Unhealthy compulsions are costing me sleep and money

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by tpr471, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. tpr471

    tpr471 New Fapstronaut

    I was directed here from another site; here's my situation:

    The problem I'm having is that I can't stop thinking about pleasuring and worshipping someone, to the point that I'm distracted, and I get so excited (my heart races) and can't even sleep at night; this problem has persisted for a few weeks now. It started when I bought some NSFW photos/videos from someone on Reddit. Since then, I've spent even more on similar content from other users. I even went so far as to ask some users if they'd be willing to sell pictures/videos of themselves.

    I then started posting personal adds looking for someone to fool around with, in hopes of finding an attractive/fit guy to give oral. Thankfully, pretty much everyone that responded was a good 15-20 years older than me, not at all the kind of guy I was looking for, and creepy enough to turn me off of the idea entirely. There was a point where I was going back and forth deleting and reposting ads. I'd decide it was crazy, then the compulsion would come back and I'd post one again.

    Most recently, I was ready to spend money ($250 Canadian) on an escort. I decided to rub one out, and in my clarity, I realized that this needs to stop - I've already spent $200+ on nsfw content (and I don't make a ton of money, I should add), and was ready to drop even more. What's worse is that I was putting myself out there, not for intimacy per se, but just to pleasure some random stranger.

    Ever since I bought that first video on reddit, its all kind of gone downhill, and I need out. I still like masturbation as an outlet to deal with stress between work and school, but this obsession is something else, and its hurting my wallet, my concentration, and quite frankly, and I want it to stop before it worsens. I've simmered down in the time that I've thought this through and written this, but I don't want these compulsion to do any more damage
  2. I can relate to a degree. Ive spent several hundred on dvds, and subscriptions to porn sites. And like you my addiction had sent me to the point of trying to convince my best friend (who was also openly into porn as well) to meet up with me for some mutual M while watching porn. He never took me up on it luckily because eventually i had the desire to want to perform oral on him. I had never had gay tendencies, i blame it on the progression of porn. Crazy what it will make you do.