What counts as P subs?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Golgo 13, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    What counts as porn subs? If I'm on Youtube and I watch say a documenary and a pretty girls is the narrator, but I don't watch the video to see the girl does that count as porn subs?
    WalkingForward likes this.
  2. Giving_this_a_try

    Giving_this_a_try Fapstronaut

    Not sure I understand. do you mean like just listening to her voice?

    I would assume not but if it still works in the same way P would for you then I would say yes.

    I think P subs is anything that essentially can be used in the place of P. for me it is usually music videos of pop stars, dance performances, etc.

    Really anything that can be used in place of P to reach the same effects as P.
    WalkingForward likes this.
  3. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    I'd say it does not count as a p-sub. The pivotal idea is whether or not you intentionally watched the video looking to be turned on by it. If you the watched the 'entire' video purely out of interest for the documentary and an attractive female was presenting the material, good for you! That is what many of us hope to be able to do long term. However, you might start to get triggered during the video. In that case, probably the best thing to do is cease and desist once you realize you are not paying attention to the documentary and are starting to see the hostess as a sex object.
    WalkingForward, Low and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  4. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Indeed. When watching such a video, think for yourself exactly why you want to watch it.
    I myself often come to the conclusion I want to watch it because the girl is attractive, but there are also cases where I conclude that I want to watch it because it legitimately interests me.
    WalkingForward likes this.
  5. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    I'd say that anything which you think could lead you down a slippery slope to relapsing would be a p-sub. The question isn't necessarily "is it a p-sub," but "am I watching this for a feelgood sexual-excitement dopamine hit which might lead me to relapsing down the track?"
    WalkingForward likes this.
  6. The word "porn" is already pretty vague, but in the end, it all depends on your personal philosophies and goals. To some, it's the videos of people having sex with the sole purpose of arousal. To some, it's pretty much anything that arouses them. As a simple concept, anything you use in a PMO session is something your brain likes, and therefore the definition of porn for you.

    Porn subs would theoretically be the things that arouse you but aren't really "porn" in your definition. Don't get too hung up about the definition of "relapse", "porn" or things like that, screw the whole idea of purity (it may cause stress and relapse). The most important thing is to be as clean as possible and be determined to change yourself as a person for the better.

    Everyone is different, you choose your own goals and path my friend. Good luck!
  7. Sleep aid

    Sleep aid Fapstronaut

    a p sub is anything you want to jack of to when you look at it that isnt a porno video. that could be a highschool year book, espn womans track, your girlfreinds moms underwear , anything that you wanna look at while you rub your penis.

    toes , yummy toes, should be illigal for women to paint their toes and show them in public.
  8. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    For me even thinking of anything sexxual is considered a P sub so every day is a real challenge and i have to litterally take a 10 second break from life and think of something else everytime i think of something sexual for instance, if im on youtube and there is a thumbnail with a girl i have to count to ten. Or in real life if i see an attractive girl i look the other way because its not good for rebooting.
  9. IGY

    IGY Guest

    This is a great question - what counts as porn substitutes (p/subs)? Strangely, they are not mentioned on your counter @Golgo 13. :confused: Anyway that is easily rectified by rewording your counter criteria. So, what is the answer?

    To understand what p/subs would be, let us be absolutely clear what porn is. There is still confusion about this at times.

    Porn: http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/pornography
    1. writings, pictures, films, etc, designed to stimulate sexual excitement
    2. the production of such material
    Therefore, porn includes erotic stories; sending and receiving sexual messages (via page, phone or computer); erotic photos and moving images etc. In other words, porn is anything designed to stimulate sexual excitement. But not subs.

    P/subs: are not designed to stimulate sexual excitement. However, for the individual they may be sexually arousing just the same. Let us look at some examples of p/subs.


    Beachwear/underwear: These maybe pictures simply advertising male/female clothes. They are not designed to stimulate sexual excitement, but if you/I find them arousing and intentionally view them for that reason they become a p/sub to us.

    Sexual Fetishism: This is a sexual focus on a non-living object or non-genital body part. In 2014, a study found that 28% of men and 11% of women reported fetishistic arousal (including feet, fabrics, and objects "like shoes, gloves, or plush toys"). So, a documentary about footwear products, while not designed to stimulate sexual excitement, could do so and therefore be a p/sub to an individual with a shoe fetish.

    I hope those examples are enough to demonstrate that what might be a p/sub to me, may not be one for you. What is important is to realise that when we view what is a p/sub to us, it can have a more profound effect on our arousal than some random bit of porn that doesn't fit with our preferences. So, do not underestimate p/subs!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2015
  10. freedom05

    freedom05 Guest

    Thanks for clarifying ...