#triggered... but not like you think

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Dragonnlife, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Dragonnlife

    Dragonnlife Fapstronaut

    This is my 3rd time rebooting and previously I've had streaks of 14 & 16 days. I'm hoping to make it to 21 this time. I've been triggered so many times in the past 4 days but not to fap. Mostly just catch myself seeing some girl not wearing a bra or something and start fantasizing like crazy. It's an obsession for me to re-see what I saw and sink myself in the memory. This will go on for like 10-15 minutes after it happens. Also discovering some serious lows lately. Wondering if any one has had experiences with these things and what you did to move past them? Thanks
  2. the point of NoFap, is that you don't give up, you don't get angry and upset with your self, just start over, that is all there is to it.
    it is not like you wanted to , so don't be hard on your self.
    Dragonnlife likes this.
  3. favre4ever

    favre4ever Fapstronaut

    I agree don't give up but also DO NOT make excuses to fail. None of us are on this to fail! The best remedy is to simply put your mind to something else. Now I know it's easier said than done... But you just have to do it. No excuses, not for me anyways.
    Dragonnlife and Smartboyj like this.
  4. Dragonnlife

    Dragonnlife Fapstronaut

    @yukon @favre4ever thanks, that definitely helps. I've been tough on myself for sure as of late so it's good to a get a healthy reminder otherwise. Also I'm totally game for no excuses! It gets people no where just like complaining
    favre4ever and Deleted Account like this.