Things to talk about to my mental health professionals that are helping me.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by J053H32n4nd32, Dec 20, 2020.

  1. J053H32n4nd32

    J053H32n4nd32 Fapstronaut

    I'm more addicted to porn on my MacBook Pro then my iPhone XR. Masturbating and watching porn put me in the mood to have oral sex with bananas. I shot a video on my iPhone in 2017 of me jumping up and down on a chair when I was naked. If I never masturbaited or watched porn, I would have never had oral sex with bananas. I live with the pain of regret. I regret touching myself and watching porn.
    brazy likes this.
  2. Trust me i have done way worse things then deep throating bananas, you cannot let your past mistakes bind you, the point of the past is to learn from it and not to repeat it.
  3. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    Beating yourself up won't help. Guilt won't help. Instead, decide if you want to quit and why. This is very important. The "why" will help motivate you to eliminate the addiction. Then take action. Delete all porn, porn-related files, and porn bookmarks from all your devices. Then change your search engine from Google to Swisscows. I know, that's a funny name for a search engine. I didn't name it. Still, Swisscows is family-friendly and when you search on there, it will show no results from any sites related to porn. You can find Swisscows at Then install porn blockers on all your computers. All of this will show your mind that you are completely done with porn. Then find hobbies or activities to do in the time you used to allot to watching porn and fapping. Today I'm at 60 days and feeling great. I am going to continue until I can look at women in my life as something other than porn substitutes. Watching porn for 30+ years has twisted my mind into thinking of women as tits, ass, and legs. I'm working on it though. Not only have I rejected porn for 60 days I haven't masturbated at all during that time. I suppose it helps that I'm old. I'm 59. Hope some of this helps.