Trying again with support?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by 43133oh, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. 43133oh

    43133oh Fapstronaut

    Hi all,
    I'm 27 and have had this addiction to porn for 12-13 yrs, been so long i can't remember, when dial up entered the house I guess. I have had two failed marriages because of my porn addiction and have finally had enough after being to scared of the latest girl I dated. I did have once the chance to experience sex normally in a summer romance after living and and working with a couple of friends in a hostel in France where we shared a 14 bed dorm, 9 months of that and then coming to the states for that summer romance showed me how it could be but I didn't understand what had made it so amazing. I thought it was her until this year. Now I relize fapping and porn have ruined sex for me and relationships, my memory, concentration and I have depression at times cos of it. Last month I was up to 4 times a day, managed to date a girl and couldn't perform. Now its time to change all that so From tomorrow I will keep a blog. Currently on day 7... 23 is the most I have ever managed. I'm going for at least 3 months then I am going to try to re introduce dating into my life again. I hope this works this time.
  2. andres puertas

    andres puertas Fapstronaut

    I understand what you feel, in some way it happened to me as well.
    First I don`t think I have PM addiction but I have to admit that this habit has changed my mind in a negative way, I have had the chance to date some beautiful girls and probably to have sex with them but the masturbation took away all the desire for women... When my desire came back I tried to contact the girls but as soon as masturbated againg I lost interest again and finally girls also lost interest in me. The worst part is that I have some sex issues, this happened when I wanted to have sex with a prostitute I was so nervous that I ejaculated in less than a minute, this event is still present in my mind and doesn't let me to enjoy sex.. I rejected some women who wanted to have sex with me because I feel afraid of lasting less than a minute...
    Yeah it`s something hard to get over but I think all is our mind. If we can change our mind we can overcome our problems.
    Hopefully sharing my experience can help you a little to see that we are not alone in this fight.
    Good luck