This Issue Needs Addressing

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Enim, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. Enim

    Enim Fapstronaut

    Hello Everyone,

    OK i've seen this site few times and researched on addiction, but not considered myself that "critical" or ill enough to ask for help here. Denial?

    Age: 27
    Fap Frequency Avg: 1
    Reason to address the issue: I met this girl recently that I like a lot, see a future with her
    • Once I start thinking about sex it's near impossible to stop. Even when I forget about it working, doing activities, it soon again boils to the surface. It's hard to concentrate or fall asleep without the fap, at least sleep is much better after the fap.
    • When I see hot girls, dressed sexy I get horny (sex horny). I'd like to appreciate their beauty instead. One part of my body is saying enjoy the view, the other wants to f***. And it's nothing close to 50/50, more like 95/5.
    • I have a lot of good looking female friends who are smart and spending time with them is great. But imagination drifts sooner or later. I want to respect them fully, sure also give them compliments about good looks when appropriate, but these XES thoughts must go away.
    • Tried 2-3 day NoFap periods occasional, recently even went 7 days. All to no avail, felt better for few hours, then back to crappy mood.
    • I consider(ed) myself a sexual person, enjoying sex, having fun in bed, new positions... (Who doesn't I guess)
    • I'm all about being strong, leading the way, flirting with women, but I want to do it right. In a way that everybody gets respect.
    • Intimate (non obsessive) sexual relationship with a girlfriend
    • Great friendly (with a touch of flirting) friendships with female friends
    • So what is this actually, my state that I described above:
      • is it normal male reaction?
      • is it porn addiction?
      • am I worrying for no reason?
      • aliens abducted me?
      • ...
    Thank you for taking the time to read this and your thoughts

    Appreciate all your work on the NoFap
  2. You need to read up on sexual transmutation. This is where you direct your sexual energy into other things. Realise that sexual energy is just as it says. An energy. It's a powerful energy that needs to be channelled into other areas of your life. The Eastern world and the Taoists know a lot about this, which unfortunately most of the Western world does not. You can allow that sexual energy to transmute into the brain and become more self aware and intelligent. They call this semen retention. Conserving the semen is also good for your health and organs as well as many other things.

    I am currently reading a book called "Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia.

    I'm going to have to be honest with you. All of the things you've described here shows that you have a porn induced way of thinking towards women. I suggest that you jump on the reboot bandwagon immediately. At the end of the day, women are not sex objects. This is what we at the nofap community understand and realise. Many on this site describe the same symptoms about themselves. It's nothing new. What you have described is honestly just basic addiction to women and sex. Porn does this to our brain. Porn causes us to see women in only sexual ways. We were not born like this. We were born pristine, but by the time we are teenagers, we have absorbed so much mud into our souls. Porn really is poison, man. This is just the reality of it.

    What you have described is far from "normal male reaction". This is porn addiction, but the good thing, is that you are in the right place. All you need to do is begin rebooting and you'll be good as new. It's honestly that simple.

    Abstain from PMO = Become a brand new man.
    KingRecover17 likes this.
  3. Diesel74

    Diesel74 Fapstronaut

    To me, you sound like a perfectly normal, healthy 27 year old. Its always a good idea to remove porn from your life. If I were you, I would try to limit my fapping sessions to once or twice a week. Beware though, Nofap does gradually cause guys to start to lose interest in sex...and women in general. Not exactly helpful if your single wanting a relationship.
  4. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    You need to get in touch with your inner IDGAF.

    What you want is smooth relationships with women without being overly attached to them or being too afraid of what they think. Or --- self-respect. Confidence.

    Not GAF will get you what you're looking for. Cutting the porn is obvious, that's the foundation.

    I recommend you look up PUA materials, but take them with a grain of salt.

    The root of all of it is essentially this: women love a man that's strong, that they can respect, that doesn't cave when she challenges him, that isn't abusive.

    Ultimately when we get mixed signals from women, they are really talking about a blend of qualities for their "perfect man".

    Nice, but assertive. Doesn't take shit, but isn't an asshole. Capiche?

    I must admit, I didn't understand female nature until researching it for a LONG time.

    I wouldn't be too worried about respect. As long as you're admired by the women in your life, you have their respect. That's definitely something you're over analyzing about. Self-control man, just pay attention to what you say.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  5. Enim

    Enim Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the book, started reading already. Heard about the transmutation before, but found no specific instructions how to do it, this might just be it.

    Going to seriously study this and report back.

    That says it all, but i don't have problem with attracting women.

    What concerns me is how much to press for sex, to have balanced relationship. Without limitation, I'd have sex 2 times/day, morning & evening.

    Is that normal, too much? Perhaps better question would be "is it healthy?". Normal/vast majority of people do it like rabbits whenever they feel like it, no controls applied whatsoever.

    Even without Orgasm (ideally with transmutation), what is a healthy frequency to put the thing into the hole? And rather just cuddle on other days.

    Thank you for all the answers
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  6. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    That's up to you. If you feel it's unhealthy, then for you, it probably is. My personal belief is that the Taoists are right. The best balance for a man in his twenties is once every 4 days or so, if he wants to keep his strength, thirties once a week, etc, etc.

    It depends on how much it's interfering with your life to make that determination.
  7. Davepl

    Davepl Fapstronaut

    Some weeks my wife and I will have sex 5-6 times a week... We've been married for 12 years... It's all about what is best for both you and your partner. Making sure both of your needs are met and that neither are uncomfortable in the relationship... Talk with her. Are you going to be monogomus with her? Does she know that? If you told her you looked at porn would she be glad you did and would it be healthy for your relationship? For me personally porn I feel should not be looked at by anyone period... That's a 15+ year porn addict talking to ya... As far as masturbation you need to ask yourself is it contributing to a healthy relationship? Or your own personal mental health... For me masturbation is out of the question right now because it makes me think of porn that I have watched every time. I'm still very sexually active with my wife. Someday I would like to think I will be able to masturbate without my mind wanting to crave porn but honestly I don't think it will ever happen...
  8. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    NoFap has caused some guys to lose interest in sex temporarily... I have yet to see someone who flatlined after doing a 90 day reboot, that stayed flatlined. Maybe it is the reverse "reviews" type of mentality, people who get bad results just say screw it and are gone where the good ones stay to tell their tale, I don't know.
    I am right there with you. I had previous before NoFap gotten to 50 or 60 days, then fapped thinking I was fine and porn wasn't a issue. With in 1 week, I was proven wrong.
  9. Diesel74

    Diesel74 Fapstronaut

    After my reboot, my sex drive lowered significently. But, in all fairness, that was the idea. Before, I fapped everyday, sometimes, multiple times. Lately, its been steady at once every 7-10 days. Im not flatlined, just disinterested.

    That sounds about right to me. Could you provide a link. Im curious about frrquency in 40s and beyond.
  10. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    Fair enough. But yes I agree with you, it was the idea. To make our sex drive more controllable. Sorry for the confusion.
  11. Enim

    Enim Fapstronaut

    Short update, going trough withdrawal crappy feeling, mind craving for a shortcut and justification to break the NoFap attempt.

    Reasons to not go jump the closes girl right now...
    1. Anger/disappointment to be affected by this to such a degree
    2. Feeling a responsibility to you guys here, taking one for the team
    3. Not chopping my wiener off, as I promised myself I'd rather do
    Other than that, shower helps and to get occupied with anything else. Reading a book out loud works, if somebody needs idea. It steals/requires your complete mental focus and there's some bonus in that, you're growing neurons and practicing voice.

    Rocking on to the promise of bright future.

    I honestly miss the flatline feeling, just for a few days, it's like taking a vacation!!!

    Last year I made a long 1mo trip, traveling with a (male) friend. Busy schedule made NoFAP really easy, for 3 weeks!!! I felt no withdrawal, that I can remember off. Seldom used PC or TV, spent most of the days outside sightseeing, going to the library and read.

    ... Until I downloaded one of the porn tube apps to do the deed in the bathroom. Naturally I was angry to do it, but then !!! I lost the interest to do any more sightseeing, almost needed to force myself to leave the apartment, didn't want to go the library and didn't even want to read anything on my Kindle.

    Never put 1+1 together like this. I thought PMO is NORMAL, but guessing NORMAL != (not equal) to what most people do.

    Thank you everyone
  12. Enim

    Enim Fapstronaut

    Day #4
    Horrible morning to say the least, even in the absence of porn, the mind porn (influenced by web porn) kicked in and had a battle with me, I barely escaped badly wounded. If it wasn't for the NoFap community, you guys here, I'd do it today, i had few very good arguments in favor of that.

    In the afternoon decided for a nap, after that I feel flat-lined and happy, fully aware of the battles yet to come, we'll see what tomorrow brings. But at least I feel good in the later part of the day, a feeling long forgotten and much appreciated.

    Thank you everyone
  13. Enim

    Enim Fapstronaut

    Has this happened to anyone else? Interesting observation today...

    I'm determined to cut porn, but wanted to Fap without it.

    Couldn't do it, felt horny, but imagining was not activating the lower center, I became disinterested and gave up the idea.