Trying to break the cycle

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Steward, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Steward

    Steward Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'm Steward and I'm an addict.

    I'm in my fourties, happily married, father. This month would have marked the 20th anniversary of my PMO addiction and PIED. In late July I decided to not let that happen and for the past 38 days I've abstained from PM, but not O, as my wife and me have a fulfilling physical relationship - thanks to PDE5 blockers. There are some aspects to my story that might be helpful for others to reflect on, so I'll try to write it up at some point, but just now I don't have the time. What I can tell at this point is, though, that I very consciously take the decision not to give in when I feel the urge to PM and I reflect a great deal on why I would have PM'd in critical situations.

    slapdad jones and Lone_Wolf like this.
  2. slapdad jones

    slapdad jones Fapstronaut

    Hello Steward,
    I have a very similar story, father, married, healthy relationship etc. Issues with PM for 30 years and trying to change the story. I have 7 years sober as I am also an Alcoholic. If I can do that than I can do this. I'm four days without PM and decided that I'm going to go the month of September without.
  3. Steward

    Steward Fapstronaut

    I wish you the strength you need to succeed. Have you considered going without PMO without indefinitely? What are your plans for October and beyond?

    Take care,
  4. slapdad jones

    slapdad jones Fapstronaut

    Hey Stu,
    Thanks for the well wishes. Ive no plans for beyond this month at present. I'm hopeful that it will extend itself organically. I have been blessed that when I decided to stop drinking, I (up to this point) just stopped. I wasn't in a position to go week to week and month to month. I made the decision and it has stuck for these last many years. I know that this habit that we all share presents a multitude of problems and that it is harmful on any number of levels. It would be counter productive to allow it to continue. So to that end I will do my best to stay focused and not allow myself even a hint of p-sub or whatever trigger happens to be presented to me from moment to moment. It has been difficult and I was miserable this weekend. Moody, depressed and tough to be around. The psychological effects are mystifying to me, that they can have this kind of after effect. So it is with some degree of curiosity that I regard all of this fallout and keep it at arms length if youll pardon the pun.
    Good luck to you as well.