Worst Insomnia ever

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. I have been struggling with it for years but now it is getting out of hand. I can go up to 5 days without sleeping at all. I dont even have the energy to eat. I have spoken to by doc and tried everything. I am using up to 200mg does of antihistamins in combination with A class tranquilzers. I have tried stuff like Imovane, Apodorm and Ambien. Even up to 7 at a time. No effect. I cant function since I am always in a state of fatigue. I have tried painkillers since I am in a lot of pain. Tried Tramadol, Oxynorm and Morphine. I seem immune. It kills the pain of course but my insomnia persist no matter what I throw at it.
  2. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    This is going to sounds silly, have you tried to go camping on the mountains without a clock?
    Also, you are mentioning some very strong drugs there, I don't think that's the solution.

    I have my suspicions but I don't know you to be able to tell how to treat that insomnia.
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  3. Insomnia is largely a mental problem, whereby you've convinced yourself that you are incapable of sleeping. I really recommend a book by Sasha Stephens called the Effortless Sleep Method as this has cured mine and thousands of others insomnia issues. Very very very few people have a medical diagnosis which means they can't sleep, all humans are wired to sleep exactly the same, and negative thought patterns are the main differentiating factor, as well as minor bad habits that fall under the sleep hygiene arena.

    I'm not playing down the severity of the problem, I've suffered from insomnia for 5 years before beating it. I only beat it by lessening its grip on my life; when I stopped cancelling social events because I was too tired, or stopped telling people all about how bad my sleep is, or stopped going to bed at 10pm religiously even if I was in the middle of a great film. All these things are keeping your sleep on a pedestal and stopping your brain having a normal connection with sleep. I highly recommend that book which discusses all this in great detail - I even emailed Sasha a few times and she had a dialogue with me about my specific thought patterns. She really is great.
  4. Maramalade

    Maramalade Fapstronaut

    I am sure you must have heard about CBT-I. If you didn't try it, I would recommend you do from a skilled specialist. Also being not able to sleep for 5 days is really crazy. In my case, I had multiple 36-48 hour sleepless periods but after this time, I was like "gone". You might have another condition disturbing your sleep, try to solve this first.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  5. There could be a couple reasons
    1. Looking at technology before bed

    2. Not exerting enough energy throughout the day

    3. Consuming caffeine before bed

    1. Take melatonin - this stuff seriously knocked me out fast

    2. Destress before bed

    3. stay on a consistent schedule

    4. Try natural herbs
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  6. Late night walks? They can make it easier to think your thoughts.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  7. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Ask someone to do an rear naked choke on you for less than 10 seconds you will be sleeping
  8. I didnt realize this got so many replies. I dont get any notifications nowadays. I slept again yesterday after 4 days of no sleep again. It happens every once in a while. I have been trying most techniques, got myself hospitalized for almost a year.

    They concluded that I have severe sleeping problems and I have C-PTSD. I started getting prescribed strong tranquilizers rather than strong sleeping medications recently. It works better but I have a habit of skipping them.

    I dont want to be addicted but its probably stupid when my doc says I should take Rivotril a couple hours before sleep every day. I also use sleeping medications still. Some of the strongest ones but stuff like Ambien, Xanax and Rohypnol cant be mixed with Rivotril so I am using different ones now.
  9. A lot of the medication prescribed for sleeping disorders is actually quite detrimental for your long term health, ironically even more than simply not sleeping. Please properly research everything what you’re putting inside your body.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  10. I know its not ideal but not sleeping for days at a time has been quite bad for my mental health. Been a couple episodes where I have just blacked out due to lack of sleep, got into a psychotic episode and ended up in the ER because I tried to kill myself or something similar.

    I am quite skeptic to most drugs. I stopped taking anti depressives and anti psychotic drugs a while ago and my mind feel a lot clearer. I was a total zombie for years without realizing.

    I still feel like myself on tranquilizers and sleeping medication. I cant use them forever. I have to find healthy coping mechanisms eventually. The tranquilizers took away the edge of my anxiety. It could develop into psychosis but I havent had a psychotic episode since I started taking them.

    I got diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at first but turned out it was more of a complex trauma disorder. They never removed the first one though. I dont consider myself schizophrenic but PTSD can look similar at times.

    Its a two edged sword.
  11. It sounds like you’ve got a good grasp on things man, if it’s working right now then that’s the main thing. Stay strong brother
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  12. Instead of making a new thread with the same title, I am making a post here. I skipped my tranquilizers today. Maybe not a good idea. I took max dosage of 100mg phenergan a few hours ago which is a lot. It just isnt working. It is over 1 am and my mind is racing at a million miles an hour as always. Nothing important happening tomorrow so no reason to be stressed. My body doesnt agree. I am so restless. Cant stay in bed for long before I have to walk around. I am going to loose it if I dont get a proper nights sleep soon.
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