Did porn make me gay?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Wickster, Oct 3, 2017.

  1. Wickster

    Wickster Fapstronaut

    I’m having a hard time coming to grips with my sexuality. I think I’m gay, but wish I could say otherwise. When I was probably 6 or 7 I had a sexual experience with my male friends. We hardly knew anything but were curious. Sadly, through my teenage years I’ve watched a fair share of gay porn. I was wondering if my early experience + my porn watching could have caused my homosexual preferences. Could I have been born straight? Do you think PMO-free reboots can straighten me out? Anybody out there is the same situation or have similar experience?
    noonoon likes this.
  2. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    P and M definitely causes homosexual thoughts. It wasn't as bad for me, but still, I had this phenomenon, where I had thoughts of homosexual activities. 200 days and I haven't had any since then.
  3. https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/porn-made-me-gay.133073/
    I enclosed a link of my story and I do believe that porn did make me gay. Anyway I don't believe people were born gay either. Our culture has changed, and before porn was so easily accessible, there was no such thing as gay pride, and now you have nearly naked men marching in full view of everyone at gay pride events. Plus how many times one has seen statues of penises or blow up dildos at gay pride events?

    Of course there were always gay people around, however in the world of porn not so easily accessable a few decades ago, gays then were kept in the closet.
  4. No, from the information in your link it is clear that porn caused homosexual obsessive compulsive disorder [HOCD]. :oops:
    Never, as I do not go to these events. :rolleyes: :p
  5. Wickster

    Wickster Fapstronaut

    So after your 200 days it was gone? Did you have homosexual curiosities before the porn started? Just trying to see what the odds are for me.
  6. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    I don't really remember after how many days it was gone, but now I don't have them.
    For the record - I didn't watch gay porn 3 years ago. I started to have those thoughts when I stopped watching, but still was doing M. It was as severe as thinking about me doing BJ and someone doing anal to me. I also tried to do the previously mentioned things to myself. It's just gross when I think about it now.

    I don't really think that I had those curiosities before. When I was a kid, I never knew about sex, but only understood that men and women must be together. I only understood how kids are born at 12 or 13. Unfortunately, P taught me that.
    Wickster likes this.
  7. b4rn1

    b4rn1 New Fapstronaut

    If gay porn made you gay, then do you think that straight porn will make me straight? I don't think gay porn makes anyone gay, it might reveal your homosexuality/bisexuality. If you were 100% straight you wouldn't get aroused by watching men in the first place.
    I've had these thoughts about gay porn making me gay when I was younger, but in the end I realized that I've been gay all along. Since I was a kid I was lost, I didn't like any girls, I never found them attractive... people were asking which girl I liked and I just didn't know. Now, since porn is so easily reached, you get enlightened about your sexuality through porn at a young age, you don't have the time to realize by yourself, hence this makes you think that it's the fault of gay porn. You'd find out without porn as well, you'll realize that you're looking at attractive boys at school or on the street, just like straight people look at girls.
    Being gay, bi or straight is most likely genetic and you can't change who you are attracted to. The first step you can take is accepting yourself. It's hard but in the end you'll feel relief and you'll be able to come out.
  8. Exactly, porn doesn't just make you gay like people think it does. I realised I was Bi after years of porn, and that hasn't changed after quiting.
  9. Nil1991

    Nil1991 Fapstronaut

    I watched some straight porn sometimes and it doesn't make me straight... So..
  10. eadgbe

    eadgbe Fapstronaut

    Depending on the severity of your case, but almost always true nonetheless, pornographic preference is not an accurate indicator of one's sexuality.
    thorswrath32, Hitto, Wickster and 2 others like this.
  11. Ready to be healthy

    Ready to be healthy Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I do not believe porn makes a person gay, I think it can tap into previously unknown desires prematurely, but no porn did not make you gay. In your case specifically you mention experiences with guys and curiosity before porn, so it's unlikely the cause of your struggle with your sexuality.

    For myself, I grew up in the 90's and I knew that I had developed sexual and loving feelings for guys long before I ever viewed porn. I have also viewed straight porn from time to time and I have never been turned straight.

    I know struggling with sexuality is very difficult and there are many fears that go a long with it- I struggled myself for years and used to wish I could "turn straight" however in time I accepted myself, met someone I loved and I'm now fiercely proud of who I am and very passionate about helping the LGBT community.

    What are your worries and fears about being gay? If you need to talk do feel free to send me a private message if you would prefer :)
  12. Ready to be healthy

    Ready to be healthy Distinguished Fapstronaut

    This posts seems to be edged with blatant homophobia which surprises me because you say you are gay yourself?

    Porn has only been easily accessible since the late 90's early 00's thanks to the Internet- Gay pride, protests and marches have been something that existed in the 80's and 90's but most importantly, in 1969 there was a little something called the Stonewall Riots- you might have heard of them- certainly it was not as peaceful as today's pride marches but your believe/assumption that gay marching/protests only came about due to accessible porn is honestly quite ludicrous.

    Believe me- an inflatable penis at a parade is not going to turn a single person gay and more gay people are not appearing due to increased pride marches - more are feeling safe to come out and be open due to them- that's the difference and no member of the LGBTQ member should be "kept in the closet"

    Gay people have existed for thousands of years, in ancient cultures such as the Greeks and Romans it was not something that was hidden or looked down upon, they were very open about sexuality, Greek warriors in their army were encouraged to sleep with one another- so our society changing today is actually just becoming more enlightened and accepting.
  13. SuperSayianCaulifla

    SuperSayianCaulifla Fapstronaut

    jkeis862 likes this.
  14. Kurt102

    Kurt102 New Fapstronaut

  15. SuperSayianCaulifla

    SuperSayianCaulifla Fapstronaut

    But it is proven that porn does create some dirty fetishes which could be some kinky gay things. There are many guys who have experienced this and I don't want to have this guy thinking he is gay when he may not be. If he is it is more than okay and he definitely shouldn't hate himself, but he may have developed some gay fetishes.
    Alligator77 and Wickster like this.
  16. IntrospectiveCat

    IntrospectiveCat Fapstronaut

    Lets take this apart a little. Porn is a platform for people to relieve themselves. Porn itself is not mind altering but can be a gateway to discover things about yourself. This could realize a correlation between porn and homosexuality but one factor doesn't dictate a conclusion. If you are curious about your sexuality don't be afraid to speak about it as these thoughts are important in coming to terms with yourself. keeping them in your mind and bottled up might hurt you in the long run (repressed emotions and depression).
    forbiddenPLACES likes this.
  17. Again, it doesn't make you gay. It's been proven that regular porn consumption can lead to other more extreme things like videos and kinks, it doesn't mean you're gay if searching for those things, and the only real way to tell is stop PMO and see if anything from the experience lingers.

    If that person finds after stopping that they might be gay then maybe it was either suppressed all those years or they never truly found their sexuality before, and that's totally fine. But again, it's not like porn waves a magic wand and you're suddenly gay. :emoji_rainbow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2017
  18. Ready to be healthy

    Ready to be healthy Distinguished Fapstronaut


    This has to be one of the more frustrating mind sets I have encountered since coming here.
    Wickster and Deleted Account like this.
  19. It truly is frustrating. People just seem to think you'll develop gayness or something from videos, I really don't know. lol
    Ready to be healthy and Wickster like this.
  20. ...nor can a wand be waved to make you 'un-gay', self acceptance however certainly would be a step in the right direction
    a loving relationship between two happy humans far outweighs one sad human alone with a media device....

    overtheEdge, Torn and Wickster like this.