Trying my best to kick this

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by persuasivedoor, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. persuasivedoor

    persuasivedoor New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone!

    I've been addicted to porn for a majority of my life. And I have noticed that it affects my sex life and my view on women. So I have decided to stop.

    I did not start today, I have been making progress for about a month now. So my weekdays are almost always easy enough to get through.

    I have however not survived a weekend so far.....

    I have been looking through some posts where people had the same issue, the problem is that my triggers are deeply ingrained into my own process of relaxing after my work weeks.... Any tips would be appreciated.

    Any way!
    I'm hoping that talking with people here will help me reach my first 30 days!
  2. Welcome aboard!

    Boredom seems to cause some people issues with PMO. I believe that can be replaced with something new to do, something to try. Usually, taking on a new hobby is a good place to start. There is always an option of joining a community of some sort to help keep you busy.

    All the best on your journey! Keep fighting the good fight, and own your recocery!