Your brain on porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by breath333, Jan 5, 2019.

  1. breath333

    breath333 Fapstronaut

    Recently, I’ve been looking up the damage porn can do on the brain. I didn’t realize it can destroy the grey matter. From what I have come across & put into practice is deep breathing. When I do this, I make sure my exhalation is longer my inhalation. I do it when I get up, periodically during the day & before I go to sleep. Second, I have incorporated omega3’s aka fish oil. Over the last month or so I feel better. I would rather fap to my imagination then be hijacked by a movie. Sometime that has been difficult.

    I have also come across that watching pmo is the easiest way for dark forces to take over in a spiritual sense. My only fear now is this. If I do completely stop, that depression is going to take its place. I do play the guitar & have that as an outlet. I have already written a song to this issue a year ago. There are days I just want to stay in bed & not deal with anyone. Maybe it’s already setting in.
  2. keep up the good work and good luck