Wet dream OCD help

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Jpm20, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Jpm20

    Jpm20 New Fapstronaut

    so since I've been abstaining from Pmo i been having wet dreams but I'm super OCD wen it comes to cleaning. So wen I have one it takes like an hr or two to clean up from shower to using Clorox wipes washer etc to clean wereever I was sleeping at even if I didn't get any semen on it and everything I was around like phone computer etc . I'm just afraid I'll get it in something and someone touches it Is it to excessive should I use something else like bleach what if I get it on any thing I can't normally wash like a tv controller cellphone etc cause I fell asleep next to it please help this may sound like a joke but it's not what do you do in this situation thx
  2. You have a phobia or an extreme anxiety condition.

    You need to get help.

    Some options are CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), hypnotherapy, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), and EFT (emotional freedom technique).

    There are other options.

    Generally, CBT takes quite a bit of time to start working, so you might want to opt for one of the others.
    Tannhauser and Jpm20 like this.
  3. Jpm20

    Jpm20 New Fapstronaut

    oh i never really thought of doing tat thx like it could be cause ill reclean over & over again & even if i sorta forget ill clean anyways ill stop rambling its just Ive never talked to anybody about it b4
  4. It's good to talk and good to share.
    Feel free to talk to us about it.
    We won't judge.

    And, yes, please do get help. What you do is surprisingly common. Cleaning OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) is a recognised problem in the medical profession. OCD usually hides some other problem that needs healing, so it can only help you to sort this out.
  5. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    You can heal your OCD with cognitive behavioral therapy as mentioned. You will feel anxious at first and then you will get used to and your brain will adjust.
  6. justmyusername

    justmyusername Fapstronaut

    Look into inositol man. I have a form of OCD too. This stuff has been the biggest help. If you research it you will find there are legit studies on it showing it to be as effective or more than the ssri's (medicines) they usually use to treat OCD. It's known as a serotonin(brain chemical involved with ocd) modulator. Plus its very similar structurally to sugar (tastes good, found in many fruits) , and was once considered a b vitamin (vitamin b8) and you don't have the side affect concerns people often have with some medicines. Good to try CBT too though, but combo off both medicine and cbt usually works best. Always best to follow the advice of a dr though than random internet people like me.
  7. Yes, please don't take any medication unless your doctor tells you to.
  8. Fenston999

    Fenston999 Fapstronaut

    Try CBD maybe. It's natural. Could chill you out some. Sounds more mental than anything though. Maybe sleep with rags in your pants.