Using diet (calorie restriction etc.) to achieve nofap

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Marion06, Mar 11, 2018.

  1. Marion06

    Marion06 Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    A decrease in sexual drive is a known side effect of fasting. A calorie rich diet increases sexual drive, especially if it is high in high-glycemic index food like sugar, honey, dried fruits, chocolate etc.
    Men were not meant to eat sugars all year long. In the past, during the winter, food was scarce, men got lean and engaged less frequently in sexual activities (as is evident from ancient writings).
    Keeping a diet low in calories, low in high-glycemic index foods and high in nutrients supporting the nervous system (meat, green leaves etc.), would help in stopping porn use.

    Deleted Account and diogo431509 like this.
  2. diogo431509

    diogo431509 Fapstronaut

    You have no idea.

    No. This is bullshit. What writings are you referring to.

    Again, you have no idea. I had high sexual drive even when I was starving or sick.

    If your intentions are good, I apologize for writing in such a dry manner, but I think it would be more useful to help our female friends. We have low support for girls on reboot here.
  3. diogo431509

    diogo431509 Fapstronaut

    I support the idea of eating healthier, and not abusing flour, sugar and processed food. I know so little about vegan I had to research to answer you.

    source: Wikipedia - Veganism

    I think if you want to be vegan you have to be careful and plan it well.
  4. Marion06

    Marion06 Fapstronaut

    It wouldn't be good. High index glycemic foods increase sexual desire. The raw vegan diet is low in B vitamins and minerals.
  5. Definitely going vegan was one of the best steps I have ever taken, alongside with Nofap! Can highly recommend it to anyone, the thing is, you just have to get more creative with cooking :). Since I've gone vegan, my meals have become way more varied than when I was (heavy) meat eater.. just because I am way more conscious and creative with my food now. Before, I could not imagine a life without meat and eggs (never been a big fan of dairy), but now it the most easy thing to not eat meat, I don't miss it a second anymre.
    I start the day with a fresh raw juice (different fruits & vegs). The main meal, for example, I cook potatoes & cauliflower, afterwards I bake them... cook some vegs.. take some nuts & beans, a veggie burger, alongside with some humus, use some spices, herbs and some sauces... etc. there are so many options!!
    I think you can compare NoFap with going vegan in a few ways... at first it seems impossible, but then later it becomes more easy, and you know you are doing the right thing, you feel more energy, more benefits, a different consiousness almost... well not almost, the way I think now, compared to the way I was fapping and eating meat all the time, is definitely different. Good luck on your journey !
  6. Marion06

    Marion06 Fapstronaut

    There may be other factors that influence the effect of calorie restriction on the sexual drive:
    1. Sleep: If one sleeps less together with lowering calories, the effect may be to increase the sexual drive. In spring for example people lower their calorie intake and have increased sexual drive at the same time. If you sleep more (or rest more during the night if you can't sleep), and lower the calories, the effect could very well be to decrease the sexual drive (similarly to hibernation which lowers sexual activity in seasonal animals).
    2. Weight status: If you are overweight, the calorie restriction could have a temporarily effect of increasing sexual drive, until you achieve normal weight. When you approach underweight territory the sexual drive would begin to get lower under the effect of calorie restriction.
    3. Starving puts the brain into survival mode and it speeds reproduction efforts, increases sexual drive. Slow calorie restriction (happening during many months) would not signal as a survival risk.

    It is true that women are more susceptible to the effect of calories on sexuality. Men may be more susceptible to the effect of stress. But than, men would need a diet that is conductive to good sleep, less stress.
    In populations living on calorie restricted diets (third world countries, concentration camps) sexual addictions do not seem to be much of a problem.
  7. Marion06

    Marion06 Fapstronaut

    If it works for you in the long term, good for you. But, many people can follow the vegan style diet only for some months before they begin to go sleepless and get tired from the overdrive caused by too many carbs .
    Sugar causes a dopamine release in the brain similar to the drugs and fapping. Raw food juices probably act similarly. So, you are replacing one dopamine booster with another. The brain will continue to be overworked.
    You seem to have cut out grains. The increased food diversity you are experiencing may be rather due to that,than the meat,because gluten,found in many grains, is addictive.
    Vegan would work better in hot countries and during the hot season.
  8. If you go vegan, you dont have to eat too many carbohydrates.. right... there are many plant based foods which are low in carbs, and high in different kind of nutrients. There is a lot about the subject on youtube if you wanna know more about it.
    I havent cut out grains, i was just giving one example where i mentioned eating potatoes, but i definitely also eat grains. I practially eat all edibles, as long as it's vegan, and the fun part was that i tried so many different foods which i've never tried before (didnt even know what they were.. now i have tried all the vegs they sell at the local supermarket at least once) instead of eating the same kind of dead animals all the time..
    Marion06 likes this.
  9. andiwahyudi

    andiwahyudi Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. I've found that caloric reduction is helping with the urge to 'take matters into hand'. I'm trying to eat less than 1,800 calories (~4,500kj) a day and wouldn't say I've had any real desire. This could be based on any number of factors, but my suggestion would be to give it a try and see how it works for you.
    Marion06 likes this.
  11. Marion06

    Marion06 Fapstronaut

    Some good knowledge on the issue must also have the monasteries. Their members aim to limit sexual desire. According to historian Caroline Bynum, “Many patristic [early Christian, from c. AD 100 to either AD 451 or to the 8-th century] writers associated food with lust and urged abstinence as a method of curbing sexual desire. John Cassian, writing for monks in the early fifth century, said: ‘It is impossible to extinguish the fires of concupiscence (strong sexual desire) without restraining the desires of the stomach.”

    Herbert Shelton, noted in one of his books about fasting:

    "Carrington found that all the fasters he questioned said that sexual intercourse during a prolonged fast
    becomes a practical impossibility "after the first few days." As he points out this "impotency" is merely a
    temporary suspension of the sexual function, for "the function returns, in its full vigor and force, together
    with hunger." He points out that this lack of sexual vigor is almost invariably present, irrespective of the
    vigor of the faster, which may be increased, but that sexual vigor returns together with hunger and before
    any food has been ingested. It is true, as he points out, that many cases of impotency of years' standing,
    and female sterility, are frequently remedied by fasting."
  12. Marion06

    Marion06 Fapstronaut

    Shelton also noticed exceptions to the rule:

    "Reduced or absent sexual desire and relative sterility form the rule in fasting men and women, but this is
    by no means an invariable rule. Mr. Johnson, whose fast will be mentioned later, was neither impotent nor
    sterile during a forty days' fast I supervised for him. One of my women patients was annoyed as much by
    sexual desire while fasting as while eating. Another was so annoyed by such desire, we were forced to
    break the fast. Desire ceased after eating was resumed."
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. It means that you don't have enough knowledge on fruitarianism