Will it get easier??

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by INTIMIDATOR_3, Jul 2, 2015.


    INTIMIDATOR_3 Fapstronaut

    So I am on day #10 of no PMO and I am about to give in! Why does it have to be so hard!? I'm sick of this addiction but I want to PMO like crazy! This is so hard
  2. Jason Bradford Smaha 2

    Jason Bradford Smaha 2 Fapstronaut

    I feel your pain. No PMO!
  3. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    Noooooooo. Don't PMO. The devil is tricking you. He's telling you that you will feel good after PMO but that's a lie. You will like shit. Find something else to think about to distract PMO. maybe a science book or a science documentary, whatever something that makes you think.
  4. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yeah it's hard buddy, especially in the early stages. Don't give in. You're 10 days into this now which is great! Don't put those 10 days in vain!
    It does get easier, but be aware that you have a while to go until it starts getting easier. A few weeks perhaps.
  5. The thing to remember is that there are barriers you have to break through where things suddenly get harder, typically only for a couple days. Roughly mine were after 1, 3 days then at 1,2,3 and 4 weeks. Each new barrier comes with an urge that is stronger than before.

    Here is the good news: most guys, me included, have seen the worst after a month. So if you make it through a month you just need stay ready but there are no more surprises, you'll have had the strongest urges and you'll have beat them

    Here is more good news: urges can seem undefeatible... they are very persistent... but they are stupid. So you have to always be observing and aware. Even if you are falling, do not give up but keep observing. Awareness at all times is key.. It will form the stronghold from which you can succesfully fight off any urge. And you should always keep fighting even as you are losing in the moment. Pay attention and learn, what worked, what kinda worked: then next time around adjust your strategies.

    There is only good news: urges are liars. All their strength comes from the ability to trigger thoughts and feelings in your head and having you believe they really matter. This is addiction 101. All you have to do is not believe them. One of my favorite ones is the "I'm as good as dead if I don't get a release" feeling. Because take a couple of deep breaths and make a mental list of all the aspects of how this is unbearable in this very moment right now. If you are honest you'll notice that the pain is really quite small... your mind is screaming like a little baby about it... but if it was a sports injury that caused that feeling it would not even register as significant.

    You can ride an urge like a wave. I know these at urges can at certain barriers seem insane... but stay present and aware (instead of getting swept up in them) and just observe them. There are very few guys who report sustained urges over half an hour. Literally: let your mind think what it thinks and your feelings feel what they feel but do not act on them (def do not participate and whip them up) and watch them rise and then fall. Another word for this is procrastination. We all have that skill. Procrastinate on giving in. Just wait a half hour and see if it really is so unbearable.

    Once you can do this with full awareness of mind, and you've slayed your worst urge somewhere towards the end of the month, then you know you can do it. (the challenge after that is not letting your guard down too far)

    Really this is an awesome mental skill to master. It is life training.
    DKR likes this.
  6. Johny Amusing

    Johny Amusing Fapstronaut

    Sorry for replying late to this, but it is bound to get harder (the refraining). You need to focus, and tell yourself that nothing in the world matters right now other than stopping! You can do it! The problem with most people that get addicted is that if they are simply "commanded" to do it, they most likely will: as if it is an inevitable reality. What you need to focus on, is to keep going, and when it gets harder, take a jog. It will reach to such a high point when you can't take it anymore...That is the point where you must force yourself to continue, as it is the last peak of difficulty to be endured. What I mean is, after you reach a level where you can't take it ANYMORE, and I mean it when I say that word (depends on you personally, and how addicted you are. If you are more addicted, it may take longer even though you may have reached that point, and the point may get higher). The point is, that is when it will start to decrease. And I salute you if you can reach that point with the highest honor! You will be a true man! That is what I am trying to accomplish right now.
  7. rydermuzik10

    rydermuzik10 Fapstronaut

    Me personally, I had a few attempts of around 5 - days, until I really said to myself enough is enough and wrote down that I would never do it again, I havnt relapsed since then and am almost at day 40. After around 10-12 days into my for real attempt I had a flatline, I had no desire to do it anymore, stopped edging and everything. That's when it occured to me that it was actually possible. I couldn't believe I was actually following through with my commitment, and it felt fucking great. I am 100% able to control my sexual urges now and am in this nofap shit for life. I finally feel like I'm starting my life. So yes It does get easier, first 10 days are the very hardest. Atleast for me. Goodluck
  8. Darker

    Darker Fapstronaut

    Yes, it does get easier. It is just a matter of time. When we are facing the first days, it seems that it will never get better, but it is just one more trick of a brain addicted to dophamine.

    Try to fix a goal in the future. Go to day 20 or 30 to see if it get better. If you pay attention to this trick it will always make you fail in the firt days