Why did you decide to quit?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by BlackVelvet, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Builder98

    Builder98 Fapstronaut

    My best streak 220day and I found myself very friendly to my inner soul, that is the very delicious taste ever best but Pmo is something drifting away from that
  2. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    I don't have any choice but to keep going. It's either that or the same grey hell.
    BlackVelvet and Hartlepool like this.
  3. Hartlepool

    Hartlepool Fapstronaut

  4. Johny Amusing

    Johny Amusing Fapstronaut

    To me,I didn't get too hooked up too much into pornography, it simply came to me that my religion demanded I stop! It occurred to me that I seriously had no free time, and was feeling that I was being demanded to do these kinds of things. I would always associate pornography and masturbation as being something inappropriate, and sinful, but that sort of made me a hypocrite for doing them! I think, after PMOing, many people get these regrets, and feel tired afterwards! It was really getting to me that I was spending less time on studying, and more on lustful stimulation!
  5. Killerchicken15

    Killerchicken15 New Fapstronaut

    I originally chose to quit on the first of December, 2013, after having watched the "Great Porn Experiment" TEDx talk on YouTube. As I was watching that, I realised that PMO had been the source of so many problems I had faced in life.

    From there, I began a journey; a rollercoaster, one may call it. There were many low points, especially through the first few months of the recovery, but as time progressed, I began to feel so much better. I had my life in order, I was happy, I was healthy, or so I thought. On the 20th of March, just this year, and only three days before my birthday, I relapsed.

    From there began a downward spiral of constant relapsing, telling myself I would not make the same mistakes, and continuing to do so. But I will put my foot down this time. I'm done letting this addiction control me. I've come so far, and I've tasted victory. I know what it feels like to succeed at this, and I want that back. I believe by working with this forum, I will do it this time.

    It took a lot of work to get where I was before, but I'm willing to put that work in once more. This time, for good.
  6. Allen Hu

    Allen Hu Fapstronaut

    I started about a half a year ago and I've been more focused on counting the days I work towards my goals rather than PMO free. If I focus on my goals, my habits get replaced and I can focus on something productive. At times I did relapse on like, for example day 140 and I was completely depressed about it. I asked myself all that progress on PMO free gone? Eventually I realized I was looking at the wrong thing, I shouldn't count how many days I'm PMO free but how many days I am productive.

    Now my depressive mood was completely wiped and changed my daily habits. Everyday I strive for a greater goal. This week I'm planning to do 30 mi (6mi a day) in total for cross country preparation. I'm also reading a lot on "The Power of Now" and "The Man's Search For Meaning", both books I recommend to every human on planet earth. Finally, I'm going to implement a drawing practice session for figure drawing, and still-life's.

    Personally, I feel that the nofap community is very supportive, which help people grow and have a productive life.
    nofapper94 likes this.
  7. Hartlepool

    Hartlepool Fapstronaut

  8. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    I forgot but I remember I just was tired of PMO. I wasn't a virgin or anything but PMO CLEARLY was destroying my chances with women. So I looked on the internet and found YBOP. From theyre on its been a 2 year battle but I'm finally almost done.
    BlackVelvet likes this.
  9. jieseba

    jieseba Fapstronaut

    Dear friend,I am a Chinese,I’d love to reply your question here,as is same to you all,I have been addicted to PMO almost six years,now it feels that PMO caused many problems to me,such as ED,prospermia,being obscene and fearing to communicate with girls.now I want to get rid of PMO,fortunately,I sticked near three month once,I feel very lucky to meet you here,can I communicate more with you about how to drop PMO here?thanks!(I am not good at English,please forgive me if you have offended)
    BlackVelvet, Saoirse and Hartlepool like this.
  10. Zinc

    Zinc Fapstronaut

    PMO drains my energy so I quit.
  11. Mr_Annon

    Mr_Annon Fapstronaut

    I didn't feel good in myself and realised that I couldn't stop fapping when I wanted to like going to a friends or party to sleep over I would have an urge to fap or I wouldn't feel happy. Also I noticed I was always negative even people said I was negative so I realised to stop pmo then realised I am addicted the pmo so I am on my journey to stopping I stopped for 20/21 days last time so time to beat that and hopefully stop this shit forever. I have realized so many benefits so I am going to do nofap forever since its awesome.
    BlackVelvet likes this.
  12. nofapper94

    nofapper94 Fapstronaut

    I'm amazed that some of you have goals to not PMO until like January 1st, 2050. I would also encourage you to be setting smaller goals along the way! If you just have one long-term goal, it can seem daunting and you'll feel more inclined to say, "Well, I'll never get there anyway, so I might as well yank my wang."

    If you set goals month by month or every 90 days, I bet you'll stand a better chance of meeting that long-term goal of yours!
  13. prostate-orgasm

    prostate-orgasm Fapstronaut

    My reasons to quit porn
    -Takes away the need to use imagination while fapping. I love brainstorming/meditation
    -It was hard to find porn that offered what i actually wanted.
    -It made me desensitized which i actually understood very early, luckily i quitted before it went too far.

    Reasons why i rid the july challange(nofap)
    -learn dicipline
    -feel the effects my self
    BlackVelvet likes this.
  14. rathburn_eats_cake

    rathburn_eats_cake New Fapstronaut

    I could see how repeated issues within relationships with women- either who were my girlfriend or just someone who caught my eye on the street- were relentless. Either I was objectifying, I had no attention span to be able to listen and be in the moment with them, I would lose my temper easily, or I'd feel ashamed of sexual feelings.
    I miss looking at the girl I'm with and feeling like my whole chest is tingling like I swallowed a bunch of pop-rocks or something. It was causing emotional tension in my relationships with guy friends as well. I make music and it was creatively hindering as well as made for tension in my singing voice and in my hands when playing instruments. Over-all I felt anxious and tense. As I've been staying away from sexually stimulating images, porn, having slower more gentle sex with my girlfriend, I've already found new sensations. The other night when we were having sex, the second I entered her I started giggling uncontrollably, the sensitivity was that startling. However as we continued it diminished greatly BUT it was something. It hasn't all been peachy though, the whole process has made me question my relationships since they were formed while I was in full force with PMOing. Feelings from past relationships along with old memories have also popped their head up with the absence of some of the brain fog. It takes patience for sure but I feel it's worth it.
    BlackVelvet likes this.
  15. BlackVelvet

    BlackVelvet Fapstronaut

    Sure thing! If you wanna talk just hit me up!
  16. For me I was addicted since 11 (I'm 26 now). I always knew it was harmful and making my life miserable, but I was hoping that the day I finally met the true love of my life this addiction would stop, because being cared for and loved by a real women would be like a dream for me.

    The day I decided to do this NoFap challenge was one of the saddest day of this year :
    My fiancée was crying because she felt I wasn't paying attention and I was ashamed of her in public and always irritated around her. All of this was true but I kept this frustration inside of me. Why ? Because while she was beside me weeping the only thoughts I had was to go home and watch some porn and get away from this depressing evening. I hated Porn deep down, and this was destroying every one of my relationship but I was like a robot. Senseless and obsessed.
    I left her that night without even comforting her. I left her place while she was devastated and got home.
    I sat in front of my PC and PMOed. Seconds after that I realised how horrible I've become and what a mess I was. I was despising a wonderful girl, letting her down while months ago she was my all, my love and the joy of my days.

    During 8 years I have tried to stop but without any success. I PMOed at work, left the table during Christmas with my family I havent seen in years to do it in the toilet. I even refused romantic dates with my fiancée so I could be alone and PMO in my apartment.

    But this night, out of rage and despair I typed on Google "getting rid of pornography"
    I saw different link and discovered NoFap. This was surprisingly amazing. All this community trying to stop PMO ? All my friends thought PMO was natural and stoping it was just plain stupid but I found hundreds of people trying to get rid of it. This was so comforting. I felt understood and supported that night.

    PMO took too much years away. I don't want to waste anymore years. I decided to start this challenge and confessed my addiction to my fiancée. She is now helping me and praying for me. She's a wonderful women and our relationship is getting healed every day.
    Advice : never think that this addiction will stop when you are in a relationship. It will eventually be worse.

    Sorry for long post (and English mistakes. I'm french :/ )
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2015
  17. SerpentEagleHeart

    SerpentEagleHeart Fapstronaut

    Downward spiral of bad relationships leading to more porn leading to worse relationships leading to more porn leading to awful relationships and on. Always knew in my gut it was the reason, because in every other aspect I have been relatively 'normal'. Women couldn't understand why I was acting so weird sexually... Well there was a reason for that! And I'm changing it!
    BlackVelvet likes this.
  18. jieseba

    jieseba Fapstronaut

    Glad to receive your apply, in fact, three are plently of teenagers addicting to PMO in china, they are suffering from porn too, consequently, i am eager to find a good way to fight against porn, so i wish that you can recommend some good arcitles to me, i can translate them into chinese, and maybe many teenagers can be benefitted. if possible, i can translate chinese arcitles into english too. thank you very much!
    SugarDiabetes and BlackVelvet like this.
  19. Temujin

    Temujin Guest

    Being such a big fan of mediation I had a look at some other practices. I picked up the book 'Art of the samurai' by Yamamoto Tsunetomo which is a famous book on Bushido written in late-medieval Japan. It talks about meditation alot and at one point talked about semen retention so I thought I would give it a go. Seeing as meditation as had such a positive influence in my life I thought I would see what the other practices did.

    My best streak so far has been eleven days and I definitely felt a difference. Because of this I am determined to give it a proper go and incorporate it into my life.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2015
    BlackVelvet likes this.
  20. SugarDiabetes

    SugarDiabetes Fapstronaut

    Because it's retarded, plain and simple. The last straw for me was that I was tired of feeling the negative emotions that follows after the deed is done.
    There is no motivation really, just common sense. As for the community I have no idea. Fake and one-sided seems pretty appropriate, but some individuals are nice :)
    BlackVelvet likes this.