Why is it also better to avoid masturbation alone when recovering from PIED?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by skaterdrew, Jan 25, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Remember the name of the thing some guys are trying to recover from, PIED, porn induced erectile dysfunction. It's not called MIED, masturbation induced erectile dysfunction.

    It does say on yourbrainonporn if giving up porn and masturbation is too difficult for you then relax and just focus on giving up porn. As the most important thing is giving up porn.

    But why would masturbating, IMO slow down recovery from PIED? and if it does slow it down then what extent would it slow it down? Do you think occasional IMO could stop PIED recovery altogether?
  2. magic05

    magic05 Fapstronaut

    I think it's because of the strong dopamine rush that orgasm causes.

    Porn alone also causes a high dopamine rush as we all know, but masturbation+orgasm basically intensifies it x10.

    You need to break the dopamine cycle in your brain cells. Everything in your brain is aimed towards P+M+O. That's how you conditioned yourself for years or even decades.

    While masturbating alone without porn might be less damaging of course, it can still easily lead to a porn binge afterwards.

    Weirdly, since I started my nofap journey 2 weeks ago, I did relapse on porn 3 times, but never once on MO. Of course it's always already a big success if you can abstain from only porn or only masturbation already.

    I think after 90 days of abstinence, one can slowly start masturbating alone, but that's just my estimation.
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