Just married

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Tallguy83, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Tallguy83

    Tallguy83 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone.
    I just married my partner of 8 years and am wanting a more satisfying sex life with her. We don't have sex nearly as often as we used to or as much as I would like. It happens roughly about once a month or so. My sexual activity is therefore mostly on my own. I can get pretty obsessive about sexual fantasies and masturbate a lot. I try to abstain from porn as I find it pretty offensive (not inherently just 99% of mainstream porn tends to abusive in my experience) but often relapse giving me a feeling of shame. I find that the times we do have sex I am not always present mentally or physically as my head is full of fantasies and my body is often "overworked" and not responsive enough. I often lose my erection when changing positions etc and it is difficult for my wife to bring me to orgasm and I usually have to take over.

    In addition I find myself being frustrated and angry at my wife for not having sex with me more often which is not something I want to feel. She's not doing it deliberately. We have talked about it and she says she would in theory like to have more sex but that her sex drive is not there.
    That's why I thought I would try the reboot. My hope is that I will be more present when I have sex with my wife but that I will also learn to go without orgasm for longer periods and not get frustrated about it. Feeling hopeful.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
  3. Tallguy83

    Tallguy83 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! I think my porn addiction is linked to a general internet addiction so I've been trying to do other activities other than wasting away hours on the internet. Reading a book, playing cards/boardgames with my wife and making plans with friends. It's been going well so far, I've been in a good place recently. I suffer from periodic depression though and it's probably fair to say that I self medicate with PMO during those times so things could get tough then. Will just have to take that as it comes. Starting out with just abstaining from PM and not O with my wife and see how that goes.
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

  5. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    Maybe... and I don't know so this is just speculation... if you stuck to a reboot and really gave up all porn and fantasy and masturbation... the quality of your lovemaking with your wife would increase to a point where she became more interested in sex. I've noticed many of the SO's here talk about how poor their sexual experiences are when their partners are using... and I know from experience that I am much more present during sex during my periods of abstaining from porn and masturbation.

    Sex drive isn't only physiological - It's mental too. Maybe if you quit your extracurricular sexual activities you could light her fire again. There's only one way to find out, but you gotta stick with it for a long time.
  6. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I am female and I ended things with my ex addict who had DE. There are two reasons I suspect that your wife is not interested in sex with you 1. You say that you are not mentally or physically present during sex as you are fantasizing and 2. You have problems orgasming with her and often have to finish yourself off. Both of these things will stop if you stop PMO. Having had sex with an addict and non addicts a woman can tell when you are not present with her during sex and it is repulsive to her. would you want to have sex with someone who was fantasizing the whole time about somebody else? I doubt it. You don't think we feel or see this but we do. No eye contact, no intimate touching. Second DE is a huge libido killler for women. It makes us feel insecure, bad in bed, not attractive enough and when we have sex with you we feel like failures. Women want to be desired that is a huge part of their sexuality. And sitting there watching you use your hand is not sex nor is it enjoyable.
    Footy80, D . J ., anewhope and 2 others like this.
  7. Tallguy83

    Tallguy83 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys thanks for the feedback.
    It's certainly possible that me going through a reboot might help increase my wife's sex drive in the long run. But at the moment I don't think it is helpful for me to think in these terms. If I do the reboot thinking it will end up with me and my wife having lots of sex and it doesn't happen then I am setting myself up for a fall. I also think it's important for me to accept that having sex once in a while is totally fine (and a wonderful thing when it happens!) and that I don't need regular Os to function. I think the idea that we need to be Oing all the time is a falsehood that many men have and what drives many of us to porn. This is something I have just started to realise in the last few days after being on here. Having said that if we do end up having more sex then great ;-)

    More important though is that the sex is better and more satisfying for both of us.
    I spoke to her recently about NoFap and she is really pleased I am doing it and wants to support me in it. She has been very aware of the things talked about on here. She doesn't like not being able to make me O and she hates it when she can tell porn is in my head when we have sex. I don't want to make my wife to feel this way. I really love her and want to make her feel special. So it's time to make a change.
    I initially was going to abstain from just PM but think now that I might have abstain from PMO for a while too. My wife said she will support me in this if this is what I choose to do. The long term goal is to cut out P completely and maybe even M if this is what it takes.
    Wish me luck :)
  8. anewhope

    anewhope Fapstronaut


    I am on similar journey to you. My advice is to quit PMO altogether (not just P, but also M. So you only O with your wife). Refocus all your sexual energy on her. It sounds as if you are able to talk openly about these issues, which should be a great help. One thing you could try is asking your wife if you can have sex for a while where the focus is solely on her and you take your O out of the equation. If the thing that she is not enjoying is trying and failing to make you O, then stop doing that for a while. Focus on her body, her pleasure, her response and her O. Try different scenarios to underline the change. (Such as her being naked and you fully clothed). Bringing her to O, not expecting her to reciprocate and then cuddling will be a powerful demonstration that you love her and that you are willing to make sacrifices to improve this part of your relationship. Focusing on your wife this way, providing you stay clean of P and P-subs, should accelerate the re-wiring of your brain and help you get to the point where sex with her is enough for you to O.

    Good luck

  9. Tallguy83

    Tallguy83 Fapstronaut

    Thanks. Great advice.
    anewhope likes this.
  10. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

  11. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I think you are on your way and have a lot of insight into your issues. Being open with your wife is crucial. It will help you a lot that she's supportive. The only thing I will add is continue to be 100% honest with her. Most SOs will continue to be supportive until we are lied to that can hurt a lot more than you slipping up with pmo. I echo what is said above that you have to stop all pmo not just P. Let your wife be your only source of orgasm. Have sex or foreplay and if you can't O then once she's satisfied stop and try again another day. Don't use your hand at all during sex with her or alone. You need to retrain your body and mind that she is the source of your pleasure. That will be hard no doubt but it's worth it.
  12. BBWolf000

    BBWolf000 Fapstronaut

    This is the worst! It's like your healthy, logical brain is in conflict with some primal force demanding more and more of a pleasurable thing.

    Congrats on the marriage and being proactive about building a strong base for you and your SO moving forward. That's awesome!

    I can say that now on day 91 of my own no PM streak, that your hopes of better sex and generally healthier attitude towards sex are not far fetched at all. These are some of the main benefits I've seen so far. Keep at it, through the frustration, anger, depression or insatiable longing. If you want the best marriage possible, you are heading down the right path.

    and Smile; You Can Do It!
    GG2002, Tallguy83 and anewhope like this.
  13. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I so agree and if you never had an intimate relationship off pmo you have no clue what you are missing! Once you see you won't want the go back but you have to give it time and trust us that it's worth it!
    Tallguy83, BBWolf000 and anewhope like this.
  14. Tallguy83

    Tallguy83 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the kind words! Good to hear from one who knows that I'm on the right path!

    Thanks for all your advice. Both challenging and encouraging. Only 12 days in and I'm already feeling better and really hopeful. Just have to keep going now.
    BBWolf000 and anewhope like this.
  15. Hi, wanted to share encouragement with you, buddy. I am in a similar position - not long married, been abstaining from PM for about two weeks. I'm already seeing a positive improvement in my performance.

    Remember, our wives deserve our best :)
    Tallguy83 and anewhope like this.
  16. Tallguy83

    Tallguy83 Fapstronaut

    Thanks buddy! Good to hear from people in a similar situation!
  17. Tallguy83

    Tallguy83 Fapstronaut

    Thanks and well done! Sounds like you've come a long way! I can say I've seen astonishing improvements already! Just talking it through with my wife has brought us closer and made us more intimate. We have more sex, she has made me O a few times and the sex is so much better for both of us! I'm more in the moment and my head is clearer. I didn't realise it would get this much better this quickly. Feels almost too good to be true!
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
  18. anewhope

    anewhope Fapstronaut

    I'm so pleased for you. Similar experience here. Strengthens the resolve never to return to the porn-watching half-life.
    Well done and keep going.
