Yoooooooooo tryn to stop beatin off n sheeeeeet

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ThisIsn'tMyRealNameSo, May 18, 2016.

Would you rather?

  1. Fuck Bi***es

    0 vote(s)
  2. Get Money

    0 vote(s)
  3. Masturbate

    0 vote(s)
  4. Be on NoFap

    0 vote(s)
  1. ThisIsn'tMyRealNameSo

    ThisIsn'tMyRealNameSo New Fapstronaut

    Hello Fapstronauts,

    My name is ThisIsn'tMyRealNameSo ..., I am a male that has just recently turned twenty years of age and have found myself with a perplexing problem. I've come to this website, this community, in hopes of being able to liberate myself from the grips of porn and masturbation addiction and social isolation altogether. For the past couple of years, ignorant to myself, I'd been building up an addiction to pornography and masturbation. This was something silly that I had never thought to be possible but here I am with what seems to be the one of the final stages of porn addiction.

    Though for just a brief backstory... at the age of about eleven years old, I remember sneaking onto the old box monitor-computer that my older brother had found in the garbage and repaired. After connecting it to the stolen internet cables that he got from our neighbors in the big apartment building, we finally had a fully functioning computer in our apartment. One day while none had took notice, I had snuck on and spent some time dabbling around with the non virus protected computer and naturally as such, a pop-up had shown of pornography. Instantly from then, my curiosity was struck and I had become addicted. The hotandcold pornography website had become a daily visit up until I had been caught, and being raised in a religious family I was scolded quite strictly. Although from then it would be a while until I would see any pornography again, the idea of masturbation had unfortunately already become a firm practice without it.

    I'm sure there are many of whom could share similar backstories in regards to pornography, but this is mine and I hope it gives a bit of perspective with my situation and understanding of how this constant practice for so many years has trampled me as I am now. With all of that said, I truly hope to be able to meet many fellow fapstronauts here in this community, share stories and triumphs and to one day be free of this addiction that holds me. Thank you for reading, and please leave any and all comments!
  2. MrMoss91

    MrMoss91 Fapstronaut

    Welcome, best of luck with your reboot :)