Things to Remember "when things get hard"

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NebulousRiver, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. We are all constantly learning along this journey! Here are some thoughts I'd like to share with you. Perhaps it can help ground you or get you back into the right frame of mind.

    This post will never be complete, I plan to keep updating. :) I hope this can become a helpful resource for myself and you! Think of this as a special hybrid of a Q&A. Everything is original material otherwise you'll see a statement in quotes with the credited person attached to it.

    • PMO only has the power that you give it One "harmless" image has the power to shoot you back down into a deep dark pit with a pile of rocks caving in on you suffocating you to death. Don't peek, never ever, DO NOT even once - it will only hurt you.
    • Accept the thoughts and feelings that we will get urges, that we will feel sad sometimes and this isn't necessarily bad.
    • We can never let our guards down from this beast called PMO, it is not our friend, it is not our stress-reliever. Never ever underestimate its power.
    • Never forget what helped you rise out of a struggling moment. We must remember and remind ourselves so we can stay in a better mental state.
    • Emotions can run wild as we reboot - I'll take that as a sign that it is working. Flatline is a sign that your body is healing from the abuse of the past

    • PMO is a vicious pack of wolves looking to tear us a part the second it sees us
    • Never rationalize with PMO, it will ultimately lead to a relapse.
    • I wasn't who I could be, PMO stole the life from me
    • Drugs (including PMO) are just an escape from the inevitable - life is not easy, we just become stronger. We are designed to face challenge, and PMO brings zero challenge.
    • Just because you have pestering dirty images in your mind doesn't mean you are bad or should feel bad - this is your brain trying its best to seek its dopamine fix as the heavy use of porn in the past has caused this. Allow your mind heal without force, don't act on these small samples of crap you are given while telling yourself you'll check out just one picture. One picture will destroy you into a downwards spiral. Just because your mind gives you something, doesn't mean you need it.

    • "NoFap is like trying to quit smoking but you always have a packet of cigarettes in your pocket." - NoFap sub-reddit - AlexMiles101
    • Quick tip, avoid Instagram like the plague! If you see an image for more than a few seconds it could mean the difference between a relapse and another day of freedom.
    • We live in a hyper-sexualized world, from media to ethics surrounded us. Our friends, family, acquaintances indirectly say PMO is good and healthy, everyone does it! They tell us sex is good, sex is all you need - and how does that translate for most? Using porn. Guess what else? Smoking in the 1920s-1950s was deemed as normal and a way to cope with problems.. They smoked everywhere: inside, outside, in diners, restaurants, clubs, etc. Oh wait, then years later they found out it caused detrimental effects - just like PMO! Only listen to those here on NoFap, screw what the rest of the world is doing - they aren't happy.
    • Engaging in PMO is such a soul-consuming activity - We compromise everything that is good in our life. It is the source of all of our pain, it is the pain inflicting wounds upon us. NoFap is the natural medicine we need.

    • I like to remind myself that as I continue along the journey of NoFap I will better attract the woman that will gravitate to the great inner-strength obtained from no PMO.
    • Orgasm is for the sacred act of intimate relations with our partner. Nothing more nothing less.
    • The pain you feel today is the love she will feel tomorrow

    We can use our emotions to bring ourselves a step forward or a step back, it's solely our choice.

    Remember, every day you go without PMO is a day you become a stronger man - every day counts, every hour, every minute, every second. This is what transforms you to who you are and who you will be. The pain you feel is temporary and I believe anyone can rise above it if they have the right mind intact.[/SPOILER]
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
    AlphaGod and mr.mistakeful like this.
  2. Great job, keep up good work my friend
    NebulousRiver likes this.