when to reset ? *confused*

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by mr lonely, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. mr lonely

    mr lonely Guest

    Hey all , im a new member but i have been reading threads on the site for a while as a guest . Anyway as far as i know you have to reset only if you watch some P or have O\Mast.\edging
    But then i was reading in some place where some guys were talking about having erections while reading some threads or sites , and as a result of this they have to reset o_O !!! I have made more than 20 days without PMO so far , but to be honest i got some erections while reading some stuff sometimes ( happened maybe 2 or 3 times) not sure if it was just something physically or happened as reason of what i was reading , but anyway thats normal and it happens to every guy here ,so i dont believe i should reset if such thing happens .. So i ll be waiting to hear what you guys think about it ! So to Reset or not to reset ? :p
    Thanks for passing by :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2015
  2. greenboy27

    greenboy27 Fapstronaut

    Depending on the difficulty you are applying to your attempt this time.

    There are several different rules, but the basic rule is just to never PMO (avoid looking at Porn even without MO)

    as long as you don't PMO it's all good and no reset.
  3. LakeMichigan

    LakeMichigan Fapstronaut

    @mr lonely I don't think you should reset but the point of reboot is for brain to get back to factory settings. It will help to understand why we are rebooting and what is achieved from it. I recommend you to watch the following video even though the title has "teen" in it I think they talk about stuff in general. It tells you how dopamine and other substances change the reward circuitry when you are watching porn. An incident here or there won't cause you to lose all the work you have done up until that point but we do want to learn a lesson from the incidents and avoid getting to that place. In the end a reset or no reset on your counter doesn't make any difference as long as you are making progress on creating a porn free life.

    mr lonely likes this.
  4. calo9025

    calo9025 Fapstronaut

    It's really all I matter of what you decide but the ultimate goal is to stop porn. I'm doing a hard mode right now so if I MO its a reset. Some people reset when they edge. I don't because if I do edge, its going to end in an O anyway so it will already be a reset for me.
  5. mr lonely

    mr lonely Guest

    Thank you guys for making it clear , i will reset if i PMO , i dont watch any P at all since i started NoFap , im on hard mode as well , but the erection thingy got me confused , like who doesnt get a boner sometimes....
    Thanks for the video man ,i will deff watch it , it's exactly what i was looking for :D
    notonmywatch10 likes this.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Hey @mr lonely. First, welcome to the NoFap family. Secondly, you will find the list of definitions helpful in the Glossary ^. Thirdly, it is somewhat strange to hear about these guys who "were talking about having erections while reading some threads or sites, and as a result of this they have to reset!":rolleyes: Nah, forget that mr lonely! Your thoughts are correct. :)
  7. mr lonely

    mr lonely Guest

    Thanks :)
    .. glad im right about it , i hope i get used at these definitions fast ;) nice to meet all of you guys !!
  8. Ikr? Getting a boner isn't always sexual. Sometimes guys get them for no reason at all. Don't reset 'cause of that.

    Also, if you think you're getting aroused by something in particular quite a bit, try and think of some ways to avoid that trigger.
    mr lonely likes this.
  9. Jmak290

    Jmak290 Guest

    Resetting the counter for me is an individual thing and I use my predetermined sexual recovery plan as a guide.

    Masterbation is a major factor in my addiction. What was first? Porn or M? It was M for me.

    I use it as coping skill. Stress adds up and I release it. That has become my sexual compulsivity.

    Being married for 27 yrs, Mastebation is part of our intamacy. I did hardmode for nearly 2 yrs, with some relapse in there. But I needed that reboot.

    My sexuality was on the highway going a reckless 120mph, my wife is going 55mph in a 65mph zone.

    Now a reset happens when MASTERBATION is used as stress relief or its lazy inappropriate use.

    The imagery during M, is also an indicator of the decision to reset. If we are engaged in sexual activity and inappropriate imagery invades my thoughts just before orgasm, and any of those inappropriate images carry me thru that orgasm, that's a reset for me.

    My sexual recovery plan is not a plan of total abstinance. No sex whatever. We are sexual beings.

    After the reboot, it was difficult to get back into swing, but my wife was so delighted when "I got my mojo back".

    If I'm feeling triggery or close to a relapse of any kind, if I'm struggling with imagery, I would limit my appropriate sexuality cause to indulge at this time would most likely result in having intimacy within the porn mindset. THAT IS where I don't want to go and have ANY FORM OF SEX!

    When I get erections, it's awesome. The plumbing still works. But now that I'm understanding my sexual compulsive behavior and it's ill side effects, I now see I have a choice to either answer natures call or just let "little John" stand proud and tall, I don't have to act out of compulsion every time.

    This past week has been difficult and I was simply lazy. I had to reset. Porn was there. If I relapse in the morning and get back up from it, but the next morning, another relapse???

    It can be discouraging at times, so I've been thinking about placing a 24/48 hr window for a reset.

    It is my plan to stop the slide ASAP. And not take all 48 hrs and enjoy the ride.

    SCA is a great 12 step program geared directly to my addiction of sexual compulsivity.

    Thanks for letting take space in your thread.
  10. mr lonely

    mr lonely Guest

    thanks for sharing your story , M was a stress relief for me too to run away from things chasing in the head , so keep it up man :) good luck with your goal ;)
    notonmywatch10 likes this.
  11. mr lonely

    mr lonely Guest

    i agree with that :)
    notonmywatch10 likes this.