Got a Girlfriend, I think I am rebooted

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by FapFapFapNoMore, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    Okay so, I've been serious about "Pickup". I've been watching RSD and Matt Artisan videos on how to pickup women. I approach about 3-5 women a's very hard trying to get over approach anxiety. I've been on nofap for about 60 days...I feel really goooood.

    So now, I got a girlfriend. A readhead 6/10. I still approach women and I see my girlfriend as a social experiment to work on my seduction skills...

    Anyway, whenever we kiss, I get an INSTANT boner without even thinking about sex. It's like it has it's own brain....
    I am guessing that my reboot is over!
    I'm proud.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Marcus444

    Marcus444 Fapstronaut

    Keep up the great work. Just because you feel healed doesn't mean you should return to porn.
  3. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    I will keep it up! I will never return to PMO, I keep myself aware that I don't get seduced by PMO...the real thing is muchhhh better. :)
  4. good for you ,approaching women is always somewhat nerve racking no matter how many times you have done it
    FapFapFapNoMore likes this.
  5. Slamex

    Slamex Fapstronaut

    So you got a girlfriend but still try to chat up women? Sounds like a good old case of wanting that dopamine release of trying something new my friend.
    GG2002 and Kris456 like this.
  6. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    Sounds a tad sociopathic to have a girlfriend as a social experiment.
  7. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    I'm addicted to chatting up with women. It's a Fearful experience but it's satisfying when I learn something new about them.
  8. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    thread is worthless without pics. j/k
  9. Paperweight

    Paperweight Fapstronaut

    I agree, pick-up culture is repugnant.

    @FapFapFapNoMore Normally I would say congratulations on your recovery, but I'd rather give my commiserations to your "girlfriend".
  10. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    You may have stopped pmo but you still have the PMO mindset that women are just objects to be used by you for whatever you see fit, so no you have not fully rebooted.
  11. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    Oh, are you my psychologist now?
  12. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    LOL objects? I don't use women for my sexual conquests. I grab this opportunity to learn while dating. I respect all women and love all women. I would never hurt her in any way, emotionally and physically. Maybe you misunderstood that and I mis-communicated. I have a girlfriend because I want to work on my dating skills and conversational skills. I already told her that, and she is okay with it....and she loves me for being honest. Sooooo.....
  13. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    If you say so...suit yourself.
    Like I said in my other comment:
    "I don't use women for my sexual conquests. I grab this opportunity to learn while dating. I respect all women and love all women. I would never hurt her in any way, emotionally and physically. Maybe you misunderstood that and I mis-communicated. I have a girlfriend because I want to work on my dating skills and conversational skills. I already told her that, and she is okay with it....and she loves me for being honest. "
  14. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    Don't go up into conclusions, it can be mis-communicated my friend. My girlfriend is open to dating other women like I have explained and convinced her and agrees with it. We support each other and we're open.
  15. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    So she is aware that you continue to flirt with other women while you are seeing her? You tell her about that? Maybe I did because it sounded to me like you had a girlfriend just so you can work on your dating and communicating skills, not because you actually care about her and are committed to her. And that you continue to flirt with other women despite being in a committed relationship. So I presume then she flirts with other men too and you are cool with that? I have no problem with this so long as you are being 100% honest with her.
  16. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    You convinced her???????? If you have to convince someone to agree with something they don’t agree with it.
    Eleanor likes this.
  17. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Don’t need to be a psychologist to see that the original behavior as described in sociopathic behavior. Your post read like this. I have a girlfriend but I am really only dating her to improve my dating skills. She does not know this. I continue to flirt with other women any chance that I get, and she is not aware of my flirtations. When you USE people for your own benefit, that is sociopathic behavior. You see people as pons in your game of chess, and not actual people.
    Eleanor likes this.
  18. Paperweight

    Paperweight Fapstronaut

    OK, I'm sorry for being so blunt and insulting. You say you're a compassionate and honest person, and I will accept that.

    I would like to briefly explain why I disapprove of this pick-up philosophy, just to express a point of view that may be of interest to you or others.

    "Pick-up" is the logical end of the secularisation of everything: everything must be quantified and reduced to numbers.

    She's a 6, training material, go master that and then graduate to a 7.

    Approach to 3-5 women everyday, win some, lose some, it's just numbers.

    Anxiety is only our silly human emotions getting in the way; wear them down with relentless experience until you become a pick-up machine capable of inciting emotion in girl after girl without having to feel a thing except pride in your technique.

    It's like "the science of love", i.e. "the deconstruction of love". In general terms, I think that's a sad and ugly thing.

    I called it repugnant before, but I don't deny that it's pragmatic or that this is the way the world is increasingly geared, for better or worse.
  19. Paperweight

    Paperweight Fapstronaut

    Now to more directly address your comments (and I don't aim to attack your character, just your philosophy as it appears to me):

    You say you love all women. I think that's meaningless. Identity is exclusive: you know what an apple is because of its narrow definition that excludes the majority of things, but if it included everything, there would be no meaning to the concept of "apple". If everyone is your loved one, then no one is.

    You say she loves you for being honest. Have you told her she's your level 6 training material? And if she does love you, is it the same kind of hollow universalist "I love everyone" kind of love, or does she actually love you?

    You say you would never hurt her. It doesn't matter how good your intentions are, you will hurt her when you dump her.

    I have seen studies cited that claim that the more partners a women has, the less capable she is of committing to a man and having a successful long-term relationship. Regardless of the validity of those studies, the claim intuitively makes sense from a pick-up perspective: the more people you date, screw, dump, the more mechanical and inconsequential human relationships become in your eyes--isn't that a core tenet of PUA philosophy?

    So my point is, you are damaging these women that you leave in your wake, whether you "love them all" or not. Certainly you are altering them (if you want to leave value judgements aside), altering them simply for your own pleasure. Is that responsible? Is it good? Decide for yourself, but I think these things should be considered.
    MCStruggler and Eleanor like this.
  20. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    I like what your pointing out my friend. I do. I am considering my actions. Most women are monogamous. In fact, about 97% of women like commitment in a relationship. I like to know what they really want in a relationship before even getting in one. This one was direct, she knows what she wants and told me many times before. She recently broke up with an emotionally abusive guy, she doesn't want any "love" type of relationship. No deep commitments. No strings attached. She's young, (25) and is not looking for a serious relationship. She just wants to have fun as she says so. Now, what I mean by "I love all women", that doesn't mean I'm emotionally invested, it's physically". I never insult any woman according to their physical features or attitude. What I meant by "love all women", is that I respect them. Not the kind of love that "lovers" do...not the kind of love that couples are invested in. I had a girlfriend of 3 years, never cheated on her, never insulted her, never emotionally abused fact, I loved her to the fact that I wanted to marry her and she wanted to marry me, we broke up simply because of financial problems....and simply because her dad didn't approve of the relationship because she was Jewish and had different values. It was unconditional love. I know the kind of love you're talking about. When I left the relationship, I got addicted to porn and became socially inept...and that's how I seeked self-improvement which lead me to the Pickup Community. I realized I had no skills in picking up women so I joined them. I don't think its right that the pickup community is based upon polygamous or a bunch of cheaters. The only thing I extracted upon the pickup community is the skill to approach women. But I don't have to put their values into my head. I am in the pickup community because I want to learn more about women...I don't like the fact that the pickup community is permits with "sleeping with a bunch of women" or cheating. But when a woman says "she likes to sleep around and is not looking for love but just to sleep around", I am young and why do I have to be so serious? I like to have fun.

    Now, I think I am a responsible man. I have limits. Now, for me, I also just want to have fun. If the right woman comes along, I know I am responsible and I have standards of a monogamous relationship. If she wants a "serious relationship", then I turn back in to my values, Fall in love....Never cheat on women because that's irresponsible. I state what I want in the first place. If she wants a "serious relationship"....I set my boundaries to never date other women.
    Paperweight likes this.