What do people assume about you?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by señor, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    When I was in regular classes back in high school, I made all A's and some B's without studying. But, when I got put in honor and advances classes, I averaged around B's(few C's) because I got arrogant and thought I knew everything. I never studied. And sadly, I never became a Valedictorian. I'm no more intellectually gifted than anyone else, but I was obsessed with stealing school textbooks and binge reading them to "one up" my peers. In my mind...no, in my heart, I was a "nerd".

    If I could go back, I would have studied some more. That point in my life reminds me of Nofap. I wasted my potential for no apparent reason at all. I wanted to be the first minority valedictorian, but right after I graduated, a black guy usurped my spot(at least, that's how I see it). That's just how I thought at the time, y'know with Obama winning an all.
    avatarivn likes this.
  2. angelina_

    angelina_ Fapstronaut

    People assume that I'm that I have never been through any troubles in my life and don't see me as a fighter or strong person, also they assume I don't have any tatoos, which is correct but I want to get one soon :) They also assume that I work in fashion or somethig "girly" but I study mathematics :)
  3. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    Go head.
    angelina_ likes this.
  4. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    Yeah I don't study mainly cause if something's worth it interiorize it (literature), if not I don't even bother (grammar)
    BeautyForAshes likes this.
  5. AlienOverlord

    AlienOverlord Fapstronaut

    Social anxiety, so people assume that I don't like to talk, worst case they call me "retarded" behind my back, when in fact I would love to hold conversations with my coworkers. It's just that I'm not likely going to initiate a conversation unless I'm comfortable with the individual involved. Otherwise I'll talk your ear off and likely give more details than I should.

    Before high school this same issue lead people to assume that I was the "smart kid" and had the highest grades. Too bad I was too lazy with my homework to prove them right.
    bunnyheartbeat and SilentJay313 like this.
  6. Dake1963

    Dake1963 Fapstronaut

    People assume I come from a really privileged background because I went to elite Universities, but I actually come from a single parent unskilled working class background and my mother could hardly read.
    Beingpure, Spiff and Kenzi like this.
  7. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    People assume I'm 15, (34)
    Im childless - because of my shape (5 kids)
    Im uneducated - because of my accent (college graduate)
    I'm a freak - hair dye (well they had to get one, right?)
    I'm innocent to the world (I've lived more in my time than most people will in their whole lives... Go on, just ask)
    Oh, and this one is my favorite.... I'm Mexican. Or Spanish.
    (yeah, OK.....)
  8. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    For me, being a complete neurotic, a better question might be "what do you assume people assume about you?"

    I assume everyone assumes I have a big penis. Because, why not?
  9. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    Let's get married!
  10. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

  11. Venkman

    Venkman Fapstronaut

    People always assume I'm either angry or an a-hole. Then when they meet me they're like, "before I met you I thought you were going to be an a-hole." I'm not sure why.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. BeautyForAshes

    BeautyForAshes Fapstronaut

    It's possible that there's a facial expression you're making that you're not aware of.... It could be that you carry yourself in a very stern or serious way. I know several people like you.
  13. That I'm weak and unconfident. Which is really quite the oposite of what I am. Gets me into funny situations sometimes, but I am sure it cost me alot of jobs.

    I am really trying to figure out what signals I'm sending off that tell people I am unconfident so that I can be more succesful in life (I'm fairly sure it is something about my voice and facial expressions). I want to know if there is like a professional coach for this kind of thing or not.

    But until then, I will have fun walking around in smurf mode.
  14. Not sure what people assume about me in general, though I may care about what others may think of me according to a situation, which is a bad thing really and I hate that in myself. Though imho, what really matters is how you feel about yourself, despite of what others may think of you.
  15. Tom

    Tom Guest

    I assume people assume things about me.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    I'm a hard core political conservative
  17. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

  18. This is a really interesting question! People assume a lot of things about me... let's see...

    - people used to assume that I was really pretentious because I always got all dressed up and accessorize and stuff, but in reality like 80% of everything I own is probably either a hand-me-down or from yard sales

    - people are generally surprised to find out that I'm smart... not sure if that's because of my gender, my appearance, or my hair color... or just the fact that I'm a pretty chill person and don't really flaunt my intelligence

    - people assume I'm judgmental or that I think of myself as better than them because I have a lot of strong opinions, or because I'm a Christian and I haven't really done a lot of rebellious things

    - people assume I'm not approachable, or that I'm snobby or judging them, because I have major RBF

    - people assume I'm close minded, because I'm a Christian, or that I hate atheists or don't know how to think logically

    - people assume I'm a Republican, since I'm a Christian and pro-life

    - people assume I'm desperate for male attention when they find out I'm an anti-feminist and was a part of the MRA community for a while, or just because I have a lot of male friends and get along better with guys (probably partially due to all the girls who assume I'm just desperate for attention for spending time with guys... funny how that works)

    - people in high school used to assume I was extroverted, since I was always sort of the silly/goofy one among my friends who would get the party going, but I'm actually extremely introverted

    - people assume I'm really confident, but in reality, I'm confident in myself in the sense that I like who I am and I don't feel the need to change for anyone, but I'm very insecure about whether or not other people like me. I like me, so I guess that makes me confident, but I always tend to assume that other people won't like me. Which is probably part of why I've always drifted toward loners and outsiders, because I am less likely to be rejected by them. I've NEVER felt comfortable going up and striking a conversation with someone who I consider to be really attractive or popular or something.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2017
  19. Also, everyone saying people think thwyre gay reminds me, when I was in like junior high/high school, there was this one guy who totally thought I was a lesbian, and that I was in love with his cousin, who was my best friend at the time (ans still is). Turns out he wasn't too far off from the truth, as I've discovered in adulthood that I'm probably bisexual. Haha intuitive guy I guess.
  20. It's also the letter F in ASL ;)
    Strength And Light likes this.