What do i do when i lost my motivation on aproach girls?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Qwerty3456, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. Qwerty3456

    Qwerty3456 Fapstronaut

    So im gonna be Quick, I texted many girls in Facebook chat and they Just reject me and reject without even having a conversation. I try to get usted to the rejects but sometimes you feel that you Just can't even get a single win on women.
    Im asking what do you think guys i can do, keep trying and getting rejected or focus in myself and give up in women for now? Thank you for your help
    Btw Sorry my bad english i talk spanish
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Coak Hakola like this.
  2. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    if you were a male model do this woman reject you? if you were a famous football player? if you were the quarterback? if you were the popular guy in college? of course not. Woman in general are attracted to good looking guys, in shape, with money, power or status. If they don't see you as that then they are probably not going to care about your personality, they are just not attracted to you enough to give you a chance to speak.
    See this in the opposite way, bring to your mind a woman you are totally not attracted to. No matter how good her personality is, you are just not attracted to her and you wouldn't date her.

    Always focus in yourselve. Let say you are currently a 5 but if you hit the gym, work on your hair style, work on your style, work on your social skills, work on your confidence, work to get more money or be more popular then you can became a 7 in woman eyes. Guys that are a 7 get more girls that guys that are a 5, is as easy as that. Of course in order to get more woman you need to work on it, be better. Are you willing to do that or you prefer to just complain about it and do nothing?
  3. Qwerty3456

    Qwerty3456 Fapstronaut

    So thanks for the advice, and yeah I understand sk I will keep improving myself and not pay too much attention on the girls, thank you man :)
  4. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut


    maybe to restructure this to a challenge. Challenge yourself to approach 100 beautiful women until end of this year.
    Happy Man and Qwerty3456 like this.
  5. Qwerty3456

    Qwerty3456 Fapstronaut

    Maybe, it's a good idea I will try not 100 but at least the most of the girls I can aproach I will do it
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  6. I think what you can do is approach people in real life.
    Qwerty3456 and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  7. BetterMeandI

    BetterMeandI Fapstronaut

    I think working on yourself is the best for now, level up, and surely when you are levelling up in every area of your life, like p1n1983 said, your style your look, hit the gym etc will help in bringing in attraction
    Qwerty3456 likes this.
  8. Not sure if you are texting randoms or old friends. I lost most of my friends over time since I was sick for a while. When I was back, I started texting old facebook friends. Maybe 40 of them. About half wanted to meet. Some unexpected. Either your friends isnt as good friends as you thought they were or if you are texting randoms you should just stop. I hate online dating for that very reason. The pictures are mostly fake and many are not even interested in dating. They just want an ego boost. Focus on Nofap until you have at least a few weeks locked in. Mentally remove the option of fapping. Once you truly do so, you will start realizing that the only way to redirect your urges is to start hitting on real women. It will push you out your door more often, give you motivation to improve yourself and make you more ready to meet women.
    Vanquisher12 and moliver_xxii like this.
  9. becomingreat

    becomingreat Fapstronaut

    Just don't text them first, they'll reach you later if they want you. As simple as that. If a girl is into you she won't wait for you to text her, she will explode your phone!
  10. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    I aggree with Coak Hakola, that is really hard today for a men to get a women. It's a lot of work; the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

    Otherwise...i have big respect for men who had hundreds of rejection and still are trying to get a women. They don't give up. They still trying to get the goal.
    I'm not laughing about you, if you got 100 rejections and more. I have respect to you, that you against all odds still fighting.

    100 rejections are still 100 first steps and 100 opportunities.
    Qwerty3456 and Coak Hakola like this.
  11. Qwerty3456

    Qwerty3456 Fapstronaut

    Man I have to tell you and with all the respect, don't become a woman hater, just watch, there are maaany guys that don't have money, they are not Brad Pitt, are really ugly and they do have couple, me too, I was rejected in a party in the last weekend and I get to the conclusion that I am not attractive and have to improve myself.
    I think that we don't really know what to do with the girls and that it's the real truth, and if you feel like that, go to gym and do exercise to make the girls that rejected you feel bad for not having you and to be you the guy who rejects her...
    Don't become a hater because with that mentality you don't get to anything, focus on yourself improving and stop wasting your time finding couple that's what I will do and hope you too.

    Very good luck
    Vanquisher12 likes this.