Ex broke with me but keeps bothering

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Ghost79, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. Centaur75

    Centaur75 Fapstronaut

    I totally understand why you'd think that, but I can assure you the right one for you is out there. You may find her tomorrow, next week, or next year, but you will find her. But unfortunately this girl, despite your memories, isn't helping your position right now. You need to refocus and rebuild, getting her out of your mind and starting fresh will be the best way to get this going
    Ghost79 likes this.
  2. Mindy

    Mindy Fapstronaut

    I see so much of myself in you. I’ve been “trying” to move on from my ex since April but I keep allowing myself to be the back up and disrespected when he clearly doesn’t care for me as much as I care for him. But yet I still love him and secretly hope things work out. I deleted him from everything but I unfortunately have his phone number memorized making it difficult to cut off all contact. I do wish I would have just let it be right after we broke up because I’ve gotten into a lot of PMO messes from it and could have saved myself a lot of heartache. If my next relationship doesn’t work out, I know now to just move on. Just want to let you know though that you aren’t alone. ❤️
  3. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    Think of her as porn, it is only harming you and although you may get temporary relief while texting her, she chooses to deliberately hurt you. Pretend she doesn't exist and distract yourself when you get thoights of her. It seems hard at the start but towards the end of 2-4 months of NoFap, things will start to settle. Girls will be attracted to you, you will get your mojo back and things will go the way you desire. Clean your mind now, set all the blocks you need including K9 if you have it and focus on achieving those 90days first.
    Ghost79 likes this.
  4. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    This is the type of woman that Hall and Oates sang about in their song "Maneater".
  5. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I was unable to block her on facebook as after our last conversation, she disabled her profile instead of blocking me. So she can write me again there when she decides to put it on. If she however writes me on WhatsApp i will immediately call her and tell her to stop.
  6. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    The next time she messages you, you turn your will-power on and block the hell outta her. Delete her no from your contact list and block on whatsapp. You end this once and for all. You get out of that sissy, self-depreciating shell you put yourself in and realize that she isn't worth it. Get alpha. She thinks of you as a back-up and you're still ''in love'' with her? Low standards bro. IF you wanna, call her now, in a confident and firm tone, tell her this it and you wanna move on so don't contact me no more.
  7. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I don't know her phone number by memory and deleted it. How malicious she is towards me, it won't surprise me that she will try to contact me around Christmas or near year. I understand now she has no mercy for me.
  8. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    She likes the power she has over you.
  9. Kurenai

    Kurenai Fapstronaut

    Nope. Big no. The hell no. You just have to ignore her, block her, delete her number. Why would you have to call her? Nothing good can arise.
  10. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    What the fuck. This is HARASSMENT. I'm not kidding, see if you can seek any legal help, this is borderline cyber bullying.
    Ghost79 likes this.
  11. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    Yes she has some kind of stalker mentality. She once told me she was in love with her colleague at the office. She gave him her phone number but he didn't like her and she pursued him for 6 years! She also told me when she wants something she usually gets it.
    Truegamer007 likes this.
  12. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I think I'm just so in love with her that I can't see all the filth that is hidden inside her.
  13. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    You're NOT in love with her. You're attached and you don't wanna let go. Why? You've to figure it out. Could be cause you're scared you'll not get another girl, or maybe cause you think you're not good enough for a better person. Figure it out! Then you'll be able to work through this problem!
  14. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    If I was only attached to her i would not have cared for her either.
  15. Arc12

    Arc12 Fapstronaut

    I think you are resisting too much ... The more you resist the more it will occupy your mind ... Just let it be ... It happened ... Mistakes happen ... Forgive her ... By forgiving her ... You will get out of the weight you are carrying now ... Let past be in the past ... Let it now ruin your present, because it is a as they say a "Present" ... Start a new day ... a new life ... See how many possibilities are there ...
  16. KayaKaiju

    KayaKaiju Fapstronaut

    Some birds are just f'in crazy, man.
    That's just the way things are. Sounds like you found one. What can YOU change about yourself that will help you avoid these kinds of situations in the future?
    Because you can't change crazy birds. It just won't ever happen. If you continue to behave like prey, you will only attract predators. If you start acting like a lion, you will find yourself with a pride of lionesses.
    Here's the good news:
    There are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of single, attractive, interesting women running around on basically every square inch of habitable space on the planet.
    Literally everywhere. Don't fall for this Disney "the one for you" nonsense. How about "the five for you"? How many do you have time for? Seven? Definitely more than one.
    The best thing you can do to get over a heartbreak (I've had one recently too, brother. I ain't just peeing into the wind here) is establish or re-establish your true mission in life. Stick to it with all of your determination. When you are on your own authentic path, taking good care of yourself and your stuff, women will flock to you like white on rice.
    And try to knock you off of your path. They will. They can't help it, it's hard-wired. They need to see if you're strong enough to stick up for yourself because if you aren't, you aren't strong enough to stick up for them or their babies. And they never, ever, ever stop.
    Never accept a "let's just be friends" ultimatum from a woman. If she's testing you and you agree, you fail. If she's not testing you, it's because she has come to see you as a girlfriend that she doesn't like very much. So the answer to every "let's just be friends" line is ALWAYS "No, thanks. I have all of the friends that I need."
    You have the choice to let your emotions control you, and prove her to be the superior like she assumes she is, or to take your own reins and categorize her in a box labeled "people I used to give a f*** about, but no longer have a spare f*** to give". Take the f*** that you gave her, and apply that f*** to improving your own life. Give all of the f***s to improving your finances, physical health, mental stability, career, family, and friends.
    Once you've allowed yourself to step away from your emotional attachment to this person you can analyze where you went wrong and take the whole situation as a big learning lesson.
  17. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    One thing I've learned that the first moment of disrespect I get from a woman, then she's out for me. Out of the window, before I get attached again.
  18. KayaKaiju

    KayaKaiju Fapstronaut

    The tricky part is discerning the disrespect from the testing.
    If you fail too many tests, she will eventually disrespect you. Then yes, learn from your mistakes, focus on yourself, and move right on down the road.
    I know it's harder than it sounds. It's easier to get attached and indulge yourself in self-pity and pain. That helps nobody.
    Ghost79 likes this.
  19. my slogan now is better being single than being with the wrong person who hurts you even 10% of the time, applying this to friends too. she saying " I don't want to give you pain" when she knew how you would have felt, it is just cruel wtf. I am a good person like you, sometimes i am too nice to people who do not deserve it

    i have decided one thing of direspect and i am out and i stop talking to that person. make your profile pic, your status everything on whatsapp visible to only your contacts, same thing with your facebook profile. in settings and privacy you can control if everyone can send you friend requests etc. that kind of stuff if she dares at some other point trying to hurt you again i will only respond with the middlefinger emoji :emoji_middle_finger: and tell her to fuck off for good. I am sorry you are going through. Just know you are not alone feeling this shitty. don't give her the satisfaction to make you feel bad

    i dunno why some people are so cruel and have no mercy. i have been there. having dated someone that after the breakup is a completely different person. i even asked one ex "do you remember the way I looked at you?" like how can you say this to me after everything we had and how much i loved you. he still did act evil with me though, knew he was breaking my heart

    whether it is true or not that she threw at your face that she is now fucking someone else with whom she'll live "happily ever after" doesn't matter. she has been very cruel and childish

    with one ex i blocked him summer 2016 and since then i have never unblocked him even if he still tried to text me or call me but everything got rejected on my phone. he will stay blocked forever. you never know if they text you trying to hurt you

    New is always better, there are tons of girls you can find. improve your confidence. you will find another girlfriend. don't let this relationship let you lose hope in love:emoji_bouquet:
    Ghost79 likes this.
  20. I love this post, well said:emoji_ok_hand:
    KayaKaiju likes this.