Worried about lack of result

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Hi

    I am here to stop PMO to increase my affection to my wife and my urge to have real sex.

    I am a bit worried though. After 43 days I don't feel any difference.

    I am afraid that the P vs Sex thing is just as an alcoholic stop drinking. If you have been drinking lovely whiskey or beer that you love and then stop drinking because you want to love water again, will you really start to love water? Probably not, you might start to think it tastes ok but never better than whiskey and probably not even good.

    Or if you sell your Ferrari because you want to start loving a cheap car again just as you did in high school. Will not happen.

    Maybe I just have to realize that the damage is done. Maybe I just have to live with this lack of interest and just accept that sex is just as good as for everyone else only that I think it is boring since I have seen other kind of sex that I want and think is better.

    What is your experience, Is this addiction really different from other addictions? Will I forget P and start to love sex again?
  2. yeah it might sound like a good comparison but it's false. I suggest you going on YBOP.com and reading why you should start this, and what mentality you should be in. You cant expect your life get better just becasue you stopped masturbating. Not watching porn is having a result in your mental wiring, which you can not feel in short term at all, and you will feel in the long run with real partner only. Don't get discouraged. You're not loosing on anything by not looking at porn. Trust me, and countless other people.

    My personal experience is nearing 60 day, and I can tell that besides stopping nofap I started many other good habits and they make me feel better in a physical and mental sense. If I would just stopped watvhing porn and masturbating I would be the same person as I was before. Just how you're feling right now. The damage is reversible, you might need more time thats all.
  3. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    Bf is 102 days. Seems to enjoy sex but his libido is low. Give it time. Best advice I can give!
  4. Jmb

    Jmb Fapstronaut

    70+ days for me and im starting to see the difference . Suffering from sever PIED and im seeing signs of life down there.
    Rav70 and ShotDunyun like this.