Scary trend - trigger warning

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    You definitely have to talk to him about this. Remember to avoid making you statements. It will make the person feel like they're being attacked. Start with I statements, instead.
  2. The way i see it is you have two options, you could talk to him about it and tell him how upset you are and let him know that you know what he's been looking at, then see how receptive he is, ie: if he breaks down and admits he has a problem, would be a good opportunity to work on getting help. There are organisations that help with this such as STOP IT NOW who opperate in the UK and the USA, would advise talking to them first to a trained professional, its free to call.

    The other option, is to report it to the Police. If the person in that image or video is indeed 12 then they are a victim of crime and the image/video is a record of a criminal act taking place, the police may not be aware of this already since new content springs up all the time. I don't think people realise that when content of this kind gets discovered by the police, they don't just arrest the viewer, they also work to try and get to the source because ultimately a childs life could be in real danger. The right thing would be to report it, for the childs sake. Your BF will most likely lose everything, go to prison, and get what he deserves, he will be isolated, alone, and if his crime is reported in the newspaper then likely he will recieve threats of violence and he will be treated as a danger to children by society and the authorities. Will find it very difficult near impossible to find work when he gets released from prison or his community sentence and his life, your life, and his families lives will be turned upside down. I speak from experience here but if you genuinely and honestly believe that the person in that picture or video cannot be over 18 then you need to think who's rights are more important, the victim's or the people who fuel this industry?

    I wish I could offer you more comfort, but when someone steps over that line it's mostly game over. If somethint isn't done about it and it gets ignored he will not see the error of his ways or learn his lesson.
  3. I do get where you are coming from, however I do believe that confronting him first is the best option, or even perhaps having a couple's therapist talk to him about it. If she were to confront him, and that becomes the catalyst for him to completely turn his life around, remove porn from it and help prevent future abuse in whatever way he can, is that not the best possible option?

    I do believe a second chance at life is also deserved without having it destroyed so long as they're willing to leave their old habits behind and work hard on repentance.
    It'sBlue likes this.
  4. It'sBlue

    It'sBlue Fapstronaut

    I'm with you buddy, we've seen that escalation in porn is something kind of usual (NOT saying that this kind of porn in particular is usual or something, but it may come to the hands of some users eventually). Even Noah B. Church, a good Youtuber for what I've come to see about him, talks about this in a video on his channel. It is, indeed, a very sensitive thing to talk about, I never wanted to cross that line because I knew it was a bad thing, but like some of us may end watching some scenes which are not right to watch (like incest, rape, abuse, etc.) Which now I absolutely regret seeing, some people may end up seeing another kinds of pornography that they can later regret (or not, which is not a very good sign to begin with) and then want to stop watching it because it is wrong, we don't know about what's going on this guy's head, so we shouldn't judge at first sight, just prevent. I'm open to opinions, of course.
    Anyway, I'll leave here the video in case you want to watch it. It is, again, a very very delicate thing to talk about, but it should be talked about more often because it's a reality, and you should not skip talking about reality...

    thorswrath32 likes this.
  5. PantherGeek7

    PantherGeek7 Fapstronaut

    Wonderful video! Thanks a lot!
    It'sBlue likes this.
  6. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Your not alone bro I use to watch that too but that's not who we are and I made peace with myself it was just my brain lusting but deep down in my heart I know it's wrong
  7. Kris456

    Kris456 Fapstronaut

    It truly is abhorrent.
  8. Kris456

    Kris456 Fapstronaut

    I agree with this post. It would be a horribly difficult decision but if you think that this is truly criminal, please report it so a child can be saved from terrible abuse.

    Confronting him will be difficult too but at this point if he’s looking at this content, he is so far down the spiral that it will take a lot of work to get out of it.
  9. Paperweight

    Paperweight Fapstronaut

    Please try to be more concise, you repeat yourself over and over again, but you raise some good points. Also,
    "paedophile" does not contain an "f", and porn is not banned in Britain, though I think pornography depicting violence is. We actually have phone sex channels with naked women on freeview TV. But imagine if the government did try to ban all pornography! Hahaha! There would be rioting in the streets! Not to mention in the shadow cabinet.

    Very well said. Whether something is legal or not seems to have little bearing on its morality.

    The thing is though, where do you draw the line? It's completely arbitrary. If sex is now just something we do for pleasure, then surely anything goes so long as it is consensual. The church used to take a hard line on this, opposed condoms for this reason. The sexual revolution has happened, "my body, my rules", the genie is out of the bottle.