With you, I can give up PMO! Today is a new chapter.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Baristachang, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. Baristachang

    Baristachang New Fapstronaut

    I am a 27 year old male who struggles with PMO. I would feel so worthless and depressed after every 'session'. I hated it,* but couldn't seem to kick the PMO habit. I tried everything. Frustrated that there was nobody who would understand or somebody I could talk to, I lost hope.

    I came across one of the TED* talks titled 'The great porn experiment' in the hope that this clip would shed some light on how to stop masterbating and viewing porn.* It did.* In this clip they mentioned the group called Nofap, a community of users who had had enough of the pixilated satisfaction brought across by these worthless thrills, that ultimately ended in feeling worthless, alone,*guilty, no confidence, suffering from social anxiety, depression etc.* These symptoms robbing the very life out of us. Enough is enough. Why not give this a try I thought.

    I've realised that masterbation and pornography have been a stronghold in my life for far too long.* I have allowed it to rob me of the person I really am,* lie to me about who I'm not and keep me a slave.** I've also realized that talking about it really does help and this is a platform in which that can happen.

    I want to be more confident in who I am,* the person God has intended me to be and become.* I don't want to feel inadequate about myself,* inferior around other people,* suffer with social anxiety or depression.* I want to be done with that. More so, I want to be confident enough to talk about this life threatening addiction, using examples from my own life to set others free.
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  2. Hey @Baristachang ,

    Welcome to NoFap! You are in the right place.

    I'm just a regular member on here, so take what I say as my experience. I found that I needed to:

    1. Learn the NoFap program.

    2. Get involved with the community.

    The best resource I found was the “Getting Started with NoFap” guide. It is on the NoFap homepage and you can download it for free from this link https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/new-users-list-of-rebooting-resources.50878/

    Then, watch this video:

    It is really good and explains so much about how the blasting of porn images into the brain in high definition on high speed internet while slamming porn sounds into the ears with headphones can literally change the way your brain demands sexual stimulation.

    The video explains it better than I can.

    Also, a great page is https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/new-users-list-of-rebooting-resources.50878/ my experience is that by reading every link and watching every video, I learned so much.

    Then, I got involved with the community. I'm not anyone special on here, I don't have any magic powers. But, I can say hello to new members, post my journal entries, remember to “like” peoples posts, and offer my experience, strength and hope where appropriate.

    Looking forward to seeing you around on the forums,

    --> L

    PS - I Think of pmo like a wolf. When I stay near the center of the group and stay with the winners, the wolf has a more difficult time finding me. But, if I stop working at NoFap and stray near the edges of the community, then the wolf can pick me off.
  3. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here. Keep coming back!
  4. Welcome. Glad you are here.

    Take some time to read the reboot material (available here => http://www.nofap.com/getting-started) and come up with a plan for what you will do when you are faced with urges. It has good advice, so don't skip it! :)

    Perhaps start writing a journal - if you feel comfortable telling people about happened and what's going on now, you will start to feel accountable to them. You may even inspire others. It's a nice feeling! This will help your recovery.

    Also, try to add something into your life that makes you the kind of person who doesn't engage in PMO. Think about doing:
    Something you enjoy
    Something you're good at
    Something important
    Something for somebody else, without thought of reward (and if you DO get an unintended reward, do something ELSE, perhaps for a different person or group).

    Read the journals of others - we all learn from each other. For example, I received the above good advice from a far more experienced member of the community who shared his knowledge. Don't just stay within your own age group or part of the world. Share your knowledge in a respectful way. Read, learn, apply.

    Look around the forums, get to know people. Everyone is friendly, and will try to support you. We're all in the same boat here. :)

    Be kind to others and others will be kind to you, both here and IRL.

    I wish you a successful reboot.