Turn your Eyes upon Jesus

For Fapstronauts of the Protestant Christian faith.

  1. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Helen Lemmel wrote the following hymm:

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus
    Look full in his wonderful face
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of his glory and grace

    Life is getting tough. Gas prices are rising and food prices are going through the roof. But whatever problem you are facing today, the answer is the same. When we look upon Jesus our problems grow strangely dim. Today was a big mess for me, but I spent time in prayer. Now I am coping by thinking about heavenly things. Turning our eyes on Jesus means putting Him first. Keeping Him in our thoughts. When Peter kept his eyes on Jesus he could walk on water. When he focused on the physical world, he sank. When I focus on Jesus I see the Truth. Today's bad events are merely a speck in the million years of my life.

    Lastly, is something in your life taking you far from Jesus. What can you change to bring your eyes back upon Jesus so that you can live the abundant life?
  2. maak to

    maak to Fapstronaut

    What takes me away from Christ is usually self-pity. Today for example, I woke up fine after a clean night, but within minutes, before I could even get started with prayer and study, I was overwhelmed with a feelings of helplessness and envy. The voice of the devil through my flesh whispered that I was wasting my healthy manhood and my thoughts went to all the men who "at least have a wife" and I was jealous and felt frustrated. I wake up early to worship but it is not at all in my nature, I am a night owl. I am vulnerable in the morning.

    I used to fall to self-pity almost all the time and it lasted for years. When I would indulge in self-pity I would experience an emotional crisis, it would sometimes last for weeks or months. The crisis could come for something as simple as meeting a man (usually a Christian) who had something I admired or wanted like physical features or friends or posessions. One time I met a brother who was traveling through Europe on his motorbike and I had a crisis that lasted for months.

    It is only until very recently that the Holy Spirit convinced me that it was a sin (envy or coveting). I always thought coveting had to do with spying on your neighbor's wife... Well I am glad the Lord allowed me to see clear and repent.

    The way self-pity worked in me is that it would lead to an emotion of sharp pain (I physically felt it) and a feeling of rejection (that overwhelmed me within seconds). It then lead to the idea that God was unfair or found pleasure in hurting me. I have repented of those.

    Today was different. I believe I have dodged such attacks lately but today I was made aware of the mechanism. I applied what I have learned from God through many crises: I turned to Christ. I thanked him for the countless single men in the Bible and prayed he encourages other single brothers in Christ, I asked him to renew my mind and to give me his love for the Father whom he never stopped to love or called unfair even on the Cross.

    Praise the Lord he has prepared a way and that way has nothing to do with our own efforts to attain holiness but rather with our faith in the Word of God where we learn what he has done for us and what he promises he will do until we are reunited with him.

    The hymn you posted was my hymn for last night. It is one of my many favorites. I especially love this part:

    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of his glory and grace

    It is exactly what happens with sin and with worldnliness. They grow awkwardly bizarre in our heart :)

    PS. Thank you for faitfhully posting for a long time in this group. Your articles are centered on the doctrines of Grace and very refreshing. The Lord keep you dear brother.
  3. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your kind words. Self-pity always did me in in the past. Now I am focusing on God's will when life gets tough. Honestly, if someone had told me 5 years ago that life could be really good, I would have thought they were exaggerating. But it can happen.