When they say certain pharmaceutical drugs are bad, but you feel better on them?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by skaterdrew, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I think with the internet these days people are becoming more and more aware of things like nutrition, exercise ext. Becoming more aware of healthy natural things you're supposed to have in your diet, and then things that are unnatural and unhealthy that you should avoid.

    Some issues I have with this is there literally is a lot of nutritionists, doctors, intelligent people, and just people in general that believe that if you live a certain way your not going to get mental health problems, your not going to get psychical health problems.

    A lot of people believe when someone gets some sort of harmful disease or condition that it has just happened because the person has been unlucky. But what some people believe is it is an accumulation of things that they have been putting in their body and being exposed to for years and years, and then all of a sudden they develop a harmful disease or condition and think how was I unlucky. But the way these people see it is it's not that they have been unlucky, it's that they have been putting harmful things in to their body for years or being exposed to harmful things for years and then this has accumulated and now they have developed some sort of harmful disease or condition.

    But the thing is there are many things a lot of people think are not that harmful. Sugar, processed foods, trans fats, certain cooking oils ext. Even things like radiation from microwaves, mobile phones, your router, going on an aeroplane regularly. Many things.

    So someone might realise these things are somewhat harmful, but they will think that they're not that harmful that they're life threatening.

    But what a lot of people are saying is when you do certain things for years that might not be that harmful initially or for years and years, what they're saying is it accumulates and then all of a sudden people are ending up with a harmful disease or condition thinking it's just because they have been unlucky.

    I do get the point these people are making. But the way it comes across is they almost think it's impossible or highly unlikely your going to get any serious health conditions if you live a certain way. I'm not sure this is true. It's almost like some of these people that write about this stuff and post videos about this stuff think well no way I will ever get a serious health condition in my life time. They come across like they don't think that is possible, or they think it is very unlikely because the way they live their life and the things they do and don't put in their body.

    Another thing these sort of people will do is they will seriously bash pharmaceutical drugs. They will even say a lot of times that your doctor doesn't know what they're talking about a lot of the time and most studies are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry and they mostly want to get people on their drugs.

    I definitely believe there is something ruthless going on where it is mainly all about making money.

    But on the other hand to think no medications are helpful is also dangerous. Certain pharmaceutical drugs save peoples lives.

    The thing is I have tried to live really healthy for long periods of time, eating nutritionally, exercising, avoiding crap food, avoiding alcohol ext. But the thing is it's never really made me feel better. I have still had a lot of issues with my mental health and I have still had stomach issues.

    But then two of the pharmaceutical drugs a lot of people will bash and tell you they're unsafe, unhealthy and dangerous have helped me much more than what living a healthy lifestyle has.

    The anti depressants prozac helped my mental health issues far more than what living a healthy lifestyle did.

    The proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole helped my stomach issues much more than what living a healthy lifestyle did.

    I'm not on prozac or lansoprazole anymore, as I have been trying to improve my mental health on my own for a long time. I also don't like the side effects from the prozac. I don't like what I have read about proton pump inhibitors, and this is why I also try to battle my stomach issues on my own. But recently I have been taking the odd lansoprazole tablet when I have been getting an upset stomach, nausea or severe heartburn, and the reality is it does really help.

    A while ago I read and heard about apple cider vinegar, about how that is supposed to be really healthy, about how that helps heartburn and an upset stomach. A lot of these health and nutrition fanatics seriously promote apple cider vinegar, speaking and writing about it's benefits ext. Yet they're seriously bashing proton pump inhibitors, speaking and writing about how unhealthy and dangerous they're. So I tried the apple cider vinegar for a while and felt worse off it. I got worse heartburn, worse nausea and worse stomach upset from the apple cider vinegar. But then I take one lansoprazole tablet and all the stomach upset, nausea and heartburn goes away completely.

    It's just quite frustrating because I do try things for long periods of time, years even, yet the best results for helping certain conditions I have has came from the pharmaceutical drugs and not the healthy lifestyle.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020
  2. Perhaps the prozac benefits were largely placebo (as well as a chemical "numbing" effect)?

    Placebo can be a powerful thing. Maybe you could get similar placebo effects by less harmful means.

    Things like prozac or lansoprazole might help in the short-term but cause harm long-term. That's how I would tend to think of them.

    Also, apple cider vinegar should be well diluted.

    I agree with much of your post by the way. I know people who try to live ultra-healthily but still have issues. Plus living that way can be difficult and stressful to accomplish at times.
  3. LifeIsAmazing

    LifeIsAmazing Fapstronaut

    Those people that promote natural food as a super alternative medicine are just over hyped. Like yes of course apple cider vinegar contains minerals and other nutritions EXACTLY as an apple or any other fruit do.

    Magazines that are saying that natural foods and products can be used as a medicine works only in cases where a person has a nutrition deficiency, so an extra apple per day wouldn't affect a healthy human.

    Pharmaceutical monopoly is real. A good example is with Daraprim, where the the patent owner increased the price for this pharmaceutical. A other good example is the "opioid crisis in USA", where the doctors are overprescribing opioids and amphetamines to people with mild pain and ADHD/ADD.

    Antidepressants are very complex, especially SSRI's. All antidepressants do not work for everyone and it takes a long time to work.

    Many pharmaceuticals work but I personally think that there are too many drugs with a low efficiency rate.

    Psychopharmaceuticals are also hard to find because of the need for the drug to bind to special receptors and also too have safe metabolites for humans.