What is Harder to Quit? PMO or Smoking?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Admiral Rusty, Jun 15, 2018.

Which is harder to quit? PMO or Smoking

  1. PMO

  2. Smoking (Weed, tobacco etc.)

  1. Admiral Rusty

    Admiral Rusty Fapstronaut

    Both may have the same effects, in terms of dopamine release, but which is harder to quit?
    PMO addict likes this.
  2. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Probably depends on the individual. But it's possible! I haven't smoked in 4 yrs 9 months, I'm sevral years without caffeine or alcohol, several years without sugar or gluten and over a year without meat or dairy. I kept going back to PMO again while not picking the other substances back up... I guess I held sexual behaviors in more of an "organic" place meaning they might not be something I need to entirely give up. However, I never had a GF in like 7 years so one reason I am "trading in" PMO is so that I could have a better chance of getting a GF. I wanted to quit smoking when I smoked, and I wanted to quit PMO when I was active in PMO, and I experienced difficulty with both on my own. However, quitting either one has been a lot easier with support.

    My biggest weakness in life is probably my finances/career. I am really stuck in those areas. So I think improving my financial/career life will be harder for me than quitting smoking or PMO or drinking or anything else. But some people have an easy time with finances/career, using crutches like smoking or drinking or caffeine... For them quitting the caffeine or smoking or drinking would be harder but who knows without self-medicating might not be so functional at their careers.
  3. lif3

    lif3 Fapstronaut


    You can take out a cigarette almost anywhere at almost any time (in public or private) and smoke. Cant really do that with masturbation. Avoiding public indecency is time spent willingly refraining from M which is why I find staying outdoors as long as possible one of the best ways to cut on M.