Tips and tricks for dealing with temptation/dealing with delayed ejaculation?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, May 15, 2017.

  1. Hey, i'm new to this nofap thing and I could use some help

    My question is simple, what do you guys do (specificly) to deal with the temptation?

    For better advice I can explain my particular situation: Im 18 and as every teenage boy, Ive been jacking off to porn all my teenage years. One year ago i started getting laid and found out that I couldnt climax in bed with real girls, because of my bad habits with porn (a condition called delayed ejaculation of a psychological nature) . Recently i found out about nofap and decided to do something about my problem. I started trying to abstain but I could only take one week or less of nofap, in my opinion because I lacked the motivation (it was a time when i wasnt seeing any girls).
    A few weeks ago, I discovered that in the 19th of May I was withouth a doubt going to get laid, (I wont explain why for personal reasons) so I started doing the nofap again for trying to be able to climax in the d day (19th May). I spent 3 weeks without touching myself, and it felt great: I felt more energetic, with an amazingly intense sex drive, more sexual desire, more social, more motivated to do everything from hobbies to obligations, more amazed by my everyday life, in a way I even felt more "alive" than normal. Yesterday, I couldnt take it anymore, however, and gave in to the temptation. Now I feel like sh*t, very depressed, and I dont know what to do.

    So I ask again, what motivates you to do nofap? What tricks do you use? I could really use some help
  2. w95chris

    w95chris Fapstronaut

    Well if you are feeling like shit then good for you.No i am not joking i really hope you remember how awful you felt after giving in to the temptation.I remember how awful i felt after M and that is one of the reasons i stopped.

    Now about the tactics i use.Well the first thing i did was delete all pictures and videos of p from my PC and smartphone.Then i set up an add-on on Chrome and Firefox to block all p websites i visited.Then i just controlled myself.When the urges came i just did not pay attention and they faded away.Sound easy but it is not,at least in the first 10 days anyway because after that it just becomes easier day by day

    You can do it.You just have to have the will and the strength to carry on and i know you do.And remember to get rid of that habit you must replace it with another one that does no harm to yourself
    silenteagle likes this.
  3. Thank you man, I guess it is good (in this context) to be feeling like shit. One thing that also motivates me is the way i felt on those 3 weeks of NoFap. I actually dont have any porn saved on my computer, and even tough i gave in yesterday i didnt use porn, I actually dont watch porn in a month or more, so thats a start I guess. I also have lots of hobbies, and like you said, it is good to have those habits to fill my head with. Thanks for the tips, for the encouragement, and contragulations for your 76 days!
    w95chris likes this.
  4. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Ideally, one finds other things to do. Sometimes I will force myself to get out of the house.

    Read about what changes your body will be going through. Once you go through each stage, it will cause less anxiety, which is a defense against the temptations.
  5. You will have successes and failures .. the failures will magnify your successes and also magnify the pain.. I know when I relapse I feel like the lowest person on the face of the earth.: in stark contrast to when I'm on long streaks I feel so amazing and unstoppable .. stay strong .. you can do it !