what the rate of producing dopamaine ?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by user anymore, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. user anymore

    user anymore Fapstronaut

    I know it may be seems a strange question
    but after every relapse such as my last relapse I feel lack of any motivation and I guess that because of that dopmaine is all used up and that the brain needs suitable duration to re-produce dopmaine

    and my question here .. anyone knows what the rate the mind produces minimum enough amount of dopamaine so that i can again have motivation ?

    in other words how long it will take so that I no longer feel that lack of motivation ?

    and Can i control that production of dopmaine by any way ?

    thanks in advance
  2. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    I'm no doctor, biologist, neurospecialist or anything related to that, so what I'm telling you is only based on logic from the related information I've read regarding pmo and overeating.

    First I also don't know the average rate or anything like that.

    What I do know is that an addiction to natural rewards such as high-speed internet porn, over time reduces the number of receptors of such dopamine in neural synapsis. Therefore even if the "production rate" is the same (I don't know if there's a lowering in production due to low reception feedback), the actual use of that dopamine that your brain does to motivate you and propel you toward certain actions is lowered.

    In addition to that, the overpowering of your PMO-seeking behavior keeps you drained of energy and motivation after a reward (PMOing) since you get satisfied from your main source of pleasure.

    This is a downward cycle, in which the more addicted you are, the worse it becomes. The less motivated you'll be overall, and the less motivated you'll be after relapsing.

    Bottom line 1. I'm not a doctor but I'm sure a doctor will need more details about your current situation.

    Bottom line 2. Get rebooted and your motivation will be higher, both in life and after orgasming.

    I welcome doctors to correct me :)
  3. Some Randomer

    Some Randomer Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    I relapsed once 3 days ago, indirectly to porn.
    I would say if it is just a one off then 3-7 days, I feel ok today.

    But everyone is different, some minds take longer, some take less time.
    You will find out in due course :)
  4. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    For me, my last relapse being 2 weeks of edging, with drugs and alcohol thrown into the mix, only about 3 O's over those 2 weeks, but I annihilated my dopamine receptors regardless, flood of the century in my brain due to the edging, and I am still not feeling motivated. Granted I get alot done don't get me wrong, but I wanna feel like superman, and that's going to take a couple more months I think. 4-6 months and you should be in the clear, no more swings, the ups and downs should have levelled out, if not you must have been spankin the willy HARD daily for years.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  5. NU-LIFE

    NU-LIFE Fapstronaut

    I'm gonna throw in my 2 cents here,

    I don't believe your brain is ever constantly producing dopamine if that's what your asking. The way your brains reward circuitry and the limbic system works is this: there's part of your brain that controls your pleasure ie the reward circuitry. From a young age this part of your brain becomes sensitized. And from experiences it tells you what you like and what you don't like. If you happen to be into something that is out of the norm that is because this part of your brain perceives this as pleasurable and thus produces dopamine therefore feeding the reward circuitry. There is no stored dopamine in the brain. Your brain does this on many levels. There are many natural ways to feed the reward circuitry. Things like socializing, healthy exercise things like that that bring pleasure and get that part of the brain going. The reason we eventually become desensitized to certain things is because we're giving our brains way more dopamine that they can handle and damaging receptors, temporarily. Remember our brains have not evolved to handle the horrors of Internet porn use. That's the part I'm sure of. Here's the part I'm not so sure of. I believe that when you take away the fappers biggest producer of dopamine which is porn your going from too much dopamine to none. That's why some slip into depression and such. It's very important at this time to keep, or start doing hobbies and activities to keep producing healthy normal amounts of dopamine. When you relapse after a long period of nofap your re-introducing the brain to those heavy dopamine levels and in comes the hangover. It should clear up within a few days, but as randomer said it can vary from brain to brain. Just remember happy activities=happy brain. Keep doing the things that make you happy and you will keep producing healthy dopamine.

    I'm not a doctor, but I've done some extensive research to try to figure out my brain chemistry. Hope this helps.
  6. arrow

    arrow Fapstronaut

    Same problem dude. I now have mastered a week whithout fapping. I think the brain has to learn that the high dopamine level will not come back. Doctors say that the brain needs four weeks to end a habit.
  7. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Hey OP bro, check out foods and herbs to boost dopamine and increase willpower by boosting health and energy levels, I hate to keep the goodies secret, so I share with all of you. I LOVE YOU ALL! MY FELLOW FAPSTRONAUTS!

    Yo, listen to what this dude says about cacao powder, he says it can be a catalyst for learning how to increase motivation, it's so true. I had some pure cacao last night before a workout, and it gave me so much energy, it's also incredibly healthy and considered a superfood.

    I recommend installing Magic Actions for youtube and disabling recommended videos on the side, just a warning, youtube is a very risky site
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    5 Mystery Foods For Instant Self Love

    The herb He Shou Wu can boost and sustain dopamine levels through mao-b inhibition, but if you are taking medications it's probably not a good idea to take it unfortunately, this is for people on no meds. Much love :eek:

    "He shou wu is a powerful yin jing tonic, helping to restore sexual fluids, build blood and tonify the kidney and liver, but one of its most powerful attributes, is its calming effect on the nervous system. This does not mean it will make you tired, as in fact it is also taken to increase true energy within the body, but it has notable effects on easing the nervous system, inducing relaxation and a profound grounding. He shou wu’s magnificent levels of zinc also help to reduce stress and create an inner-calm. The high levels of MAO-B mentioned earlier in the article also supplement this effect, as the mood-enhancement from the increased dopamine within your brain can provide great benefit for your nervous system. He Shou Wu is also something that strengthens the body’s functional reserves, that “battery pack” of deep, primordial energy that our body uses just to live. Since he shou wu contains the Yin Jing, it also contains that foundational energy that we pull from all the time. It’s what nourishes, hydrates, and feeds the whole body, so we can run at our top efficiency by day, and close our eyes with content and rest easy by night.

    He shou wu helps to delay the aging process by increasing the activity of SOD, or superoxide dismutase in the body’s cells. This basically helps to prevent your cells from oxidizing, so just like metal rusts, bodies age, and with the help of this powerful antioxidant, you will not only be protected from this process, but also from the free radicals and pollutants that interfere with optimal functioning of your cells. Also, he shou wu has been seen to inhibit MAO-B, a process that helps to boost dopamine in the brain, and it has been seen that MAO-B activity greatly increases as you age. Thus, being able to withhold MAO-B from gobbling up all that dopamine in your brain, you are not only enhancing your mood and lowering stress, but also delaying the aging process. Many controlled studies have shown he shou wu to prolong the lives in animals, and many people have lived longer to prove it! The extra bonus he shou wu has in store is its ability to maintain natural hair color or even reverse gray hair! This is one of the most popular uses of he shou wu, as one study in China showed 89% of the participants to have a portion of their gray hair return to natural color, and of that, 65% were fully recovered. It is important to keep in mind that this study was administered under daily consumption of the herb for several months, and avoiding heavily processed foods, exercising daily, and lowering stress levels are also important factors that could affect results."

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  8. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do to control the amount of dopamine your brain releases (assuming you aren't drinking alcohol, or taking any recreational drugs). Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released in the brain when you have performed, completed, trained or done any other activity to help promote healthy endeavours. Dopamine is also released upon reaching climax during sexual arousal, and is the reason why men and women find themselves wrapped in a sticky dependence involving masturbation and porn.

    So, all that being said, there isn't much you can do to control this specific neurotransmitter, apart from taking medication. Begin to exercise- dopamine and endorphins are released in abundance afterward, leaving you in a euphoric and pleasant state. Running also releases this neurotransmitter, along with talking and interacting with people. Dopamine is a very powerful and influential neurotransmitter involved in the human brain, and when experienced naturally, can be very rewarding.

    Disclaimer: most of the information I have written here is past knowledge from introductory level psychology courses. Do your own research if you wish to further this general explanation.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  9. user anymore

    user anymore Fapstronaut

    thanks guys for your replays
    that was very useful for me :)