Well, here we go again.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by FightingTriton, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. Last year was a really messed up time for me.

    Everything was going wrong in my life. One day i was doing the routine when i realized i was doing my thing simply to get a shot of dopamine. It started me on a 39 day quest where i swore i would NEVER watch porn. After 3 days of trying to use my imagination to get an erection was when i realized i really needed a rewiring. For days I didn't even feel like masturbating. After 14 days i started getting the drips and it annoyed the hell out of me. but thankfully my imagination didn't need to make much of an effort.
    25 days later i had a really bad day, and that was the end of my first long NoFap.

    in the recent months, even more shit has happened to me in my life. I have renounced christianity after years of spiritual, mental, and physical abuse caught up to me one day and I broke right down and lost my job for 2 months on sick leave. A fight i was training for ended in the 2nd round with me on the stool, sucking for air. getting ready for the fight i cut 12 pounds, and got sick many times during training, which largely led to me losing. And with COVID-19 out there, it made this year, so far, a depressing one.

    But, in all the darkness, a light hath shone on me. I have found a girlfriend. A long distance, but absolutely perfect girlfriend. This was one of the reasons i took on a NoFap because i wanted a girlfriend to end years of lonliness.

    I swore that I would never fall back into porn, and unfortunately, I have.

    So from now on, we're going back to July 10th, 2019, the day the Fighting Triton wrapped up his fists initially to take on a NoFap. Today I start again. July 26th, 2020. This time, I want to smash my old record. Let's see if we can do 15 or more days this time, and even longer without porn.

    I'm doing it because I want her.

    Let me say that again. I'm doing this because I want her.
    baardmans2020 likes this.
  2. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    Welcome ,
    i wish you good luck,
    do it for her and for you
    One Eyed Owl likes this.
  3. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut