My fractured but whole life ....

Discussion in 'Significant Other Journals' started by about a girl, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    I'm not gong to tell you that your body cannot function properly without fuel because I'm sure you know this. That includes sleeping and thinking clearly. It sure does sound like the stress of dealing with your selfish, unkind bf has triggered your eating issues again. Your body needs protein. Your brain is 80% fat. You NEED fuel.
    about a girl likes this.
  2. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    Thank you for caring about me I will try a lil chicken
    It's protein .... I feel better knowing I'm going to a therapist .... I can't keep this bottled up .... Its lovely out I'm not hurrying home maybe take a stroll and window shop :)
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  3. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi AAG... you're right, you can't keep it bottled up. As you internalize this it's easy to self-destruct because you have no outlet the express your emotions other than to avoid eating. Your BF has his issues. You can't let his PMO drive you into a dark place. Getting out and shopping is a great start. Do things that bring you pleasure.

    Go ahead and have something to eat... chicken sounds good to me. You're goal is to find yourself and get your life..

    Not eating, and other self-destruction actions won't change anything. In this case, you'll need to work through what you want for you. Things that you enjoy and want to do!! Stuff that makes you smile and laugh.

    Please take care!
    Cheers, HF
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  4. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    Awe HF ! Thank you :) I feel like you really understand why I wasn't eating .... It definitely wasn't for attention because he had no clue .... it was just a way of control when you feel like you can not control anything :( Yes Saturday will be fun being around people, maybe make some new friends hopefully ....
    On my way home I will pick up a rotisserie chicken .... I don't feel like cooking but at least I can nibble on it and see how I feel .... You are very supportive of me. I am very fortunate to have you as a friend ♡ *hugs*
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  5. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    No... It's not about attention it's about hiding from things that hurt... And your bfs PMO hurts you. It's a way of acting out against the pain. Healing comes when you separate yourself from your bfs issues. He has no control over your feelings... Unless you allow it.

    Your life is yours to live and enjoy. Along with good health and fun.

    Wife in the Dark is right... It's important you eat to stay healthy. I'm not sure about my brain being 80% fat, but that would definitely explain some weight issues for me. Funny, I thought I was a bone head.

    Take care, please eat. Get out and enjoy. Life is good. So is chicken, pizza and ice cream.

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
    about a girl and WifeInTheDark like this.
  6. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    I understand you are hurt by this, but trying to find a man who doesn't like porn is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

    We were exposed to porn (in one form or another) when we were children. It was legalized by our governments and then made available in our homes at a click of a button.

    Try to think of it like this: our government legalizes heroin (or any other seriously addictive substance) and then posts it to our homes for children to find and consume.

    For the most part, everyone is OK with the knowledge that this goes on and the hypersexualization of our society doesn't seem too bad.

    But when a husband is caught looking at porn and masturbating (which he has been doing since he was a child),...shock can life go on?

    1. Please, try not to take this personally, cos it isn't.
    2. Try to empathize with him. He can't see this is wrong. His brain is messed up.
    3. Try to lose your insecurity.
    4. If you want to know how difficult quitting PMO is, try to stop eating sugar for 30 days...then times that difficulty by about 100.
    5. Try to put yourself in his position, cos there are women on here just like him. As a child you started looking at porn, which is legal and considered normal and harmless by virtually everyone in society, THEN YOUR COULDN'T STOP.
  7. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    Well, try to imagine you have a son who is addicted to porn. Highly likely, actually.
  8. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    Actually, it is VERY PERSONAL. How can anyone NOT take it personally when they are rejected and told that they can never measure up to a fantasy? When your significant others chooses to spend time with a computer instead of you, it's personal. When your SO denies you honesty, trust, affection, kindness, comfort, and normal human interaction, it's PERSONAL. If I hit you with a car and then told you that the pain was just due to my distracted driving so don't take it personally, would that make your injuries hurt less??? How dare you tell this poor girl not to take her bf's mean, insensitive treatment personally?

    The addiction itself may not be personal, but all the injuries to a significant other that are caused by the addicted person are VERY, VERY PERSONAL.
    about a girl likes this.
  9. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    HF :) I slept through the night ate a nibble of chicken ....
    Getting ready for work .... I'm glad HF when you and some others read through my journal you actually read it before giving advice otherwise what's the point ?
    Pizza sounds great ! We have a super bowl party on Sunday and they always order pizza yum !
    I am not 100% me yet but getting there ! :)
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  10. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    That's it exactly ! I wish this country dude took the time to read through my journal to get a better understanding of my situation like many others have before offering advice ....
    I want you to know I stopped using my phone before bed and I slept through and I ate not a large amount chicken but some and I'm getting ready for work .... I will keep you posted how I'm doing ! :)
    Thank you so much ! (((((Hugs))))))
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  11. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    A porn addict having a son with the same addiction. ... Is not same as him having a daughter married to someone like him .... As a father you would want your daughter married to a man that truly loves his daughter and puts her above all rest .... If the son in law was an addict his daughter would be second and he knows that !
    WifeInTheDark and Handzfree like this.
  12. scote73

    scote73 Fapstronaut

    Just read through your journal, about a girl. Wow. What an incredibly tough situation for you :(

    Sitting on the outside, it would be super easy for me to advise you to 'just leave him', seeing how much pain he has caused you. However, as you say, you don't feel like you have anywhere else to go right now, and you feel "stuck" in your situation. Plus, you still have a side of you that still loves him, and that makes the situation exponentially more complicated.

    I completely understand how difficult it is to make a big life change. I'm not sure what options are out there for you right now, but what I do know is that you need someone, anyone, to talk to. We can only do so much behind a computer screen. Do you have any friend you can trust? Maybe that therapist can help if you choose to see them...?

    In any case, the status quo isn't good enough for you. I certainly hope you can find someone who can give you the courage to make a much needed change.

    I'm rootin' for ya!
  13. seafoam

    seafoam Fapstronaut

    Hey, just checking in to see how you're doing :)

    Sounds like the last few days have been tough for you. But I'm glad you've been getting some good advice on here.

    How did the Therapist session go? Did it make things any clearer? I agree with @scote73, talking in person with someone can help a lot. Even if you don't feel you have close friends at the moment, I'm sure there are more people who care about you then you realise. Just look how popular you are on here.

    And don't be worried that every guy is addicted to porn. I know plenty that aren't. And this forum at least shows even guys that have been don't all think it's normal or healthy.

    Keep buying yourself nice foods. And treat yourself, do nice things for yourself, you deserve it!
  14. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone ! Yucky rainy day:(
    I just got home from work and another creepy all dark home when I get in just the computer light under the door .... I am feeling under the weather so I bought chicken broth better than nothing .... tired and cold .... A hot shower and pass the fk out which is good ;)
    I am off tomorrow and my appt. With the therapist is at 1 pm yeah I know it's the right thing to do to see a therapist .... I'm anxious and looking forward to telling my story. I have been basically left alone which is good together but alone honestly I'm getting used to it .... I wonder how this weekend will be when he has to be social around friends ?
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  15. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    I thought I was going to pass out tonight then I took a hot shower which relieved my muscle aches .... I had some tea black tea caffeine uh oh to rid my headache so I'm here reading through journals and I'm wired lol I think part of it is I'm nervous about my appointment tomorrow ....
    I really appreciate everyone's support ♡
    Burty likes this.
  16. Burty

    Burty Guest

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  17. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hello AAG,

    I have a friend who has had an eating disorder. It was interesting to hear her talk about it, although this was many years ago that this conversation occured, but I still remember it as it was heartbreaking to hear about her struggle. She said something very similar to you. It was about being able to control that one thing in her life that she could when everything else was out of control. Building on this, can you try other outlets to bring order to your life? Be aware of the things that you do have control over and make conscious decision on those things, no matter how small them seem. You need to realise that you are not powerless, although it may feel this way. You are the master of your own destiny.

    Please be careful and make sure you reach out to get the support that you need right now. Even if you are not able to tell your friends the full story, it can be good to know that you have support.

    Glad you have your therapist appointment tomorrow. Good luck with it. We're all thinking of you.
    WifeInTheDark and about a girl like this.
  18. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

  19. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    Very true my eating disorder happened when we were told my mom had 6 months to live .... It will never go away those feelings .... I just ate restrictive enough food so that I didn't die and he knows about it .... The therapist will go over it with me I'm sure, I do not want to end up hospitalised where they watch you eat and go to the bathroom oh that dreaded ensure drinks :'( I got 3 hrs sleep in & I have time to try to fall back asleep hopefully .... I am sorry about your friend & getting the right help is very important and having control over what you let in to your body or not is a powerful feeling .... I do empathise with my bfs addiction he just doesn't need to be rude and self righteous about it knowing it hurts me .... My eating or not does not hurt him at all in fact he doesn't seem to care at this point except when I put the heat up high because I was freezing he barked at me about wasting money .... well back to sleep for me I hope .... Thank you The wife you hit the nail on the head about control .... I need to fix me first !
    (((( Hugs )))) :)
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  20. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    Interesting day I had my therapist that specialises in trauma and ptsd she was very helpful and nice .... I will see her again in March she really thinks he should come in and talk No judgement seriously she's so cool she understands especially that his own parents divorced after 15 yrs of marriage over pmo his dad lives alone and never ever goes out :( The mom never remarried and his sister is anti social no bf/gf lives with his mom at 40 yrs old I know everyone is different and I think his family is nice .... However it doesn't change what's going on here and doctors and/ or therapist seem to think problems start from family or people from an early age idk I'm just trying to move along here in self help :(