What are some jobs that I can earn a living and avoid seduction from women completely?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by auzzy_mikey, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. auzzy_mikey

    auzzy_mikey Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I've been seriously considering going into any job where I can avoid women altogether? Like I don't want to get seduced and lose my semen? What options do you guys suggest?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Construction would probably be your best bet...or a bartender at a gay club.
  3. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    Garbage man. Ironic because this question is garbage. You can’t actually be serious??
  4. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    Why do you think your desire is unique in this huge community?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    That is by far the greatest comment on this forum I have ever read.
  6. Merchant navy :chief engineer,crew
    Oil rig worker,army,astronaut.
  7. Just anything hard enough, because we are equal...
  8. DesertExplorer

    DesertExplorer Fapstronaut

    No matter how handsome you are, women will not try to seduce you every chance they get (the opposite is more prevalent). Except if you are a young Brad Pitt.

    So, I would assume that you attract women a lot and can't resist flirting with them? This is what would explain your question.

    If that is true, I would recommend you to stay at your current job and just stop flirting with them. You are in control. Not them. They're not going to rape you...

    Changing your environment so you don't waste your semen is silly. Discipline is what you need.
  9. LOL in my house right now. Ur funny.

    On a more serious note

    Do not ask for suffering or temptation, but if it finds you do not regret it's presence. In wanting to avoid temptation you will attract more of it. What we resist persists and avoidance is not dealing with it.
    These things are in your life for a reason, your challenges your hardships are there for a reason. In these is the only way we grow, in these is the only way we can be sculpted into a better version of ourselves. In the furnace in the fire is the only way to transform lead into gold. (Not literally)
    Do not ask to be free from temptation, ask yourself "When temptation comes how can i greet it in a different way so that it has no hold on me?"
  10. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    So true! This applies Not just in our NOFAP journey but also our journey of life. Thank you for your wisdom brother!
    NamaClature14 likes this.
  11. DesertExplorer

    DesertExplorer Fapstronaut

    Exactly! After 74 days of NoFap I was doing it on and off for one month. I couldn't get past 12 days (and if I lasted for that long, I suffered greatly). Because I thought the whole game was to not be tempted in the first place.

    Two weeks ago, I accepted that I will get tempted again many times, and when I did, I should face it with grace. Now, I doubt I am going to relapse again. I might be seduced by a hot chick because I am still naive, but at least I have the confidence I won't masturbate again.
    lceres6 and NamaClature14 like this.
  12. auzzy_mikey

    auzzy_mikey Fapstronaut

    Actually, I try and avoid women at all costs. I don't try to even talk to women at all. I don't try to flirt with them or anything. My presence and aura is so strong right now cause I'm on nofap, no pmo on day 173. Even in public I always just look down to avoid getting any female attention.

    That actually is the case my friend, at any opportunity when I see in a woman in public they start playing with their hair and they want eye contact from me. My aura and presence is very elevated and dangerous right now. I feel like a lion wherever I go.

    At the moment, I work by myself in my office and there's no one there. I'm just scared if a female employee joins me in my office and then tries to seduce me. That's what scares the shit outta me.

    Whenever any female client comes, I put on all my defences and armour to ensure no semen is leaked
    DesertExplorer likes this.
  13. auzzy_mikey

    auzzy_mikey Fapstronaut

    Very true my friend. I'm a Christian and I asked my pastor if I can completely escape this world and it's evil ways. He said to me then I'd have to become a monk and live in a cave. My pastor told me that it is only through life's trials and evil things that we are tested as humans to see if we stand for God and only for God.

    Brother the only thing is that pmo and orgasming from real sex have completely ruined my life. They led to panic attacks, anxiety and depression.

    I ask these questions to go to a job with only males to make my life easier and wish for there to be no hardships.
  14. DesertExplorer

    DesertExplorer Fapstronaut

    On day 173, that doesn't unreasonable. I can sympathize to some degree because after two months, this is what was happening to me too. But I liked the attention. And then I fapped... lol So, I know it's dangerous and good for you for having the discipline to try and avoid it.

    But I really do think you should change the way you look at women and not try to avoid them. Having a job where no women will be present may seem like a solution but as with everything I think you need to work on yourself, not your environment.
  15. TheDiamondTention

    TheDiamondTention Fapstronaut

    Work at home. No women to be seen
  16. DesertExplorer

    DesertExplorer Fapstronaut

    Dangerous to be connected to Internet for long hours at home. At least, in my experience.
    lceres6 likes this.
  17. ForeverChanges

    ForeverChanges Fapstronaut

    Petrol rig man. The only thing that may happen is that Men will compete to get your golden seed instead of petrol.