Trans porn and Hardcore stuff

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by lildn666, Jul 23, 2020.

  1. lildn666

    lildn666 Fapstronaut

    First im sorry for my english.So i have HOCDfor a year now but it decreased recently but also i started watching trans porn and some very hardcore straight porn.I am not very comfortable with watching trans porn and i dont like what i see but i cant just stop.I escaleted to trans porn very recently.(i viewed before but not as much as now)And also i am watching very hardcore straight porn.I was very close to beat HOCD because i really desire women emotionally and sexually.But this stuff confuses my brain.Yeah emotionally im very straight and i think sexually im straight but idk.How can i get rid off from porn?I tried 20 times.But my max was 5 days without PMO.At this point im hopelless.I feel like a freak.(at this moment im nothing but a freak theres no explanation.)So guys please help me beat this stuff.I need your advices.Thanks a lot.
  2. The best thing I guess would be to identify what devices you use to view P and start from there. I would work towards cutting back and cutting out these devices and limiting your access to P. For example, if you have an Iphone or Ipad, the best thing to do would be to set up screentime and prevent yourself from accessing the internet or installing P-related apps. By first limiting your access, you're willpower can take over and have an easier time fighting against urges.
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