where do I go from here?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Phibz, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    Is there anyone else here with over 300 days? One of my fears is becoming complacent and stepping back into the nightmare I escaped from. Like the alcoholic that quits going to meetings. I don't feel like I connect with anyone here, anymore. I have been through enough tests. I lost my dog of 13 years back in November, started dating, got back together with my ex-wife after 5 yrs of silence, had to let her go because she was a poor communicator, felt tremendous heartbreak despite thinking I was strong, experienced real relationships with people in general, discovered compassion, and discovered a pathetic side of me. I persevered through all of this. My lowest point was breaking up with my ex- wife. She looked like a porn star. The experience showed me that I was still susceptible to being manipulated by sex. I allowed myself to entertain "thoughts" after the break-up. But I was aware enough to know that would be disasterous. I drank more to cope. And a month later, I met the most beautiful woman, inside and out. I thought she was way out of my league. She is a beautiful attorney, and I'm a blue-collar type. The moment I met her, I knew there was chemistry. The old me would have just let her walk without even approaching her. I felt strongly about getting what I wanted. We are dating now. What if I had caved in a month ago? So is it time for me to move on? Was Nofap just a catylist? Sorry about the babble. Just tryin to convey some history. I just want some insight from some of the others that have made it this far. I get more negative feelings from Nofap than positive. Is this normal?
  2. I'm not as far along in recovery as you, by any means, but I see this place as a kind of rehab center. And that implies that at some point, it's time to leave.

    The good thing about the Internet though is that you can still check in every once in a while, to retain some accountability if you need it or to help out others who are struggling. But I honestly think that at some point, nofap can go from helpful to hurtful. Mostly because we're all talking about a bunch of triggery things all the time. So if you don't need to be here, sometimes it might not be the best thing to live in a constant reminder of where you used to be, you know?

    The cool thing is, as I said, it's still here. So if you decide to take a step back, you're always welcome back through the door if you need it.

    I'm glad to hear things are going so well for you, man! That puts a big smile on my face, literally. I hope you find what's best for you in regards to whether or not to stick around nofap. It's a personal choice, but you seem to know yourself well and I'm sure you can make a wise one. :)
    Phibz and Deleted Account like this.