Birth control

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Nomenyeux, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. Nomenyeux

    Nomenyeux Fapstronaut

    I was thinking about our social mores and how it is acceptable and even encouraged to have sex with your partner as often as possible. But this way of thinking is hardly sound without the invention of birth control; so is this a new paradigm in our modern culture? Is it even natural?

    If ejaculation leads to such a fatiguing and frustrating day, does it even make sense to have sex every day? Or does having sex with a loving partner eliminate the psychological detriment to ejaculation?

    What do you guys think? Is sex something that should be seen as strictly for procreation? I'm racking my brains.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2017
  2. i think the healthy way to see sex is a way to show love to our partner and then also have babies
    Ericri and Nomenyeux like this.
  3. Well if you think about the past, people had crap tons of kids. And you don't just get pregnant every time you have sex. And sex during pregnancy, and even often while breast feeding, is safe. I wouldn't be surprised if they still had a lot of sex back then.
    Ericri and Nomenyeux like this.
  4. Birth control has existed for thousands of years, it's only the last century it's become so reliable.
    Ericri and vyndaloo like this.
  5. Scourge

    Scourge Fapstronaut

    Apparently orgasm from sex with others is good for men, but orgasm from masturbation is bad. For women, this does not seem to be the case. Probably Mother Nature punishing weakness or something, IDK. Yeah, this has nothing to do with the thread...
    Ericri likes this.
  6. True. Although some of the ancient may have sort credibility. Also, there was a time when birth control was illegal or considered immoral. Even today some still consider it immoral.
  7. You're right, that comment doesn't belong here... But it's also false. Women can experience pretty much all of the same negative effects of chronic masturbation as men, in their own way.

    But this isn't the place for that discussion, as it has nothing to do with the thread.
  8. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Even with a loving partner you loose your chi or life force. Thats why tantra yoga is a thing thats been around for 1000s of years in eastern cultures. Then a Samuri could have sex, not release, then still be a master in battle. Also with tantra a man can have multiple orgasms.. you still loose a bit of the chi, but way not as much..
    Ive been told from one of my meditation teachers that a release once every 2 weeks is ok to keep enough chi for a good meditation practice. When i get 2 months i feel the best..

    my prayer is "sex is great, beutiful, and wonderful, but must be done in moderation, with an appropriate person, in a commited relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and love...

    The Appropriate person part is extreamly important.. the reason porn messes us up so much is these women are toxic.. and you dont want to have sex with a toxic skanky girl. She will drain your life force and bring you down fast. They are called a dirty whore for a reason.. a virgin or why a bride is in white is supposed to be energeticly cleaner.. a women who is really healthy, exercises, meditates and on a high energy vibration can actully bring you up to and raise your chi when you have sex and release.. but still in moderation. And a scanky girl who smokes, does drugs, is depressed can drain your life force with out even sex. They can be energy vampies and suck you dry just hanging around them..

    So its more than just if you release or not.. its who you are with. Take care of yourself, exercise, eat right, meditate.. and like attracts like and healthier women will be attracted to you.
    Atlanticus likes this.
  9. For us more scientificly minded people this is Bs, the whole 'semen is life force or chi' thing isn't just pseudo-science, it's anti-science.

    Only possible loss from loads of sex is zinc, take zinc supplements and oh look your fine.

    "once every two weeks" how'd he come up with that figure?
    Sit there with his chi-ommeter post coituis and wait for it to reach full, then prescribe the wait time to people of all ages?

    I mean no disrespect but you must see the lack of logic.
  10. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Talk is talk. Personal experiance and putting things into practice to find out for yourself is what i suggest. I have been on this path for over 20 years and have taken tantra classes from 3 different teachers and have tried all kinds of different stratagies. Every pro athleat knows if you have lots of sex before a big game or fight the guy who didnt for a month just has more energy to beat your ass.. plus people have different libidos and amounts of energy. We are all not exactly the same. Some can build it up faster than others.. thats why he said 2 weeks, and i said for me 2 months.. but try it for yourself and see how you feel. Science says experiment, do tests, compair results... See If you release 5x a day for a month what amount of zinc will help, comparied to no release for a month. Or release 1x a week compared..
    also do a test with the type of person, Say have sex with a dirty skanky 50 year old prostiute on skid row, an average late 20s girl who smokes and drinks, a healthy nut yoga instructer, and an 18 year old virgin.. test them all out and record which made you feel better or worse. that is the scientific method.
    To call it all bs without ever doing it is not science. All i have stated is from my own personal experiance. I wish this was not my truth. I have walked away from women i loved and really wanted to be with only because they had really low life force, did drugs, and drianed my energy and i had to leave to honor myself. Plus i hate the brain fog from sex with unhealthy women..
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
    Atlanticus and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Connor mgregor is a douche however he has as much sex as possible and still wins.
  12. The debating aside, sex is what ever you want it to be, as long as no one is hurt (your self included)
  13. Well there that fight last Saturday...

    And actually he has had three loses.

    But most sportsman try to not have sex or are banned from having it before games. Apparently Samir Nasri left Manchester City because Pep Guardiola banned him from having sex after midnight. :emoji_joy:

    Anthony Joshua hasn't lost a single fight and doesn't have sex around a fight, although he does admit it's not scientifically proven that sex makes perform well.

  14. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Not true, its not whatever you want it to be.. germs exist even before people could see them with a microscope. The earth has always been round even though people thought it was flat. Just because they thought it was flat did not make it flat. Sex has cosiquences on you and the other person even if you dont think so. A person can get aids, vd, or pregnant even if you dont "think" you will. Energy and life force exists even if you dont believe in it.. just because you dont understand something does not mean it does not exist or its whatever you decide it to be.. even if a girl decides to be in porn it is still harming her to be in it even though she is a willing participant and will negativly affect the rest of her life. Things have conisquences even at the time you dont know what they are.. nothing is what ever you just make up and decide it to be.. everyone on this website thought porn was ok and no big deal and it would not harm anyone or themselves and they all got addicted and messed up their lives so much and their relafionships with others they had to get outside help and come to this website..
    Atlanticus likes this.
  15. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    Having sex every single day, especially without protection, would not be a good idea. If you did decide to have sex, it should be at least 2-3 times a week, even if it's with your significant other. As far as birth control, you can spermicide or birth control pills.
  16. It's funny and strange to me to read all these different arbitrary numbers people come up with on how much sex is a good amount, as if everyone is the same. It's completely up to the couple how often they want to have sex. I know people who have sex everyday or multiple times a day, and I know couples who can go weeks or a month without sex and still be totally happy and fine. I don't understand where these arbitrary, made up numbers like 2-3 times a week come from.
    Ctrl+Alt+Del likes this.
  17. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    I'm not saying that couples literally should only have sex for 2-3 times a week, I'm just giving a personal recommendation based on what I've researched. Couples DO NOT have to follow it.
  18. I'm not trying to pick on you, but that's not at all how you phrased it. So maybe you should learn how to phrase things differently if you expect people to not misunderstand you.

    And this comment wasn't only directed at you, just to be clear. I've heard other people make similar statements here, and it's just silly to me to phrase it as "you should only have sex this often," when that's obviously a completely subjective personal choice.
    Ctrl+Alt+Del and Third_Eye like this.
  19. Nomenyeux

    Nomenyeux Fapstronaut

    Ugh. I want to make love every day.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    If that's what you want, then that's fine.
    Nomenyeux likes this.