Thoughts on Steam's new Nintendo Switch competing console Steam Deck?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Happy Gnome, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. Do you think it will be successful? How successful? Do you think it will approach the Switch in sales? Are you interested in picking up one? Share your thoughts!
    CarP likes this.
  2. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    I reserved the $500 model. The Switch is my only console bc I can only game on the fly, and to be honest the quality of its games are sometimes quite bad, even Nintendo ones. Of course there’s Zelda and Mario, Metroid, Fire Emblem etc., and the awesome SNES emulator, but you have to wait quite awhile between games for something quality to come out if you’re of the opinion that games like Pokémon Snap 2 are low quality (I am).

    Half-Life and Civ 4 on the fly is worth it to me. I’m also invested heavily in AMD microchips on the stock market so I really hope they nail this. Lots of potential with Steam’s backlog, i do hope there’s a way of sorting junk and broken games from good ones.
    CarP likes this.
  3. people will be mostly excited, then it dies out for a few years and then it becomes "nostalgic" and "retro"
    helloguyz and gordie like this.
  4. I hope the competition with another mobile gaming console on the market with a massive library will encourage Nintendo to improve the Switch 2's capabilities. I mean, c'mon, we just got the Switch OLED model and everyone was expecting a graphic upgrade but, no, we didn't get one because Nintendo just likes being Nintendo and not doing what everyone expects them to do. TBH the Switch is really struggling to keep up with the games being played on it: adaptive low-res resolution, the myriad frame-rate issues, pop-in issues, etc. We really need a more capable Switch but are we going to get one? No. Well, maybe with this competition we will.

    Another related topic- I wonder if gaming studios will be less likely to port their games to the Switch now that their is another mobile alternative- one in which they don't even have to spend development money for a port if there game is already on Steam. There have been great ports on the Switch with Witcher 3 and Doom, but of course they make sacrifices for the Switch's lower capabilities and I feel that most people feel like if they have the option they would rather play the game on a more capable platform. The mobility is what sold them, and now since Nintendo doesn't have a monopoly on that, I wonder if studios will be less likely to port.

    I like all the main titles in those series (except Metroid which hasn't come out yet)- though I thought Fire Emblem looked horrible like a Playstation 2 game. Nintendo can get away with that though because people want to play the newest games in their most beloved series. Nintendo owning some of the most famous IPs in the game industry and exploiting that nostalgia factor is what gets consoles off the shelves and allows people to forgive the console for being underpowered.

    Yeah with Steams backlog being so massive I think this console will do well. It's probably the best value you can get for buying a new console- and you can play all the games you already have on your Steam account.
    CarP and gordie like this.
  5. skyrimfanpaul

    skyrimfanpaul Fapstronaut

    I heard of it, SomeOrdinaryGamer talked about it in a vid on youtube. I haven't got the cash for it. if i had that money I'd get a Gaming pc as I want to play Skyrim modded on pc someday, and even have to ambition to make a mod someday I hope. for now I am saving for a switch lite second-hand from a store Called CeX, will get it in December , Skyrim i just bought the switch version for nostagia, andwill get breath of the wild and animal crossing.
    CarP and gordie like this.