fapping while looking at porn.

    I think it's best just to go cold turkey and see how many days you can make it at a time. You'll get stronger with every streak eventually culminating in complete porn abstinence.
    WesternWolf likes this.
  9. Peyton1995

    Peyton1995 Fapstronaut

    Ah. Perfect. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
  10. steveo2312

    steveo2312 Fapstronaut

    Dont torture yourself by watching P but not being able to M

    If you cut the P out and no P subs you will find urges very manageable.
  11. I think that's one of the best ways to put it. Don't torture yourself watching porn and not masturbating.
    I mean the goal of been here is to stop PMO, right? Should have thought of it. Thank you anyway.
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 likes this.
  12. Broadcast Engineer

    Broadcast Engineer Fapstronaut

    Well, I believe the most important thing in NoFap is abstaining from Porn. It is even worse than masturbation
  13. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    For me, watching pornography by itself is the #1 problem. Masturbating to it only makes things worse, but I can't even imagine how could I resist the urges while watching porn and trying to not masturbate. For that matter, if I was to quit only one thing (P or M), I would quit pornography.
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 likes this.
  14. Kamamukthi

    Kamamukthi Fapstronaut

    P is a medium or path leads to M, unless break the path of P, cannot recover .. otherwise relapse .. thing is watching P has become such routine like daily activity .. thing is even by accident if some one see p or anything triggering material .. you must say to yourself .. it is not Real ...
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 likes this.
  15. In my honest opinion, don't take porn serious or used to release milk but laugh at idiotic and even fake scenario because gaining a new perspectives is better than staying the same.
  16. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Masturbation without porn. Maybe.
    Porn without masturbation. Definitely no.

    I see why you have such stupid ideas, I had them too when I started, but you will learn (either on your experience or on others experience).
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 likes this.
  17. Towards the end of my looking at porn, with no intention of stopping, I could look at porn for hours without really masturbating. I would not come on purpose. But guess what? That did nothing to mitigate my PIED.

    Based upon my last two sexual experiences with my wife, the PIED appears to be gone. I know it happens faster for some than for others, I am just grateful it appears to be gone for me.
  18. It's completely up to you, but I'd say you should stay away from porn in general. In my opinion, you shouldn't give up on masturbation. I think that's the number one reason people fail NoFap. It's just too hard. Again, it's completely up to you, but I'd stay far away from porn man. That's the real enemy. That's what warps peoples' minds and makes them believe fantasy is reality. That's what gives you anxiety, depression and erectile dysfunction. Just trust your feelings and instincts. I still masturbate on the regular and I feel just fucking peachy in all honesty, but I relapsed to porn the other day and that shit had me feeling extremely disappointed and it increased my anxiety and depression. Porn is the real enemy. Period.
  19. Fuck yeah man. You're definitely a fan of Eric Andre.
    1. No
    2. Hell no
    3. Shit no
    4. Motherfucker no
    5. Goddammit no