
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Arez01, May 24, 2021.


Will you fight? Or perish like a dog?

  1. Im fighting like a champ

  2. woof

  1. Arez01

    Arez01 Fapstronaut

    Why one mistake I made so long ago still hunts me so much; I first watched porn when I was 11 and I just can't stop doing it; I'm so fucking weak, I work out a lot but physical strengh doesn't make me much stronger in this mental shitstorm;
    I have a loving family and my life isn't full of stress, the only problem I have is not being able to stop touching my genitals.

    I'm not asking for advice because I already know this whole forum and everything it has to say, all advices I try to implement to this day and all advices I wish I never heard;

    I wish I didn't have any sexual temptations, or I wish my genitals would be deep inside my organs so I couldn't touch them or I wish I had iron boxers that would never open unless it was necessary or I wish I was already dead and wake up in a world where I don't remember any of this horrendous shit I saw

    Im just an anonymous retard that wants to complain about it to someone, because I don't want to do it to anyone I personally know;
    I will keep fighting because if I would stop my life would come back to being the most pathetic thing you can get, but it feels so hopeless sometimes.

    I watched porn 10 minutes ago and guess what. I buried another heinous images in my brain that will hunt me later. I hate this world.
    Last edited: May 24, 2021
  2. Ihro

    Ihro Fapstronaut

    I am on the 31. day of my second attempt so I'm not a great veteran of NoFap and because of that I don't have very much to say in this case and I hope that some smarter and more experienced guys will come here and comment. But I'll try to keep you up.
    Nowadays almost every men started watching porn in the very young age. From the one point of view it wasn't our fault, because children are not aware of porn's dangers and they are just curious, but on the other hand it is our life and we must bear the consequences of our deeds. One smart guy on YouTube (whose name I don't remember) said, that if you relapse, it is always your fault, because your motivation is not enough big. When I was close to relapse during my 30 days I rememberd than about my goals and the reasons why I am doing this. If your goals are not clear and specified, then urges will outweigh them. Also, in the moments of weakness I watched films and interviews about porn addiction over and over.
    In my country we say "you brewed beer, you must drink it now", which means that you have to deal with consequences of your past. I know, that this is easy to say and hard to do, but remember that you are not alone in this, everyone on this forum: had, have, or will have same problems and you can always ask us for a support. Also remember, that not everyone would be even able to start NoFap. If you started, that means you are stronger than the 90% of men!
    Revanthegrey and Arez01 like this.
  3. Arez01

    Arez01 Fapstronaut

    Day 31 on second try is incredible man;
    thanks for words of wisdom, yeah maybe you are right, it's my fault; maybe I have to face it like a man and ignore how many factors make it so hard. This fight is so long the reasons why I even do this are sometimes blurry like a dirty window. Good luck to you on your streak, 31 days is a big thing, I can tell you that you need 64 to refill your balls completely if that will motivate you
    Cheers mate
    Ihro likes this.
  4. Ihro

    Ihro Fapstronaut

    Our brains are not evolutionarily adapted to the times in which we live. During one "fap session" we see more naked women than our ancestors for their whole life. By one click you can see every type on woman that you want. Everything from your own house and for free.
    You must know, that noone in the history of humanity had such a hard fight. We are the first ones in this shit. We are like gladiators, thrown into the lion's den without training how to fight with this beast.
    Our grandfathers fought on fronts of WW1 and WW2, their grandfathers on the other wars. Porn addiction is our war. Our ancestors were able to grab the sword or a rifle and die on a battlefield for a better future. We cannot be worse than them. We have to take a fight in our war for better future.
    Abzu and Arez01 like this.
  5. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I will fight like a dog
    Bite hard, get cookies, roll over and sleep, that's life.
    Arez01 likes this.