Why All Women Love Alpha Male ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by soumyajit, May 1, 2017.

  1. soumyajit

    soumyajit Fapstronaut

    If you do not know what an alpha male actually mean, the simplest way to describe them is the stronger male amongst the others, being strongest can mean anything. Like stronger willpower, mentally, or physically. Someone who leads and someone who is a little more dominating than others. In simple words “Alpha male is a one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”.
  2. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Oh wow, never heard of this theory before. So interesting. Thanks for sharing.
  3. meanbean70

    meanbean70 Fapstronaut

    Because alpha males take charge instead of simply doing whatever others tell them. They stand up for themselves and their significant other and girls are attracted to that.
  4. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Because they don't put that pussy on a pedestal.
    Radical Momo and IamRick like this.
  5. Happy Man

    Happy Man Fapstronaut

    It all come down to the caveman days. We are all hard wired a certain way. We are all hard wired for survival and replication (Men and women).

    We been a cave man or cave woman longer than a human being. Our brains haven't evolved to today's fast paced environments like work and internet. Back in the days we eat, sleep, hunt and survive. There are different types of animals out there that will hunt and eat us. We have to be strong and the leader of the tribe is very attractive.

    In order to survive, our brains have to evolve a certain way. Cave women are attracted to alpha cave men to increase there chances of her children's survival.

    Women cave women are looking for survival traits:

    Men with good looks mean her children will one day be attractive and increase her children chances of survival and replication.

    Men with muscles mean they are strong and healthy (not true in today's world) This means her children will be strong and healthy, increasing there chance for survival. Back in days, there was only veg, fruit, meat and certain eggs. Nothing unhealthy you can really eat. We didn't have a gym back then.

    The leader of the tribe. They are mentally strong, this means they are more likely to survive. If a cave woman can mate with this cave man, then there children will also be mentally strong. You can tell if some one is mentally strong through time and there actions. The cave women can pick up on this through time. Certain rich men can demonstrate these trait though leadership, they are the alpha male, through time women observe this through the work place. Obviously certain rich men can't. It's not about being rich or poor. If you can demonstrate these traits, then you will be attractive, even if you are poor, broke and stupid.

    Why are we hard wired for survival? This is because in the old days, it was extremely hard to survive let alone be happy. Happiness is not even in the equation. Same goes for men. Men are also not hard wired for happiness. Its a shame because we all need updating, but our brains are more wired for the cavemen days.

    What does attractive cave women mean? There is a better chance for the man's children to survive and replicate. This also means the man's children will be healthy and again it's not true in today's world.

    In the old days cave women don't have time to figure all these things out so they test. It's all about survival. They test the cave man to see if they have these traits. If other cave women are attracted to this cave man, then it must mean this guy must have some of these traits. Testing will not be required in this situation.
    Last edited: May 2, 2017
    Kenzi likes this.
  6. contrast

    contrast Fapstronaut

    Women don't all love alpha males. You rightly say that 'alpha' could mean anything, but regarding people who display their 'dominance', feel a need to take charge etc... Most of the women (and men) I know and socialise with tend to see those people as jerks. A lot of people of both genders simply are not compatible with those personality types on any level. Of course, a lot of women will be attracted to those traits, but it's simply not true to say all women are. I find comparisons with cavemen to be quite demeaning, we've come on a long way socially, intellectually and neurologically since then. I think one thing that reinforces the myth is the unnecessary association of self-assuredness with dominant personality. Self-assuredness is an attractive trait, not just in men. Alpha males almost universally present as self-assured. Many men who would not be classed as alpha males lack self-assuredness for many potential reasons, one major one being that they don't conform to the model of masculinity that our societies have fetishized. Liberating oneself from that pressure, not caring about what traits, behaviors or interests are or are not masculine- this can lead to that self-assuredness in a more healthy way imo. Finding peace with who you really are. Many women will still go for the Donald Trumps, inevitably. But I'd personally rather aspire to be confident in myself, be empathetic and open to compromise, without a need to dominate, control or impose my will over others.
    Deleted Account and Fap 5 Freddy like this.
  7. Lundi

    Lundi Fapstronaut

    Well you just answered your question in your post. But to further elaborate the whole alpha/beta/gamma distinction simplifies things a bit too much. I think the typical alpha male has a lot more to offer society and by extension to offer to women. By virtue of being able to do more, know more, the person is just simply more interesting. The more seasoned male is more capable in society and therefore has access to more experiences in life that are denied to most regular people.

    Imagine someone well learned, traveled, with a lot of skills and demonstrates value in career prospects and in life...is definitely someone who will be desired. In my opinion Alpha is the mindset and actions of a capable and charismatic individual.
  8. contrast

    contrast Fapstronaut

    I agree that the alpha/beta fixation is too simplistic and incoherent, and your last sentence backs this up: I think it's totally possible for someone to be well learned, travelled, with a lot of skills and demonstrating value in career prospects and in life without them in any way coming across as an 'alpha male'. I associate the term alpha male above all with the conspicuous display of strength/power and a dominant tendency. Which is attractive to many, but is by no means universally attractive.
    Fap 5 Freddy likes this.
  9. Yup. I actually was thinking about this today. Its all about that alpha male!
  10. Radical Momo

    Radical Momo Fapstronaut

    I gotta say I do find male dominance pretty awesome, but everyone's got their own tastes.
  11. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    That's the way it's always been, women are attracted to money and power.
    Radical Momo likes this.
  12. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    The Alpha male is only cool in high school for 14 year olds.

    After that, money talks. I could be a soft nerdy man but if I ever pull up in a Mercedes Benz and flash a Rolex watch, that woman will walk past that alpha male and jump in the car baby.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Maybe I'm the exception but I'm not the slightest bit attracted to money. I'm actually really put off by materialism or what I perceive as elitism or snobbery. But maybe that's because I'm a bit of a bleeding heart and dream of contributing to ending poverty and establishing world peace haha
    meh1617 likes this.
  14. Fap_Doc

    Fap_Doc Guest

    Easy there Beta.
  15. Fap_Doc

    Fap_Doc Guest

    Because we got it all my friend. Money, power, influence, superior intelligence, superior cock and we get all the bitches.
    Every woman wants me, every man wants to be me.
  16. Fap_Doc

    Fap_Doc Guest

    Material can only get you so far. The real sexy women are after more than just money. They want a man with real power and influence. Don't believe the rap songs you listen to kiddo. Welcome to the real world.
  17. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Good point.

    However, there is this thing called stealth wealth where a guy who has a great job and makes a lot of money but does not flaunt it. He dresses normal and does not wear fancy clothes nor does he drive a fancy car.

    But somehow a lady finds out and suddenly he is more attractive. I've seen this happen to other guys. Like some guys who went to Harvard for example.
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
  18. Some people get confused with being an Alpha male and think it means controlling a woman, but in truth is to take charge in life and make decisions. An aspect of the phenomena of "The Friend Zone" comes from the "Nice guys" these kinds of men often suspend all their likes and tastes and always try to please a woman in every way, so in the little things like, she asks "Where should we go eat?" you reply "Anywhere you want" it quickly becomes a burden for her because women's minds work a little different than men. Women have multiple choices in their heads and can't make up their mind most of the time, so a man that knows what he wants, when he wants it and how he wants it is more appealing than a guy who will argue with you for an hour on where you should eat.

    The duty of an Alpha male is to accept the choices of his partner if she brings them up, if she does it means it's really important to her. But it also means sometimes you have to be able to say no. Sometimes you have to be able to tell your girlfriend you want to go hang out with your friends while she hangs out with hers. If you are your own, independent individual, your partner will often feel there is a chance you might get bored and move on, so they try harder to please you, and this process keeps the relationship fresh and exciting. If a man is too nice and submissive, there is no challenge and women get bored instead.

    So yes, being the Alpha male is the best way to go if you want to have luck with women.

    (P.S. Being Alfa Male has almost nothing to do with having money, perhaps money is the result of taking initiative and leadership in life, but that's not what is attracting women about the Alfa's. They could be poor and be Alfa's and they would still want them. Only gold diggers go after a man's wallet.)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2017
    Kenzi likes this.
  19. contrast

    contrast Fapstronaut

    Your perspective is being ignored, because it doesn't fit into the BS simplistic sexist worldview that is popular around here. Once the men have reached a final consensus on whether it's wealth or power women are most attracted to (because all women are the same, apparently), hopefully they'll let you know so you can live your life accordingly ;)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Cause alpha males emulate me
    Radical Momo likes this.