video games are ruining my life

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by treborn, Jul 27, 2018.

  1. treborn

    treborn Fapstronaut

    as read in title, video games are ruining my life, I would not play it anymore but during the day I have no idea what to do
    wearefamily87 likes this.
  2. Jinkazama

    Jinkazama Banned

    Video Games were the greatest Thing in my Life.

    I Wish the women i Met that dont love me were playable Like Videogames.
  3. treborn

    treborn Fapstronaut

    play hours and hours in front of a monitor, how can it be the most beautiful thing in your life?
    wearefamily87 likes this.
  4. You need to figure out what you want in life and how you are going to make that happen man. That's, as far as I know, one of the hardest things someone your age or mine has to do. Think about that deeply and write down what you want. Then try to make a plan on how you can achieve this and try to be very precise and note every little step of the first few parts of your plan to make sure you get going. You, I think, need some meaning to your life, could be family, work, becoming friends with oneself, whatever you choose. Good luck and get going.
  5. Jinkazama

    Jinkazama Banned

    I only played Playstation 1. Also 2 + 3.
    I could Limit myself Sometimes and was still at school.
    So for me it was a great Hobby because IT was fun.

    This forum is full of neurotics. Makes me think about the Common State of the society WE all live in.
  6. Dude, this site is full of people trying to beat an addiction, what did you expect? Fireworks and butterflies?
  7. wearefamily87

    wearefamily87 Fapstronaut

  8. You had discipline enough to limit your use of playing video games, some people just can't, because they are addicted to it. So if someone thinks playing video games is harmful, it might be true for him. I used to play games for long periods per day, and I couldn't find a limit or stop, then I had to sell my video card because that was the only way to stop. You should have more empathy.
  9. wearefamily87

    wearefamily87 Fapstronaut

    Playing video games is stupid, let's be honest...
    It's waste of time and waste of life.

    If you are one of those people that smile all the time and say shit like everything in small amounts is good and you should enjoy your life, then keep telling your stories and live on your clouds of pleasure... the wisdom is somewhere else.
  10. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Video games are fine. Just like any other form of entertainment or pleasure. Just take responsibility for the consequences. Realize the price that you're paying. Be aware that there is a downside and upside for doing anything.

    Investing more time into escaping reality than you are developing your reality is a problem. It's a problem when fictional worlds are more interesting than your own life story. If it wasn't a problem, then you would be living your reality more than you would be escaping it.
  11. wearefamily87

    wearefamily87 Fapstronaut

    "Video games are fine"... yeah, PORN is fine just the same way... and then follows your smart reasoning about plus and minus and jing jang shit. I don't know...
  12. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Settle down.

    If you're going to compare video games to porn, then why stop there?

    Stop watching tv and film. Stop listening to music. Stop eating dessert. Stop reading books. Stop going to parties. Never drink alcohol. Don't have any hobbies. Stop anything that gives you any sense of pleasure, entertainment, or exploration of an interest. Don't forget the internet as well.
  13. SensualLettuce

    SensualLettuce Fapstronaut

    How so? If someone enjoys playing video games, what makes It a waste? Sure, It can be considered unproductive leisure (though countless studies do document the rewards of playing video games), but the time was spent enjoying life (not to sound pretentious).
  14. treborn

    treborn Fapstronaut

    the problem is not when you play videogames, but when you play the whole afternoon
  15. ClaudeDuval

    ClaudeDuval Fapstronaut

    Video games are a monumental waste of time. "They're okay in small doses" that's the problem is most people don't play them in small doses. It becomes an addiction... If video games are taking up all of your time then you need to find new hobbies instead of sitting in front of the TV drinking mtn dew and eating doritos and pushing buttons, "level up" in real life. Shut that shit off and treat your own life like a video game... Like being a kick ass fighter in the game? Join an MMA gym. Like being the badass strong man? Join a gym. Like having shooting skills? Go to a shooting range(if its legal in your country). Shit, I'd rather see people play airsoft with friends than sitting around on a video game(at least you're getting exercise). This is the problem with society... Everything becomes an electronic reproduction of life. Want sex? Watch porn. Want to be heroic? Play video games. Want to go on an adventure? Binge watch a netflix series for 10 hours. Stop training yourself to be a spectator and go out and do those things in real life.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. SensualLettuce

    SensualLettuce Fapstronaut

    Alright, a lot of people here are suggesting that video games are objectively a "waste of time" and innately unhealthy for you although It's a completely subjective thing. It's a personal thing and you need to value how much these things mean to you like every other hobby. Of course a lack of moderation is going to hurt you, like any other activity. It's not a difficult concept to grasp really. If you can't moderate yourself, exercise self discipline or give it up. If you don't enjoy It but you still do It, then It's a waste of time and stop doing it. People rarely have the time to enjoy life, spend time doing the things you enjoy. It doesn't matter how small or huge it seems in the grand scheme of things. As long as you enjoy what you do for the most part and It isn't hurting you in any negative way, continue on with it.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  17. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    Use your youth to the fullest

    Im so regret myselft that at my youg age wasted by video games and P

    Go try anything that u like,, join basketball team, go to self defense course,,join the who and try to solve hummanity problem

    There are so much thing that u can achieve

    If i now still teenager i would like to join muaythai and train like a beast
  18. Shawwwn

    Shawwwn Fapstronaut

    just go out and gym... its like levelling up your muscles in real life.
  19. wearefamily87

    wearefamily87 Fapstronaut

    Yes, ideal scenario :emoji_ok_hand:
    However I've heard a mention about higher pleasures (that have good positive effects on your life), but I don't know what it is, so... but that would be perfect.
  20. Muphy

    Muphy Fapstronaut

    I am 29 .. watching porn since I was 12 .
    Never new I was addicted .. never heard of nofap.. just going on..
    I tried to stop this and believe me you can hold it for a week.. but when weekend comes .. it's all back and you'll think it's ok to stop for 5 days and I'll watch now and get satisfaction and then from tomorrow onwards I'll try for two weeks..
    Well tomorrow is Sunday .. you'll do it again thinking you'll start from Monday..
    In next week you'll do on thursday by accident and then you'll think ooooppss .. it's done so I'll again start from Monday and the you'll watch and satisfy yourself on Friday Saturday and Sunday.

    Now on Monday you'll think ohh I'll start from 1st of next month it's only 4 days away and swearing this time..

    And it's all going to repeat and I'm next month you'll block some websites .. then stop watching youtube for some time and this sort of things you'll do whole year.

    Trust me.
    I found that two year ago that there is something not proper while having sex with my gf..

    And after that two years i kept giving excuses that I'll stop from today fromMonday from next month and many more.

    Now it's been 20 days and I have stoppedit all. Nothing at all.. and now I don't imagine sex at my office.. I don't imagine sex in bus... I don't imagine sex whilecommuting..

    The secret is..
    I started reading a novel. It doesn't give me time to think anything else. I come from office at 5 and get into that novel and I read it till 8 .. have dinner and again back to it.. call my friends on phone for time pass... Then back to novel.. sleep at 1am and wake up at 7 am .. back to novel.. I don't watch TV.. I don't watch movies on laptop.. infact I haven't opened laptop in days.. I read on Kindle so there is no option of just googling stuff and distraction by anything..

    I chose a novel..
    The mistborn triology..
    It has 3 books in series.. and then three more book series .. and then 2 books as prequel..
    Total 8 books..
    I have reached on 3rd in 20 days..
    By the time I complete 8.. 90 days will be passed..

    Also the great..

    My suggestion: reading is excellent habit. Select some book with long series and get yourself involved into... Also this book has no porn or sex stuff so you'll not reach down your trouser while reading it.

    It helped me a lot and I already see changes in my routine..
    I need less sleep.
    I am attentive at office .. I feel a new energy in myself..

    Try it out.

    I might not have explained in some attractive fashion and with good vocabulary.. but trust me it has helped me ..
    And surely will