Why i quit NoFap and why Fapping and Sex is good for you.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Balkanray, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. There is a reason why are mages in fantasy books and RPG games modeled after Catholic priests and monks... Maybe.
  2. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    This is what I was talking about.
    Logic on this forum is rare because people just have certain ideas that they believe in and that's that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. I am no fanatic by any means . But I hate WDs , does that make me a psycho ?
    x2 . + Being laid-back is controllable . It is personality thing .
    And why there is SR section ? As we know it is not all 2+2=4
    TheStranger likes this.
  4. Many people say they hair thickens , hairline comes back . Etc . Etc .
    Seeing so much young men with their hair falling, I don't believe that .
    It can be nutrition, stress, genetics .
    TheStranger likes this.
  5. Nah, that's normal. I don't get to remember my dreams and they do become a hindrance for like 10 mins.
    True. I don't see my self losing hair.
    Could be.
  6. I don't think you understand what the word "proof" means. Because you have had a certain experience with NoFap, does not mean that experience will be true for everyone.
  7. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman


    This thread is being temporarily locked to review and allow time for all parties involved to step back and calm down for a moment.

    Please remember the old adage, “attack the issues, not each other.”

    Very Respectfully,
    NoFap Moderation Team
    Master Chips and Sosuke Aizen like this.
  8. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    The thread has been reopened. Please note that if the attacks continue, it will be permanently locked.
  9. Muphy

    Muphy Fapstronaut

    My personal views:

    I was reading the book "the 4-Hour Body" by Tim Ferris. and in book he gave an example of a person who used to work out (basically running/marathon but I am calling it workout as general term) some 12 hours a week, then he started using some techniques and reduced it to 8 hours a week and broken his personal best. then again he started getting smarter and started working out 5 hours a week and became much more fit, less prone to injuries and improved his time as well. So thats the story.

    Can everybody do that and became as fit as him by working out 5 hours a week and run marathons?
    Answer is an obvious NO.

    The catch in the story is that guy used to work out 12 hours a week for almost a year initially. and then he used techniques to reduce time and improve his performance. Do you think working 5 hours a week you can ran a marathon under 4 hours. Obviously no.
    First you got to put hours and hours of training and once you are comfortable running a marathon then you can apply some techniques and better exercises etc

    There is no shortcut to hard work. First you do hard work and then you take tricks and techniques to improve it.
    The same thing for nofap I guess. First you need to go on hard mode. learn to control your thoughts, identify what makes you relapse, control your urges.. once you mastered this then you can do whatever you want. After this even while watching porn you wont feel the urge.

    Usain bolt can stop training for one month and then start again and get back to his same performance level.
    Do you think a newbie can stop training for a month and get back the same performance.
  10. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I am interested @Balkanray in what attracted you to nofap lifestyle in the first place? A lot of guys practice semen retention because they believe (rightly or wrongly) that they have very low T, and want to do something about it. Hormones are all about balance, and high T comes with just as many problems as low T, as you point out. I don't think men with normal/high T should be practicing semen retention. At least, not long term.

    Also, happy to see that you are not defending porn. The main issues as I see them are excessive (multiple times a day) masturbation and pornography addiction. We can probably agree on that.

    When a man is severely addicted to masturbation, when he has sexual problems because of it, and has difficulty becoming aroused to anything but extreme porn, then a 'reboot' is required. This might take 90 days or 900. If you are having problems due to excessive testosterone, it's probably time to stop. Hopefully with a sexual partner, but in my opinion the occasional masturbate to 'own thoughts' is ok for the long term single.

    Lots of people are here for their own particular reasons, and not everyone is hardcore SR (maybe not even most?). Personally I am married, and my ultimate goal is a normal healthy sex life with my wife.
    Balkanray likes this.
  11. Balkanray

    Balkanray Fapstronaut

    I kind of like this reply, the other ones are just idiots. This is what i'm talking about. Believe me mate.. i have tried everything. From group therapy to exercising almost every day. I even was a vegan for 2 months. Many things have happened during my 4+ years of NoFap / SR experience. I did get confidence, i did get higher energy etc.. but man it was so wrong. I've been relapsing lately and i feel like really good and peaceful. I have a better and smoother relationship with others and i can feel connection. But the thing that this whole NoFap thing has become somewhat cult and nobody actually seems to know what long term of NoFap can do to you, i'm not the only one who is saying this.

    That's a good goal my friend. I see no problems having sex 1-2 times a week. But it all depends on you, some do more some do less. But yeah there are millions of men out there who are in a relationship and have sex occasionally. They are normally functioning people. I haven't seen a normal functioning NoFapper so far, most of them end up being more negative, depressed etc. Well flatline is one thing but yeah i literally wrote up there many things that can come from long time nofap. Some ass even told me that '' forget about friends, live by yourself and go with the higher path ''. I told him that i've been doing that for many years and then he backfired me lol. Ever since i've been masturbating again, i've been feeling less isolated and more awake to this world, NoFap turned me into a hulk who just wants to be alone and survive on it's own lol.
    fredisthebes likes this.
  12. Would you also use the word 'sedated'?
  13. Oh come on, what have you missed out on?
    I understand if after a relapse you are at a low point, angry, despereate, not in your right mind and say/write things.
    But come on, what are you are gonna do, cry about it now in retrospect about how when your room mates left for shopping and you meanwhile while being at home alone didn't seize the 'golden opportunity'? To do what, masturbate?
    Not saying that you would go to hell if you did either, but what soo uniquely memorable moments has Nofap stolen from you that are now forever gone and there is no opportunity for it returning?
    Even if you become the president in the upcoming elections, you will still have time to attend your 'private' sessions, mate.
    But if you choose to practise Nofap, and have too much energy, maybe exercise twice a day. Any sport. Except golf, maybe.
  14. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Why are you being so needlessly hostile? All anyone else in the thread did was disagree with your opinion?
  15. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    He doesn't suffer fools gladly
    Neither do I :p
  16. Oh god no, how could you stoop to such a low level?
  17. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I mean think what you will, but this entire thread just seems like classic case of "I posted something controversial online then got mad when people disagreed with me."
    thinking_differently likes this.
  18. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    NoFap is controversial lol. Nobody outside of it takes it seriously.
  19. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Thats not what I mean, I just mean controversial in general. OP's reaction to polite disagreement made it seem like he was genuinely surprised that people disagreed with him, which to me shows a baffling lack of self awareness considering the audience of this forum. Its also funny to me that he keeps saying masturbating makes him feel calmer and more at peace yet he flips out as soon as someone doesnt immediately just accept what hes saying, even though its based on circumstantial and anecdotal evidence.
  20. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    Even funnier are these trying to convince him that NoFap is subjective, however MO is objectively wrong.