What habits do you guys do?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by EndZone, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. EndZone

    EndZone Fapstronaut

    To start, i do - meditation,journaling,reading and NoFap among other things.

    What about you guys? :)o_O:D:DThinking about adding cold showers soon but it's winter and i don't fancy the cold at all. Hmmm soon :cool:
    Moon Shot likes this.
  2. Moon Shot

    Moon Shot Fapstronaut

    I don't like cold showers either. :S But if the urges are about to peak, it's best to do it, not that it will be enjoyable, but worth it. :)

    You journal? I'll be checking out your journal soon. :) Reading is my one true love. :p What books do you read? I think I'll start playing chess, seems like a good way to occupy the old bean and meditation... eh. I would like to, but I have the attention span of a table. I would appreciate any pointers. :p Nofap has become my new addiction. It's good for the most part, but procrastination- ugh!

    'Among other things.' Please do share what else!

    You joined yesterday, yeah? A belated 'Welcome to the NoFap community!' :D Never give up. Ever. That's all you need! All the very best in your travellings. ;)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
  3. EndZone

    EndZone Fapstronaut

    I read self improvement books but in the past was heavily into fiction reading with derek landy and clive cussler being my favorite authors. Currently reading "A brave new world" by Aldous Huxley for fiction and How to read a book, How to make friends and influence people,Think and grow rich and The power of now for improvement books.

    Meditation should help your attention span! I'll check out your journal :):D Chess will help urges for nogaming if that interests you - i do some similar stuff.
    Moon Shot likes this.
  4. Moon Shot

    Moon Shot Fapstronaut

    All these are great titles!

    hat's just the problem! :oops: I don't have the attention span required to meditate. :/ Got to start doing that...

    Hee-hee, you don't have to check out my journal. But, I'll try to check up on you with my steadily increasingly strict schedule. :confused:

    Take care of yourself, warrior!
    EndZone likes this.