What to do when the urges come back?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by shearer93, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. shearer93

    shearer93 Fapstronaut

    I'm back on day 1 after 32 days. I thought I was doing well until my urges came back on day 30. When they come back I can never shift them, just get a couple more days before falling.

    Is there any way to deal with them when the urges happen again? How have others managed it?
    Connor21 likes this.
  2. SpikedClub

    SpikedClub Fapstronaut

    You got to keep mind occupied so those urges can go away.
    shearer93 and Connor21 like this.
  3. Connor21

    Connor21 Fapstronaut

    What I'm trying to do is feel the urge. Then I either focus on letting it pass or focus on transfer the sexual energy into energy that I use on something else. Much easy to write than actually do tho lol.

    If you can get past 30 you can get past 90, no excuses let just do this thing!
    shearer93 and SpikedClub like this.
  4. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    In the moment where you feel the urge coming, you got to change your focus.
    There are many ways doing so, a cold shwoer will certainly flip your focus but also physical exercises do.
    Yet, I figured asking questions is an amazing way to flip your focus and feeling better, just written a thread where I discuss this technic:
    shearer93 likes this.
  5. shearer93

    shearer93 Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys, appreciate the advice. Most of my urges happen late at night so my only real option when urges happen is to go to sleep.

    Maybe I still need to keep my mind occupied during the day though, and be more productive. The more I keep my mind away from porn the better.
    Eleanor likes this.
  6. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Keep a wooden spoon by your bed. If you think you might relapse whack yourself on the ass with it. It actually works.
    shearer93 likes this.
  7. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    This works too IMG_1480.JPG
    Eleanor, shearer93 and SpikedClub like this.
  8. MutaLiSK

    MutaLiSK Fapstronaut

    Focus on something else.Keep your mind busy on something.It's the easiest way.
    Also,analyze your routine and check which moments your mind gets empty...those moments are the problem.
    shearer93 and SpikedClub like this.