What wrong with communism?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by S.A.D., Sep 7, 2017.

  1. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    The google definition of communism is:
    1. a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

      I basically gave you all the info which backs up what I'm saying. Our property is publicly owned by the government, ever since the birth certificates were created, not privately owned by the people. And "is paid according to their abilities and needs" is basically what's going on today too. People are being paid based on what they can do as a slave.
  2. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    I'm 80% convinced you are a troll, and not a particularly good one at that.

    Any genuine person who is really an expert on any subject would not just claim expertise but offer up what they consider to be the most helpful link/video for someone wishing to learn about it.
    ValueLiberty likes this.
  3. The Pleasure Delusion

    The Pleasure Delusion Fapstronaut

    You dont need 9/11 to make the same point. Plenty of other stuff.
    Folk leave it.
    TheLoneDanger likes this.
  4. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    If you look up the definition of communism, and read what I was saying about debt slavery and our property being owned by the government, then it should make sense to you.
  5. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    So a self-proclaimed expert on 9/11 who boasts to "know practically everything about it" when asked for "the most helpful link/video for someone wishing to learn about it" posts a link to a nearly 700-page book that contains exactly one short paragraph on 9/11!? Really?

    You are a troll. I'm now at 100% certainty...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2024
  6. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    I didn't say I know about everything, I don't know where you got that assumption from, all I said was that I know a lot and I know PRACTICALLY everything about 9/11. You said you wanted a helpful link for people to learn about it, well there it was. If you're too lazy to learn about it, than don't learn about it. Quit being such an attention-seeker and complainer.
  7. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    I thought tiresome trolls such as yourself left the internet years ago. It feels like I'm back in 2005.

    Happily I've discovered the ignore button.

  8. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    Whatever. I'm not gonna lose sleep over a guy who doesn't wanna believe the truth. Have a nice day! :)
  9. Roger That

    Roger That Guest

    Communism doesn't work because humans are assholes. This is why there will never be world peace, heaven on earth, or some human utopia. Plus those who typically want to bring about such things are the ones responsible for committing the worst atrocities ever.

    At the end of the day you can't form a government which will get rid of assholes completely; you can only form a system of government which will give assholes as little power/ability to have total control as humanly possible.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Man, couldn't say it better. Socialism is based on the idea that all people are equal and should be treated equally. That's why it's just an utopia.
  11. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    That makes sense.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    This is the "if men were angels" argument.

    But when it comes to communism even angels couldn't make it work. Economic calculation under communism is impossible and there's simply no getting round that no matter how far you're able to perfect man. More honest communists accept this problem and try to find ways around it. None yet have, and none ever will.

    All children should be taught that communism has failed every time it has been tried, and will always fail.
  13. Roger That

    Roger That Guest

    Couldn't agree more and no it isn't the "if men were angels" argument. It's more of a "if men were penguins" argument. Communism is just a bullshit con which plays on the simple minds and hearts of naive human beings.

    Plutonium and LEPAGE like this.
  14. FOS

    FOS Guest

    I think the problem is not in the theory itself, but it's the one who does it. They just don't understand about themselves, but they want to edify the others.
    How can you teach the others while you don't understand yourself?
    I will always say this: it must be personal revolution if we want to change our society (and the world, of course).
    Third_Eye likes this.
  15. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    That's how I feel when I try to give information, but most people assume I'm crazy. I'm just saying.
  16. FOS

    FOS Guest

    I feel you, bro.
    Third_Eye likes this.
  17. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    I've seen my fair share of your posts on these forums. The reason people do and will continue to assume you're crazy is because you peddle unproven theories as truth. Yes, I said unproven. You can cite a hundred different links that explain everything you're saying, but they're still just theories from someone else who has no evidence to prove their theories as fact either. That's what you don't seem to understand. No matter what you've found on the internet or otherwise that says these theories are true, they are still just theories. It doesn't matter how convinced you are of any of it, you can't just say it is truth because of your personal conviction and expect people to believe you. That is the biggest thing I can't understand, is how you can't understand that. You boast open-mindedness, yet you shut down any possibility that sometimes the truth is in plain sight and maybe some things we've been told are actually true. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you anyway?

    The thing is, if you presented this information in a "what if" kind of way, presenting it as a possibility rather than a "fact", I'm sure a lot of people could take you more seriously. But, ironically, you just don't seem open-minded enough to consider that you could be wrong about some of these things a lot of the time.
    ValueLiberty likes this.
  18. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    I'm open minded to things, but I research through my own due diligence. And if my links are not "proof," why don't you watch/view the links so you can see for yourself. I'm not opened minded, but yet most people don't even check out my info to decide for themselves.
  19. I'll remind all participants of this thread to stay on topic and relevant to the subject at hand.
    TheLoneDanger and Third_Eye like this.
  20. sombrero23

    sombrero23 Fapstronaut

    I'm from Poland, so as I come from a post-communist country, maybe you'd like to see it from my perspecitve.

    Generally, communism is one of the most hated things in Poland, as it caused a lot of poverty for 54 years after II World War. The shops were almost entirely empty, a car was a luxury, censorship was a common thing and more you were engaged in the communist party business, the more priviliges you had. It doesn't really sound like a utopian paradise described in the ideology, does it? I think the thing is that, people aren't necessary capable of sharing everything in every aspect of their life. A human being cares more about its personal belongings, than to something 'everybody' owns. And you know, such ideologies like this, cause a lot of fanaticism. And you probably know what fanaticism can cause. Communism in theory is a really beautiful thing, I agree to this. But in practice, it never worked out. (especially in the Russian version ;) ) So if you were raised in a capitalistic country, I really think you should consider yourself lucky. I know it's based on being selfish and money-focused, but it really works out great for humanity after all. You don't even know how poor post-communist countries are now.
    Phong and LEPAGE like this.