What's the Final Stage of a Porn Addict ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mr.Tony, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. - Let's say someone:

    Have been consuming Porn since 11 years and kept going on from that age up to his 50's. Watching all kinds of things.

    2D Porn, VR, Tube Sites...

    What's the Final Stage, How woulf be the quality of his life ? How would he behave ?

    Also, What if someone consumed Cartoon Porn for 30+ years on daily basis, will he lose grip with reality ?

    I know it's different for everyone but let's say we are talking about the Average Human Being.
    last chance likes this.
  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    What your consuming isn’t as important as what the consumption does to you (illegal stuff notwithstanding of course). Addiction cause discord in the mind. Men identify as completely straight start watching gay/trans porn and start thinking they may be gay, even though they aren’t that’s just one Example. An extreme is men watching sissy hypno and tears later are considering becoming trans, even though they had never once had any doubt of their gender identity.

    when you can’t stop, when it’s causing you or others mental/physical pain—that’s the final stage.
  3. Hmm, You're right. May I ask you a controversial question: which type of men Porn was created for them ?

    I guess not everyone is willing to change, and not everyone is going to have a romantic partner - I don't know, But I think that the only type of mzn who really porn is doing them a favor are these types: They probably have a disability or they have a certain disease or disfigured face and they are broke, I think these are the only men who maybe I guess Porn is Made for them. Don't you think ?
    jackcruiser800 likes this.
  4. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Porn is created for whomever will consume it. Man or woman. Though most porn is made for men. All men. As long as people consume, it will continue to be made.
  5. True, That is a fact. But not asking about who would consume it, I'm asking about who have no choice but to consume it! most successful men or those that want to succeed won't consume it, I'm talking about a special kind of people that don't have a choice but Porn, Porn is Love and Marriage and Relationship is to them, that's their only love, and they feel love although it's virtual but they do feel it, they feel being loved and wanted.

    This thing could ruin other men's lives but to them it's their only true love. 90% of men here I believe don't fall into this category - but there are types like this.

    These type of men are in desperate situation beyond repair. So the really question is: in this case Porn becomes a solution to their miserable life rather than a means of destruction.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
  6. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Porn is not a substitute for love, relationship or sex.
  7. I agree with you on that!
    Sex with a Prostitute is also Porn - 3D Porn. There is nothing real only fictional ! Just like Porn.
  8. CleanSlateMA

    CleanSlateMA Fapstronaut

    I disagree with your statement. While sex with a Prostitute is not recommended and can be risky, it is still a real-life experience with physical contact, and consequences. In contrast, 3D porn is a completely virtual and fictional experience that lacks the physical and emotional aspects of real-life experiences.

    The bottom line is that porn can distort one's brain and expectations, while real sex does not. It's important to prioritize safe and consensual experiences in all forms of sexual activity.
    uplift likes this.
  9. What's the final stage?
    Death as a man who hasn't lived his life, I guess.
  10. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    There's too many variables. It's not what kind of porn or how much he watches, as much as why he watches, and how he uses that information. I, and I suspect many others, use porn to avoid real life. Something bad happens, something stressful, something that tells me I'm not up to par or "good enough," and that makes me feel bad. So I use porn, pretend a high value woman likes me a lot, because I am good enough, and then that's over but I didn't do anything to address my initial problem. I didn't troubleshoot, I didn't come up with a solution, so the thing that made me feel bad is going to happen again, and again, and again, and the only tool in my box is to distract myself with porn.
    All of this is going to make me socially inept, and emotionally fragile. I'll be arrested at the stage of development that I started using porn. If I started porn at twelve or thirteen, I'll have a thirteen year old's ability to withstand criticism, a thirteen year old's work ethic, a thirteen year old's sophistication in handling a conversation with a friend, an authority figure, a potential mate. Objectively speaking, a thirteen year old's grasp on social interactions is not sufficient to hold down a complex (high paying) job, to negotiate with adults, to handle aggressive situations, to convince a potential mate I am trustworthy enough to go home with even once, much less commit to a long term relationship unless I find a potential mate who is also operating at the maturity of a teenager, in which case, that relationship is going to be an unmitigated disaster of hurt feelings and awkward recoveries as we blow up at one another and don't know how to adequately repair. At the same time, we might understand the other person is the only one who can tolerate us, so we could be in a long, codependent relationship. Not a happy or productive one, though we could reproduce and pass on our terrible life skills to our kids.
    Quality of life is going to be low, as I'll be continually frustrated with seeing other people be far more successful than I ever could, without fully understanding why. My behavior will be erratic. I won't be a good friend, so I won't have good friendships. I might be dependent on others for financial support. Most of my time will be spent in pursuits where sophisticated social skills aren't as necessary, mostly online, playing video games, watching or consuming fictional narratives where doing things are safe and predictable (good guys always win), that give me more dopamine for less demand. I will be rude. My hygiene will probably not be great.
    I didn't seek out to write a stereotype of a mouthbreathing anime and manga junkie angrily typing with Cheeto stained fingers from his mom's basement about why one superhero costume was better than another. This is just probably where I would have ended up. Some version of that, anyway.

    Others escalate quickly to some advanced fetishes they find distressing. These, I think, make easy targets to be victimized (broke or buried somewhere in rural Tennessee, months or years after being brutalized), or they wind up with suicide. One thing is for sure, though, they are very unhappy. Hard drugs can kill you, porn can't do that directly so you can't go on an insane bender and die in a blaze of bliss. You're going to go up and down and up and down and up, then down... but you hit your physical limits so you can't go up very high any more. It's miserable, no matter what.

    Almost as bad, though, is what I see a lot of guys around here doing; battling porn for years and vacillating between "needing" and hating it. That's what I have done my whole life and it's miserable. You can compartmentalize, but that stopped working for me.

    You have to find out why you do porn. What need the porn is meeting. You are doing porn instead of something else, using porn to solve a problem that would be better addressed in a different way. First you have to find out what that problem is. Find the pattern. You most want to do porn... when? What happened ten seconds, fifteen minutes ago, that morning, that you now have an urge to use? What is the trigger? This is why you keep a journal. It isn't to whine about how difficult this is, though we do use it for that and there is some utility in processing feelings. The best use of the journal, though, is to identify trigger patterns. Once you ID the trigger, you can work on a way to resolve that negative feeling without using porn. Maybe it's as simple as avoiding that situation. If it's something you have to get through in order to get something else you need or want, you can come up with a strategy for dealing with it. For example, I feel miserable because I have no job, no income, I can't do things I want to do. So I watch porn. OR, I could apply for jobs. So I start applying for jobs, and get no offers. That makes me feel bad, so I watch porn. OR, I could adjust my approach. Am I underqualified for the jobs I'm applying for? Am I overqualified? Do I need to improve my interviewing skills? Dress better? Do I need to get more schooling? Or have I just not applied enough?
    Same can be said for dating. You want to date, but you are afraid of rejection so you watch porn. OR, you could steel yourself, understand that most guys get rejected a lot, sometimes "no" actually means "not right now," and just start asking girls out. But you're batting 0.000, nothing but rejection. So, you feel even worse, and you watch porn. OR, you can realize that visual evaluation for a mate leans into a pornographic construct, so you can lower your "standards" and start talking to girls who look like "7s" instead of "9s," or "5s" instead of "7s," and learn they have other qualities that make them a lot more fun and interesting to be around, and the best part is, since all the other guys are leaning into that pornographic construct, your competition is much reduced. OR, you can take a self-evaluation and ask, "why would a woman even want to go out with me, anyway? What do I bring to the table?" and realize you need to work on your conversational skills, physical fitness, financial fitness, education (so you have something interesting to talk about, not the video game you've been playing too much of, or the hottest political trend that you can lazily lift soundbytes for), etm.
    All of that takes a lot more work than watching porn. A lot. Of work. Hard work. But, not using porn keeps it uncomfortable enough that you keep looking for a way out, instead of sitting in the misery and being reminded of it every once in a while.
  11. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Everyone has a choice. Disabled or disfigured men don't need porn. Nobody needs it. There are disabled and disfigured women out there, people who have learned that ability or beauty are not necessary for love and relationship.

    @InappropriateUsername is correct; porn, or any other product, is made for the person who consumes it. That's the way the market works. The men who consume it are lazy, selfish, and deluded about what sex is for. Lazy, because it's practically infinitely easier to type "pornhub" and start browsing than to convince a woman to have sex with you. Selfish, because the sex porn depicts is centered on one party, the consumer, and doesn't take anyone else into account while actual sex is a relationship. There's negotiation, personal sacrifice, reciprocity in real sex. Porn is all about you, the consumer. Deluded, because porn convinces you that sex being all about you how it should be. Because porn is already a parody of sex, and drives expectations of sex and relationships to be more porn-like, more centered on you, than the way real sex is supposed to work. Porn got to the point, even before the Internet, where it was making men want things out of sex that should never be wanted

    This is exactly why I 100% agree with this statement
    Is true. There are things that happen on a chemical level with prostitute sex that don't happen with porn. However
    is slightly misleading. Sex with a prostitute still distorts expectations. It's still in that same vein of lazy, selfish, and deluded. Lazy, because instead of making yourself into a person a woman wants to have a relationship with, you're just renting her body. If sex is supposed to be about relationship, prostitution is a misuse of sex. Selfish, because the deal is, while you're renting her, you own her. She has to do what you want, not what she wants. That's the deal, and it has to be that way because she doesn't actually want to do anything with you anyway. Even if she's acting like she does, that just means she's good at customer service. Deluded, because of that good customer service. If she's got any sense at all, and wants to continue getting your money, she's going to tell you whatever you want to hear. She's not going to tell the truth ever.

    Porn is like watching a film, where prostitution is an elaborate LARP. One might sound more dynamic and interesting, but both are fiction, and a distortion of what sex is supposed to accomplish.

    Sex is about reproduction, and pair-bonding which is also part of reproduction. Feeling good is just a trick some creatures developed to persuade us to go through with it, because for humans at least, reproduction objectively negatively impacts quality of life by every quantifiable measure. The only thing you get is satisfaction in relationships with your kids, and satisfying some primal instinct to continue your genetic line. You have fewer material resources, fewer time resources, you're not able to do what you want, you have less sleep, your mental health degrades, it's noisy, it's messy, you can never find your keys, you have to wipe shit, clean vomit, ride out tantrums because the cup you gave your toddler is the wrong color, you have to know the difference between Peppa Pig and Bluey and hear songs so simplistic and repetitive they make Demi Lovato look like a musical genius ad nauseum, I have six kids myself and I could spend hours telling you all the bad stuff that happens. Especially before birth control, there would be virtually zero reason, none, to have sex. Combine resources with another human or humans to divide labor? Hell yes. Bonding would be a good move. You could do that without sex, though. Doing that weird thing with your parts and getting a kid for your trouble? No way. Bad move. But it feels good, and it's fun to make a person you like feel good, so you get two people who like each other a lot making one another feel really good, and nine-ish months later a baby comes out. Damn. Now you're responsible for it until it can become self-sufficient(ish), another thirteen to eighteen to what is it now? 25 years? 30? I read somewhere that most Millennials have their parents still paying at least one of their bills. Actual successful families require a lifelong commitment, to some degree. Yeah, evolution has a few tricks to get us to reproduce, pleasure in the act being one of them, because it mostly doesn't make any rational sense.
  12. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    My friend could only have S with his wife if she dressed up as Mickey Mouse but it escalated to Daffy Duck!
    Isaac Newton2006 likes this.
  13. I guess as long as it’s a “real life experience” then it’s healthier? Are we being serious with this type of reasoning?

    Have you ever used a prostitute? The entire experience is session in distortion.
  14. RamboErecto

    RamboErecto Fapstronaut

    I can tell that the body is very adaptive, and as masturbation dont do any permanent damage, its very easy for him to recognize real woman and get into real sex again (If you do enough recover of course)
    This will not happen in a week. But I can tell anyone can back from porn with a month of abstaining.
  15. CleanSlateMA

    CleanSlateMA Fapstronaut

    I did say "risky," didn't I?
    Still not a virtual experience like pornography.
  16. I agree with you on this part! ~ Prodtitution is nothing more than a Fake illusion, and these women do just that making you fall for it!
    Fuck that! I ain't taking that road! ~ I'll focus on being lovef by women rather than thid sh*t!

    But to be loved by someone you need to work on yourself and become great on many aspects ( Financially, Health, Wealth...) you name it!

    That's an Alpha Male, and that's exactly what we need to focus on, especially healthy young men! We need to work togather and build ourselves togather!
  17. Oh you did, but my issue is with what you’re trying to claim which is…
    This is what I find stupid, that you would think a person using another person is a better experience than a person using a virtual platform. You don’t care about the quality of the experience. You don’t care that the “real life experience” is one real life person exploiting another real life person. You don’t care that this real life experience could result in the spreading of contagious stds to unsuspecting spouses. No, to you, those things pale in comparison to the horror off a person getting of to virtual/digital material.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2023
    Kiwifruit likes this.
  18. CleanSlateMA

    CleanSlateMA Fapstronaut

    Chill. I just did a comparison between prostitution and pornography because the OP stated, 'Sex with a Prostitute is also Porn - 3D Porn,' which only someone disconnected from reality would say; something real is not the same as something virtual.

    Additionally, in what you said, you are confusing exploitation with consensual sex. And don't bring STDs into the discussion man; it's not like you can't get them from non-prostitutes too. It's your job to take precautions.
    JustinX likes this.
  19. Ah yes the “it’s consensual” argument. Yes, as long as two people mistreating each other is consensual then I guess we’re all good. No hope for humanity with standards that low.
    CleanSlateMA likes this.
  20. I'm sorry but sex with a prostitute = 3D Porn at least in my opinion, because it's still based on an illusion, nothing is real! I'm talking about what she does to you and what she says and what she.... you know what I mean!

    On the other hand, being loved by a woman is a different thing, she doing that because she want to do it with YOU! and she won't do it with anyone else at least when being with you!

    I hate to say it, but I fucked up my life up to this point - I can't allow myself to fall for another type of Porn or a Porn substitute! I'm revolting on this shit for good!

    There is no life going down that path, I'm going to fix my life as soon as I'm done with my first year of NoFap!

    If it wasn't for NoFap who knows what I'll be doing now, maybe subscribing to one of P websites and saying P is the best thing ever! I'm sick from that! and I regret every moment I spent doing that! Maybe I was weak, maybe I had lack of guidance which is true! But now it's over -I'm choosing a different path, I want to become successful! And I know I can do that!
    CleanSlateMA likes this.