WhatsApp Group Pitfalls

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by OSU32, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. OSU32

    OSU32 Guest

    Eyy. I am an Admin to a Solid WhatsApp Group ---- these gents know there is much, more more than just
    ' abstinence'.

    Wanted to share some insights since being a part of an 'Accountability Group'

    1. Accountability -- Just means you give someone permission to help you GROW from who you were to who you are trying to b. Accountability does not mean ' Someone else will solve my problems for me'. I know we all secretly want someone else to fix our lives for us. Bummer heh?

    2. Most guys in the community fall and it will leave a sour taste in your mouth! I've been a part of a bunch of groups and I observed that you have two MAIN types in Nofap Community. Type A: They're not ready -- they rarely report in, and when they do it's there 'rationalizing & justifying' as to why they haven't reported in, OR why all of a sudden their cured. Type B: They bleed all over the Group -- they are constantly relapsing, then pitifully returning to the group to be reassured 'it's ok, or they're ok'. But, within a couple days, the cycle repeats. They write PAGES of what they're going to do different then fail to adhere to anything they said. Just my experience yo!

    3. They think Nofap has magical powers --- No! Nofap will not fix you! But, it will give you a chance to see WHY you found jerking off to be such a relief to your internal funk. When WE stop jerking off, the real pain and shit will show up ----- this is when the boys get separated from the men.

    4. 95% of people in these groups FAIL. So stop relying on THEM to keep you motivated. If 95% fail, why are you using them to keep you going?

    5. I could add to the list, but THE END. I will say that the WhatsApp Group I am in has been going strong for over a year (UNHEARD OF), and truly are Brothers In Arms!!!!!

    Stay close!

  2. Jmak290

    Jmak290 Guest

    Whatsup app seems like a closed and secure sort of app. Student ID or organization code??? Just not for everyone to join...?!!
  3. Jmak290

    Jmak290 Guest

    Whatsapp is different from whatsup! Got it